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Posts posted by born2bkilled

  1. Hi!


    i am trying to make a belt as an armor add-on and i am having a real nightmare getting it to work. CTD when equipping the item, regardless of which slot i try to use. ( ive even been trying to use the BODY slot, just to get it working, but still nothing)


    i am using 3dsmax 2012 and somuch morpher, but it gives me weird shaped meshes when i try to change from heavy to light male before exoprting.

    So i have been using somuchmorpher just to rig and skin the belt properly with a pre made mesh for model_0 and model_1. (both made from the same model, just scaled and reshaped to make it smaller, so all the verts should be the same)


    ill admit, i know nothing about making armor, at all. and i have tried everything i can think of to make this work. ive tried all the different forum posts and tips about making sure all the dismemberment slots are right, but it still refuses to work. i am finding it very hard to get to grips with armor models and skinning.


    all i am after is a belt for male and female that works with the weight slider and uses an armor slot 44, or any slot that doesn't conflict with backpacks, cloaks or bandoliers. its not even a very good belt, just a chopped part of the thieves guild armor.


    if anyone is willing to have a look at these models for me, i would be forever grateful, and would give kudos and credit the helper in the mod release page.




    there is only the male models at the moment, if i can get a working set of male models, i can probably work out the female ones on my own.

    i just dont understand what is wrong with my meshes!


    Thanks in advance to anyone who helps, though i am not expecting a massive response. its not exactly fun work!

  2. I second this.


    im running somewhere around 200 mods, all the DLC and the high res texture pack, and i have NONE of the problems you describe.



    if you are going to use a lot of mods, you need to learn a bit about how the game handles mods and what you can do as the user to help prevent these kind of problems.


    don't just keep throwing random mods at your game and expecting it to work.

  3. i just noticed a strange bug.


    i have no map marker for morthal, the wording is still there when i hover the mouse over it, and i can still fast travel to it. so nothing is broken as such.....just an invisible map icon.


    has anybody heard of this occurring before? any specific mod that is widely known to do this?


    its not the end of the world but if there is an easy fix, please do tell



  4. it is an irritation, but it poses a dilemma.


    if your character holds his torch aloft in one hand, then draws a sword with the other, he no longer has control of the horse.


    at the moment, the character is holding the reins and a torch in the same hand, kind of a compromise i guess.

  5. ah but thats the best part, your character saves everyone by cleaning up skyrim (or takes over the racket but keeps it low key to still reap the vast monetary benefits of running a drug ring, whilst cleaning up the streets so addicts can only live in a controlled area of each hold).
  6. why not just expand on the skooma trade? its been around for over 700 years and there still isnt a a drug cartel controlling the supply and price of it! just a few weirdo's standing in the middle of nowhere, who are basically addicts.....<br><br>id love to see a mod where skooma becomes a huge problem in skyrim, with entire settlements becoming addicted, and the cartels moving in and starting turf wars.<br><br>basically make the tv series "The Wire" into a mod and replace the crack with skooma <img src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif"><br><br>EDIT: actually, a really horrible, dirty version of skooma would be better, made by non khajiits to try and replicate the high of skooma, but with really f****d up side effects. <div><br></div><div>this way you could still make the new drug and the ingredients needed to make it (i.e your red snake and red plant) and it fits well into the world of Tamriel. 


    </div><div><br></div><div>Im pretty sure you could come up with a better name for both the drug and the plant though, red snake sounds like an 80's aftershave <img src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif" alt=":D" class="bbc_emoticon"></div>

  7. Hello One and All.



    Could anybody direct me to a tutorial on how to rig an existing animal skeleton to a new mesh?

    in this case, i am using a slightly modified horse skeleton to make a pack mule.i have the mesh and the skeleton in 3dsmax, but i have no idea how to rig the skeleton to the new mesh!


    i normally do statc objct models, so im not used to using skeletons. :confused:




    thanks for any help you guys can bring.

  8. its the same as saying yes to all, except it stops when it gets to the next folder of items and asks you again what you would like to do.


    handy if you know you need to totally overwrite one folder, but keep one or two items in the next folder.

  9. as far as i know, alpha channels control which parts of the texture are visible, so editing the alpha channel in the normal map channels should delete any shine where you make it darker, black completely deletes the shine.


    this is the theory i operate on but i cant guarantee that it is correct, i'm no artist!

  10. i gave up on gimp and moved over to photoshop, using the dds plugins.


    using photoshop ive got a routine nailed. i know this doesnt help you with gimp, and im sure it is possible in gimp, i just couldnt get to grips with it.


    grab yourself a copy of photoshop and never look back!


    this is how i have been doing it...


    save as a dds.


    apply normal map filter


    save as normal map


    open BOTH the main and the normal map texture in photoshop


    lower the exposure of the main texture till it is almost completely darkened out.


    merge layers


    select all




    move over to the normal map texture you opened and select the CHANNELS tab next to LAYERS


    you should see RED, BLUE, GREEN, ALPHA


    select thew ALPHA image and paste the almost black image in here.


    save over the normal map texture


    close the main texture WITHOUT SAVING, done this too many times and ruined the whole texture!



    for me this gets me the results i want, adjusting the exposure rate to different levels with add more or less shine to the final normal map.



    you might be able to use some of this in GIMP but i dont think it works the same way :unsure:

  11. as far as i know the transform information is linked to a specific node at the hinge of the door on the mesh. rotating that node by 90 degrees to a horizontal position "should" rotate the starting position of the transformation as well.


    you just have to remember to connect all the links properly in nifskope. the transform data will have a target and a source. the source would be the root node "0" the target would be the trishape of the door i believe...... ill dig out the model i made and do a bit of research.


    but basically, yes. :biggrin:

  12. you may want to look at using an existing object as a skeleton to paste your exported mesh on to.


    i recently managed to use the orc end table, including the transform information, with my own tri strip data to make a different container that opens and closes with animations.


    its all done in nifskope, and it just takes a little knowledge of the way nifskope works to do it.


    is it a container you are making?

  13. that will teach me for relying entirely on the NMM update method!



    thanks for pointing this out guys, however i still feel hidden files on the nexus could benefit from a small message box with a reason for hiding the file.


    its not going to change the world, but it could be useful.

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