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Posts posted by iYpSi

  1. Hello iypsi. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs046.gif



    Could you please make your topic titles in English? Lately we have had a lot of Russian spam and my first reaction was to ban you as spam posts are not tolerated. However, I did take the time to read your other posts and they do check out as spam free. If you read our terms and conditions we do state that this is an English speaking site.


    In case you are unfamiliar with the term, spam is internet advertising, usually things like porn or medications. disguised as forum posts.


    Bben46, Moderator

    Hi Bben, unfortunately I do not know how to rename a topic, could you do this or show me how?

  2. Всем привет, я тут новенький хотелось бы узнать побольше о форуме;) Меня зовут Альберт, или УпС, попал сюда с Русского форума на такую же тему, моды и игры;)

    Hello, I'm brand new here I would like to learn more about the forum:) My name is Albert, or YpS, got here with a Russian forum on the same topic, mods and games;)

  3. В ТЕС и так много рас, некоторые совершено глупые как люди-кошки, и несколько разных эльфов, их необходимо сократить!

    In the TES, and so many races, some committed by stupid people-cats, and several different elves, they should be cut!

  4. Люблю читать такие игравые книги, в ТЕС и Готике я часто читал различные истории, читал про оружее и магию, и не отказался бы почитать еще парочку хороших историй в ТЕС5, почитать про драконов, оружее, магию и историю ТЕС....

    I love to read such books in the TES and the Gothic, I often read various stories, read about the weapons and magic, and would not mind reading a couple more good stories in TES5, read about dragons, weapons, magic and history TES....

  5. One of the beauties of mods is that you can play as whatever you like! I'm going to be a nord with no mods on my first playthrough, then after that I'll create a Mazken. c:

    Поверь многие играют как ты, проходят первый раз без модов, что бы ощутить всю игру, как хотели этого авторы!(Believe me, many are like you pass the first time without any mods that would experience the entire game, as the authors would like!)

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