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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Fixed the issue myself. Due to having installed FO3 mods onto the same PC many years ago, the plugins file in AppData was still remembering those previous mods. I edited the file to include all my new mods, this caused them to remain checked allowing all my mods to be used. In future I'll have to edit each time I add (or remove) a mod. Not the greatest fix, but its working.
  2. I'm suffering from an unusual issue. NMM refuses to check my mods. Half of my mods are unchecked when I go back into NMM. A message appears saying "The selected plugin has been manually removed. Restart NMM or select again your game on the Game Change Mode to refresh the plugin list." This message appears everytime I check or uncheck an affected mod. Mods affected so far are EVE, WMK and FO3 Redesigned (Project Beauty). I've tried to find a fix, but have so far been unsuccessful. I've uploaded two Load Order txt files. LoadOrder_Fallout3_WISH.txt is the Load Order I want to use, and the one I input into NMM. However once I exit NMM, whether be refresh or by restarting the program the Load Order changes to the other txt file, LoadOrder_Fallout3_PROBLEM.txt. Is there anything I can do? Extra Information; -I can run the game, however only the Mods active in the ;LoadOrder_Fallout3_Problem.txt are active, even if I ticked them before starting FO3
  3. Well the Creation Kit is released in a few days. I bid all of you good luck. :)
  4. Glad to see this project has continued. I would love to see any type of development with the cities. Adding slum districts to the wall cities, Solitude, Windhelm, Markarth, Riften and Whiterun, and adding walls as shops to non walled cities. The small cities need to be enlarged to the same size of current large cities and the large cities just need to grow. There doesn't seem to be any natural growth. If you need help with city placement and growth I would be happy to help. However there is a difference to real-world urban sprawl and Skyrim urban-sprawl. :P
  5. This is being looked at in the mod titled Improving the Blades. Which is aimed at not only keeping Paarthurnax but continuing and developing the Blades story line. Here is the link: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/470021-improving-the-blades/
  6. Cannot wait for the release of this mod. January can't come quick enough. Until then Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid ul-Fitr and New Year, and for the Agnostic/Atheist, Happy Holidays.
  7. Search for Skyrim Realism via the Search tool. I believe it is in Skyrim Mod Talk, normally a highly talked about project. That is what you are probably looking for.
  8. Wizard - Erandur, A priest of Mara aiding Dawnstar. However he is linked to the Daedric Quest (Waking Nightmare) and can be killed by the player. Smith - Adrianne Avenicci, Smith at Whiterun. Quartermaster - Ulfberth War-Bear, owner and shop keep of Warmaiden's, as well as Adrianne's husband.
  9. This mod is really shaping up. Cannot wait for the Creation Kit to be released. The list Andy made was really good, and I agree with most points. Especially the Thalmor War issue, while I would love a mod that includes a war with them, I expect that Bethesda will make DLC for that. The list also avoids having an effect on lore. The Blades would naturally increase, especially after the defeat of Alduin. Though the Blades are no longer very secret considering that at the Negotiation Table in the main quest the Thalmor know who you work with.
  10. This is coming along nicely. I have little experience modding Bethesda games, only Total War and that is values not visual modding. I will be learning 3D modelling over the next month or so, but right now I can only help with play testing and possibly voice acting.
  11. I personally think, with Whiterun as an example, a lot of housing, a few pubs and stores should be added around Whiterun. The best positions would be along the farms and the brewery, as these spots are nearly 100% safe, meaning less scripting to protect the NPCs. It is also pretty flat allowing better integration and town planning. With Solitude the same can be complete but this time down to the Mill, and similar again for Windhelm. I think just by adding a poor district it will add a lot, as the cities really do lack that "real" factor like the the rest of Skyrim has. With these areas added, generic NPS's mainly Guards, Farmers, Beggars etc can then be added. I imagine most computers will be able to cope, if not then a wall could be added around the areas and the cities split into districts. This could even be done with existing cities to reduce work load for PCs.
  12. I personally think, with Whiterun as an example, a lot of housing, a few pubs and stores should be added around Whiterun. The best positions would be along the farms and the brewery, as these spots are nearly 100% safe, meaning less scripting to protect the NPCs. It is also pretty flat allowing better integration and town planning. With Solitude the same can be complete but this time down to the Mill, and similar again for Windhelm. I think just by adding a poor district it will add a lot, as the cities really do lack that "real" factor like the the rest of Skyrim has.
  13. I love the sound of this mod. I personally want to increase the size of the Blades, 6 when fully recruited is not enough, to the numbers of around 20+ Named characters and another 20+ generic. As said many times before Sky Haven Temple would an awesome home, it should be upgradable of course. However I would like the Blades to be able to side with the Empire. While I do agree the Empire is under the thumb of the Thalmor by the end of the Civil War Quest line it seems likely that the Empire will soon be going to war again with the Thalmor. It wouldn't surprise me if Bethesda release an Empire Vs Thalmor DLC. I would like to turn the Blades into the "Special Forces" of the Empire and eventually reinstate them as the guardians of the Empire. I also love the idea of eventually being able to change how the Empire is governed, personally I would change it towards a Democracy. Of course this mod could have serious lore problems, but that can be dealt with as DLC/Expansions are released etc Overall +1000000 :D
  14. This is something I would very much like to see. The "cities" aren't at all big enough. I think the minor settlements should be close to the size of Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm. And those cities should be doubled in size, due to their importance. They can hardly be called cities when they only have around 100 residents.
  15. This sounds great. I want to see an actual war rather than a petty tussle which is what it is currently. Some large random events could be added as well, and as said above some more interesting missions over than take this fort, blah blah blah!
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