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  1. we wouldn't import any oblivion files due to copyright if you had read the forum you will read that we are planing to completely rebuild oblivion aka start from scratch
  2. it would probably not work due to sizing up issues and the graphics would be appalling not to mention the size of this would require a gaming PC with 8+GB Ram and high end graphics cards may i suggest looking at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/472056-planned-travel-to-cyrodiil-mod/page__p__3873306__fromsearch__1#entry3873306 they are going to attempt(i hope to help) to make a back to cyrodil mod which is one of the places on your list to return and then you could look around for a mod for returning to morriorwind
  3. umm dont know if this is true or not but i was recently reading a magazine on this and if you go into and look over the hills towards cyrodil there are visible city's e.g. imperial ,bravil etc and the mentioned that it could be for one of the up coming DLC'S??? which would make any work started pointless if this is true. But then again it could be just a rumor but it would be good if we could confirm this or not.
  4. or we could add an option that depends on the player(i.e cheap version,ok,or wealthy version)
  5. had an idea for a main quest(already said this but just had a new idea main quest line you're starting a rebellion against the thalmor with the blades(so we can redo cloud ruler temple) also if we do this we have to get permission from Bethesda as when someone did this for oblivion(back to morriorwind) and it got banned until they got permission(cause all of the town names and so on are copyright of Bethesda) also we should try and expand the thieves guild and dark brotherhood into cyrodil and bring back mages guild and the fighters guild and give you a chance to be a guard in the imperial city and dealing with a major organised crime organisation
  6. wait there and a guy should come over and talk to you and then sends you home
  7. ive killed 4 of them they stop coming after you once you complete the dark brotherhood quest line (had one attack me while i was an assassin? they stop that now that im in charge)
  8. maybe for the dark brotherhood one of the new recruits trys to kill you and you uncover a major assassination plot against you
  9. Helgen would definitely have an ironic plot-twist feel to it. It also has a lot of area in order to create a large castle/town with which all of these ideas (except the last one with different forts for different cities) could be used. It has a fort inside, a town outside, walls, etc already put half-way in place. Buying the land would have to be expensive, as would the improvements, but that's how buying a city goes. (in response to whomever said the price should be 10K gold): I think 10,000 is wayyy too low. I mean, one of the houses in Oblivion cost 25,000 without any improvements. I don't know about many other people here, but after doing a few quests and leveling up to the point where I'd be influential enough to have a town/fort, I had well over 200,000 on top of every house available. I'd think something more along the lines of 25,000-50,000 would be more realistic, with the improvements costing another 25,000-50,000. This would make it much more difficult to own the town initially, and, if you didn't have the money, would give people something to work towards. why should you have to by it ,the original owners are dead and the nearest Jarl is miles away so why not give them 2 options offer them the land for 60,000 as it is completely trashed and then pay the expediences or give you the choice to talk to the guy in riften in the thieves guild who fixes up the dark brotherhood sanctuary to illegally repair and take over it then we could create a whole quest line of assassination plots against you and fighting of jarls men (who you could maybe convince to fight for you and sabotage the Jarls castle(there could be a chance of him getting caught and executed and you being there and watching))
  10. im OK with modding but my dads mate will show me the rains once the creation kit comes out but my best place is story lines
  11. that is why a good idea would be to do each part grid by grid(small areas ) so if we do decide to give it up we have still done something
  12. we would be going back in time so once you have pushed them underground we can leave and then the world disappears (there could be 2 mods once you complete it you add this mod and remove the other (the second one you install once the quest is completed so you can keep everything you retrieved but keeping space for other running mods without crowding them(all in all it deletes the old world))
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