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About alexcrazy14

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  1. so I have loads of dead scorpions with no low level processing and health 0 and whenever I leave and enter the interior they are are alive but all die in 1 shot. I have no idea why they are doing this thanks in adv
  2. scn SparkyElevatorControlPanel ref door begin OnActivate if IsActionRef Player && GetHasNote SparkyKeycard01 && GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard02 && GetHasNote SparkyKeycard03 && GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard04 && GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard05 set door to SparkyElevatorDoor door.Unlock PlaySound UIHackingPassGood Elseif IsActionRef Player && GetHasNote SparkyKeycard01 == 0 || GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard02 == 0 || GetHasNote SparkyKeycard03 == 0 || GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard04 == 0 || GetHasNoteSparkyKeycard05 == 0 ShowMessage SparkyStorageFail Endif Activate End So im creating an activator that requires 4 notes (called keycards) to open a locked door. The script will not save which usually means theres something wrong in the script itself. Here it is:
  3. What script would I use on a terminal to swap a specific light in a room with another one? also a script to change a specific item like a desk into something different from a terminal results script any help would be great thanks in advannce
  4. So my idea is this.. I have retextured the default mainframe (the large red glowing computer terminals) to make it green. I am trying to add a results script to a terminal option [sTART REACTOR] to do the following: -close terminal -replace the terminal with my one (lights on it turn green). So essentially im wondering if theres a script to replace 01mainframeRED with 01MianframeGREEN and have it on the results script of the 01MainframRED. Thanks
  5. very helpful thanks, you make a lot more sense of things than any tutorials iv seen lol :p
  6. one last question. What wer those symbols around gethasnote were they 2 &&'s were they actually part of the script
  7. thanks :) just to clarify as Im trying to learn though what does the IsActionRef do and why do we need to activate the container at the end
  8. I want to write a script on a container that goes along the lines of: begin OnActivate if (players inventory has a certain note) then add a different note to the containers inventory new to scripting help appreciated thx
  9. I found a solution. I wrote a script in the results script section of the setmelee to 1 dialogue to removie the embedded laser from inv and add it when ranged is selected. Melee works fine now with ranged
  10. if you mean the embedded weapon list the laser in in there but the laser is not the problem its the melee that wont work but that isn't a weaponits just built in to the companion(it works if I take the ranged weapon out)
  11. so my custom roboscorpion companion cant used ranged and melee together...he will only use melee if I remove the laser stinger embedded weapon from his inventory. If it is in then melee just makes him flee and hide. I have no idea why he cant use melee while a ranged weapon Is present
  12. Ok so iv been using the geck for a while not but this issue has me completely stumped. I'm creating a small roboscorpion pet/companion and having a weird issue with the combat. Ranged works fine I'm using a default embedded weapons and the weapon is in its inventory HOWEVER switching to melee while ranged is working makes him stand still and flee to cover. So I thought I would remove the weapon from the inventory to see what happened then....melee worked fine BUT the companion wheel still said he was using ranged. So I switched it to melee and then the scorpion turned into suicide mode which is an option I don't know how it got one. These are the steps iv taken so far (TO NO AVAIL): - Made a new Combat Style exactly like the default roboscorpion ranged except I changed use only ranged to no restrictions. -Double checked that the embedded weapons is all correct and is set the exact same as the default scorpions. He can use both (there in the skeleton etc.) but I have no idea why ranged is the only thing working and I have no idea where suicide mode is coming from. -NOTE COMPANION WHEEL SAYS <MISSING NAME> UNDER THE MELEE/RANGED TAB???? Advice would be appreciated thanks :smile:
  13. I have been making a higher ceiling mid floor static nif in blender with all the correct plugins. The model shows up fine in nif scope but shows as a red triangle ! point when I try it in the geck any help?
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