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  1. In response to post #11794800. #11795775, #11796095, #11796350, #11796445, #11797015 are all replies on the same post. @Dark0ne, Thanks for making this explanation sticky. The button does not attract much attention, unless you already know it is there :)
  2. You know what i would love? Be able to f...ing USE it. 3/4 of the starts: "Cannot reach Nexus login Server". And by magic, after re-typing the password, it works almost every time. What is that? "Uh oh, seems like our database is struggling a little at the moment. Please retry in a few minutes!Uh oh, seems like our database is struggling a little at the moment. Please retry in a few minutes!Uh oh, seems like our database is struggling a little at the moment. Please retry in a few minutes!" Just right now. Sorry if this sounds ungrateful. I love Skyrimnexus, but this is really annoying.
  3. (Crossposting from http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/670815-skyre-bugs/page-327&do=findComment&comment=7940185) Found this: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=jEZ8PVFik0w Solved the broken skill/perk menu problem for me, but i am currently playing WITHOUT SkyRe. Maybe i will test it later with SkyRe aswell. Please repond if this solve or not solve the problem for you.
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