COol moments? So far had to be killing the emperor. All that hard work and effort and as icing on the cake my character decapitated the bugger :P Was a great feeling of revenge after joining the stormcloak rebellion also. Shame i couldn't keep the head. Would make for a great trophy in my room in the Dark Brotherhood hideout. Had a scary run in yesterday with another char of mine, i modded the dragon fighting music with a heavy metal version of the Elderscroll theme and i was just walking out of whiterun minding my own business. It was a calm night, stars out nothing seemed wrong until out of nowhere i hear the shriek of a dragon torching me and the music starts up I swear i jumped 3 feet into the air before i recovered and unpaused the game. Thankfully the dragon got interested in a bunch of bandits a moment later. (I was only level 11 and my combat skills were rather pathetic) EDIT: Oh yeah, and discovering the console command cheat for sex changing npcs... White run is so screwed up... And Sabjorns first words when i saw him :D