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Nexus Mods Profile

About matter44

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Spaltter House
  1. I almost got 3 people. the problem Is that when you connect you can't see each other so a PC had to be bound to your character causing lag for the other person to constantly being updating the npc`s state. another problem was save games had to include the other guys saves. I say guys because the only people who would render were male.
  2. Yes, you are quite right, but i believe it could be done,though it would take any immense amount of coding, testing, and splicing together existing code. yes you are right. and wrong I coded it its not that much work just a lot of splicing and changing. oh and about the profile system...if you have any quests I got layed off and had to give up my SQL server so I had to change it back to local saving of the accout. i saved it in a special 7vip file but normal 7z could open the files and modify the levels ammo guns unlocked and collected gun, stuff like that. if you have any questions post them here I'm glad to answer.
  3. Normally I would say yes to giving you the files but I doubt you are using a Linux machine and you need a special aplication for it to run.
  4. Look my version hasent been tested in a while i t not even work any more. Don't get your hopes up at all! Its not worth it.
  5. I'm not big on advertising and I had to turn off screen shots for iron sights to work I suggest waiting for fallout on line my way way leaks way to much ram 10 fps is the tom any one could get (fatman gets .1 fps). My friend finished my boarderlands version of MP. When his web page is back up I'll post a link.
  6. I would like to say that I have a working multiplayer mod but I got a letter saying that if I distribute it they will sue me because of the a out of changes it makes to the game files. Sorry guys, oh I might make a how to?
  7. So a Sort of add on the turns Mr. Houses Place in to a command center to take over the strip the eventually the whole world sending guys to do jobs, owning stores, and casinos and other stuff theres more to the idea but this is the base idea
  8. Well I'm working on a border lands style multiplayer. I think it's the best way to go. I am just working on small files while I wait for dead money so I can work a fully compatible version. Oh and if you could reply to this with a link to a mod with working drivable cars.
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