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About IdentityZero

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    United States

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  1. I don't personally know what requirements would be needed in a compiler, I would say that it would be a pretty big endeavor. That does sound like a great idea though. As for every other aspect of the game, wouldn't be a chore in comparison. Besides models and animations. The Creation Engine would be perfect for building on everything else. If anyone could get the world space converted, would obviously need to be scaled out. It would be an amazing project to be part of UO is EASILY the greatest MMO (and first). My mind would be blown if I could build a house with FO4's construction tools in Skyrim. Even more so if they expanded upon the Skyrim Multiplayer Mods, even a 12man game? Bladespirits, Balrogs, taming Dragons, the Dark Father, Lich Lord room in deceit, deadly poison, yes please! I would devote all my spare time, which sadly isn't a ton :sad: to making that happen. Thanks! If you have Sneak & Peek, Joust, Surround, or Tanks where and when! It's hard for me to go back and play most games that old, anything farther back then SNES is a chore, unless I have it on emulator and can speed up the game through some of the slower miscellaneous dialog/combat, depending on the game. Currently hard at work going back and modding FO3 and FNV.. I didn't realize until 2 weeks ago there is a STEP for both, almost everything I've picked out is on them.. sigh. At least I know quality when I see it. Massive spreadsheets of mods.. TES3/4/5 and FO3/NV/4 that I've been building in my spare time at work. Mostly FO3..if interested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11PoGLU5C_EN3GQINPNQvA3FRFwfGyZUpVEB6EIMldt8/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Hi guys, I've ran out of options so I've come to you guys, usually pretty good about troubleshooting things.. this issue I haven't had any luck with. I've tried Archive Invalidation Invalidated, various load orders, disabling other mods, a multitude of other things and nothing is overwriting Enhanced Weather files. Needless to say, any help is greatly appreciated. Screenshots below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwyq6ffutZUsb29WNHVnTzBUVGs https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwyq6ffutZUsOHdOUng0UmtBaUU https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwyq6ffutZUsajhkR0RYb1lwMWc Edit: Closest thing to a fix I can do that I have found is editing everything out of moonshadow.dds and leaving it it a blank main layer. Moon reacts to the clouds more like real life. At the very least the a reflective object like the moon isn't making a darker patch through the clouds, now there's no dark patch and when the moon is exposed through the clouds it shows the moon instead of the moonshadow.dds (deleting moonshadow.dds won't help due to vanilla version so you need to go in with GIMP or Photoshop) Hope this helps someone.
  3. I have a very "all or nothing" attitude as well as being a perfectionist when it comes to modding different aspects of the game. I flat out refuse to use most mods that break immersion. If the model/textures aren't right, why put HD eyes, lashes, teeth, etc on it? I can't even bring myself to use FOOK for many reasons (nothing against the authors, many props to the time and energy put into it). The concealer chains are rather immersion breaking too since they're randomized from cell load to cell load, then you have to edit some of them to fit to the neck. THIS THOUGH. Absolutely renews my faith in modding character/npcs for FO3/FNV. If you do end up making a replacer I'm sure you'd make a lot of people happy. I'd do it but my mod making skills are limited, working on it though! Thanks for sharing. 110%. You can have all of my internets, take dem. In 5 pictures I love your attention to detail. May I ask what character/npc mods you use?
  4. Hey guys, Pretty new to the Bethesda modding scene, been lurking Nexus mod shopping for FO4 and Skyrim mods since FO4 was released, never really started doing it til a month ago. I totally understand how modding is a labor of love. I love it and I hate it, that's something we'll just have to work out in a little locked room. Gamer all my life. Atari, NES-GameCube, Sega, PSX-PS4, Xbox, PC, you name it, I've probably played it Other games I've modded? Minecraft (giggle), Half-Life 2, Gary's Mod, a little bit of Dragon Age, extensive modding of Ultima Online servers (admin, world creation and item creation with C#), nothing else coming to mind, does the Game Genie count? (damn I feel old) Best game series? Ultima series, Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series, Battlefield series, Half-Life series, Metal Gear/MGS series, Warcraft series, Lufia series, Final Fantasy series.. just to name.. a lot.. Best games? Chronotrigger, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Ultima Online, Age of Empires 2, Counter-Strike, WC3: Dota/Dota 2, and I could go on here as well.. Mod Authors so far that I like? aMidianBorn, Elianora, EotW, Pfuscher, DDProductions off the top of my head. You all are (and everyone else) contributing here are amazing and thank you. Anywho, finally nice to stop lurking, will donate soon. If anyone else is new I've been working on this spread for the last month: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I57LCM7P3ZOTy_j7PGo9Bgu0Tfh6EE2b13pDPfpnkc0/edit?usp=sharing gg izi pizi, IdentityZero
  5. I like DonProtein's guide, however I ran into similar issues (90% certain it's NVLA, or some missed settings somewhere) and also flickering lights issue (pretty sure the lights was Relighting Skyrim), currently in the process of working things out with it myself, haven't reinstalled everything just yet. Starting to feel like less is more with an i5, GTX 750, 4GB RAM, etc.. I'm opting to go with all 2k textures, considering taking Climates of Tamriel over NVLA. Edit: I actually decided to scrap using his guide all together, found a few useful mods out of it but meh
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