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Everything posted by thaimexico

  1. How am I supposed to kill the mage just inside this grotto. Even on the Easy setting, he will get injured, but not die and finally he just kills me. Suggestions? (I am level 93)
  2. Found I could teleport out to Skyrim, but not back to Summerset, even though I have a "Teleport Summerset". So, when one starts the mod, I guess you have to finish the mod?????
  3. Saw info on Nexus site for Nedhegoth, location near White Run. Am dl-ing it, but am interested if anyone has any comments, re suitability or conflicts. I only have Falskaar and Wyrmstooth as dls. Thanx.
  4. I am not a techie, but--perhaps--start another (new) account with NMM including different Username/Password and see if that helps (?)
  5. Just starting with mods, after playing vanilla (with many characters) since it came out. Have dl'ed Falskaar and Wyrmstooth and started latter. Am interested in Arena (something I loved in Oblivion and was disappointed not in Skyrim). Very few comments/reviews on it. Anyone have thoughts on it? And, does it cause any conflicts? (Author notes that it should be put at the top of the mods list--so, for me, I would be putting it above Falskaar and Wyrmstooth--again, all new to me) Thoughts appreciated. :blush:
  6. I want to dl Falskaar. Am signed in to Nexus. Have dl'd/installed NMM. I click on the Falskaar file and there is a message "token expired: insert longin credentials. I don't understand what I am to do, as Nexus notes my login "thaimexico" at the top. (I did dl the file for a manual install, but I am too stupid to figure out how to do that. So, I need help) Suggestions?
  7. Thanks for replying. Yes, my Skyrim is a Steam copy. NMM just downloaded automatically to whatever its folder is. So, I don't know if it is in the right folder. (I know, sounds kind of dumb. Any help appreciated).
  8. New to downloading, although I have played Skyrim for years. Signed up to Nexus (the free account) , downloaded and installed NMM. It did the scan and found Skyrim. So, I tried to DL a mod and got this message: "The protocol specified in this address is not valid. Make sure address is correct and try again." I don't understand what that means. MY address, the mod address? (Was it because I didn't pay, even though it said the downloads were free?) So, any help appreciated.
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