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  1. When I said no way to revert it back, I was talking about without re-loading. There is no way to simply get all Your stats back to perfectness in game with a command. Loading is the only way
  2. Not exactly, You need to find the Item ID for the Salt Pile.
  3. Well that's a real bummer. Oh well, if anything someone will just make a mod that could extend the story a little. wouldn't have to be anything huge either, just a huge gathering in tribute to the dragon born
  4. This isn't extreme Detail, but basically If You use the showracemenu command to change Your characters race; Your level, and all of Your stats are reset back to the default starting point. There is no way to revert it back unless You wish to use commands to up Your skills and Level. And as skyrim is so new and we don't know all of the working commands it's hard to tell if reverting back is an option. in my oppinion, don't change Your race unless it is a second play through and You really don't care what happens and how things play out.
  5. Alright cool, another thing to add would be the ability to feed on anything You kill. Hey and when You do release it would You mind sending me a PM Just giving me notice that it's out?
  6. Here is a list of things that could improve playing as a werewolf (It's already incredible, this would just make it phenomenal). - Unlimited Beast Mode - Changing at will (the ability to change from Humanoid, to Beast and back. Supporting unlimited beast mode) - Allowing players to keep their equipped items when they change back (it gets really annoying having to put everything back on) Ill probably add more to the list as I think of them. Post your own ideas and give feedback on the the ones above. Thanks
  7. Okay, So I just got back from Sovernguard after defeating Alduin and watched the gathering of dragons say different things in the dragon tongue. So now im confused about what happens next, I traveled to the temple where Delphine is hiding and all she did was say one sentence about how she was worried and how I was seen riding out of Dragons Reach on the back of a dragon. After that Nothing. Is there anything else in the main story line, any reward like in Oblivion? Or was the ending really that disapointing?
  8. Your answer makes no sense. First You say there is no Jarl, then You completely contradict Yourself by saying that Torryg's wife is the Jarl. Would it not have been easier to just say that High King Torryg's widow, located at the Blue Palace is the Jarl of Solitude?
  9. I Tried that, But we have the command now so tis all good.
  10. With Your weapon drawn, Hold F and move Your mouse to rotate the camera. Sooooo No, The console isn't the only way :)
  11. I have yet to test "moveto" "setav" and "modav" But "tcl" "Kill" "Resurrect" "additem" and "Removeitem" do forsure work. Although Huge Warning! Don't Resurrect a Dragon thinking you can kill it to absorb it's soul twice. The Dragon becomes invincible and You will have to re-load Your last save. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I also still have no clue whether or not coc works or not, I don't know if it's just my computer or what. has anyone heard anything?
  12. So here is a place where we can Post the known Skyrim Console Commands as I have found out that not all of the originals from oblivion still work. So far the only ones I've attempted to use are - TGM (Toggle God Mode) - Lock - Unlock - Coc Testinghall Tgm, Lock and Unlock being the only ones that worked for me. Is there a Testinghall in Skyrim? if so and You know the command please post, or if "Coc Testinghall" is the command please post a video with proof and explain what You did to make it work. Although I may be the only one having this problem. So post any known commands so that Others can find them and use them at will ---------- EDIT ---------- Alright here is a list of self confirmed Commands - TGM - Lock - Unlock - Showracemenu - coc qasmoke - coc riverwood - player.additem "xxxxxxxx" "Amount" - TCL - Kill - Resurrect - psb
  13. Well is Steam required to play? I don't have a steam account and don't plan on getting one. Im just going to get it, install it, and play it. simple as that.
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