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About ninjamestre

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  1. Hi im trying to create a new power so first i needed to create a magic effect for it.I got to Magic>Magic effect and duplicated one of the effects now im editing it,i was able to find the effect i wanted under Assoc. Item 1 is there anything else i need to do?
  2. I installed the ultimate follower overall but i cant have more than 1 follower.Is there anyway to fix this?
  3. of course A better whiterun a city under construction hunters life-hunting overall a quality world map alternate star live another life AOF believable hair apocalypse spell package arrow tweaks ARs vampires Bandolier bags and pouches Better females by bella -No makeup Better sorting Birds of skyrim bottle that blood for vampires Bright and dark Tyrael armor call assassins Closer Quivers and longer arrows Craftable arrows crimson tide daedric lord armor deadly dragons dovahkiin relaxes too ebony dagger of mephala enchanting freedom enchanted distant terrain enchanced night skyrim everlasting weapon enchantments Glowing ore veins Hd better reflection for amor and weapons Heavy stormcloak armor Heroic stormcloak armor HiRes legible road signs iHUD immersive skyrim thunder Jaysus swords la femme lycana lush grass nicer snowflakes realistic no more blocky faces no perk prerequisites paarhurnax choices plus physic spells real ice ReAL sun realistic crime radious realistic ragdolls and force SID Silent killer silly level of detail potions and poisons skyrim live SkyTEST-realistic animals SkyUI sounds of skyrim Spells will give off light The arena III eye of the guard The One mask Two handed rebalance UFO Visible windows W.A.T.E.R WARZONES Werewolf beast run Werewolf upgrade whiterun outskirts Sorry there are just too many good mods!
  4. After the 1.6 patch skyrim always crashes at startup wit no warnings. Please how can i fix this?
  5. After the 1.6 patch when i start skyrim it plays bethesda intro,goes to main menu and crashes before loading any text.I have already downloaded script dragon 1.6 Please help
  6. Is it possible to create a new bar?like a shout bar that works like the magic bar and when i level up i can increase it. Thanks!
  7. this mod already exist http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2063
  8. I think it would be awesome if there was a mod that added a heavy version for all light armor and the other way around maybe with new models Thanks!
  9. Download nexus mod manager then you can download mods from this site just but clicking"Download with manager"heres the link http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/
  10. Today i downloaded the spartan race mod but when i shout i cant hear "Fus"or any other word.The shouts do their effects but i cant hear my character actually "shout".Is there any way to fix this?
  11. i downloaded Stakado Cinemascope ENB - Near to zero performance loss but i really want to play on full screen is it possible to takeout the letterbox?
  12. Is it possible i mean the nexus mod manager have somekind of backup mods tool?
  13. i dont know the name but the 'marker' that shows where you are disappeared when i open the map it only show the markers of my quests but not me.Can someone help me with this?
  14. It would be awesome if there was argonian with wings and be able to fly
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