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  1. Hello all. Im having a problem with Skyrim. I havn't played it that much but after downloading the beta for the new patch I have been getting two cursors appearing in my game right from launch. The windows one and the Skyrim one. They dont even follow one another, the windows one moves much faster. Any solutions? I run a dual monitor set up so im thinking this may be a factor but at the same time none of my other games seem to have this problem.
  2. Nope :-/ None of those worked. The undead buggers still ignore me
  3. Right so as the topic says I need help getting my character to leave an npc faction. Im not sure how it was added but there were 2 mods installed (at seperate times) that might have had something to do with it. The first mod was the Vampire FX project http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10898 I toyed with it for a bit before swapping to this mod, Advanced Legendary Werewolf and vampire mod. I first uninstalled the Vampire FX mod before i added Advanced Legendary with the Mod Manager http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6622 None of those two seem to mention being added to the draugr faction and i tried to use the command addfac 000e0cdb -1 to try and get out but nothing. I then did the quest to get rid of vampirism but still the dead buggers just ignore me. Anyone know a fix for this? No aggresive draugr makes dungeons boring :-/
  4. Um... YOu can use console commands to bring up the character creation menu and change the hair from there. Just press ~ and type in "showracemenu" (without the quotation marks)
  5. COol moments? So far had to be killing the emperor. All that hard work and effort and as icing on the cake my character decapitated the bugger :P Was a great feeling of revenge after joining the stormcloak rebellion also. Shame i couldn't keep the head. Would make for a great trophy in my room in the Dark Brotherhood hideout. Had a scary run in yesterday with another char of mine, i modded the dragon fighting music with a heavy metal version of the Elderscroll theme and i was just walking out of whiterun minding my own business. It was a calm night, stars out nothing seemed wrong until out of nowhere i hear the shriek of a dragon torching me and the music starts up I swear i jumped 3 feet into the air before i recovered and unpaused the game. Thankfully the dragon got interested in a bunch of bandits a moment later. (I was only level 11 and my combat skills were rather pathetic) EDIT: Oh yeah, and discovering the console command cheat for sex changing npcs... White run is so screwed up... And Sabjorns first words when i saw him :D http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x174/OoDark_ShadowoO/2012-01-15_00001.jpg
  6. JUst a question. Is there a mod out there able to give elven eyes a similar look to Karliah's? I kind of want to give my wood elf those eyes :P If someone could tell me how to do it instead id be alright with that also.
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