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  1. Hi all, Would anyone be interested in creating a new graphic for me, using the same theme as the game, but with custom control set up? I have create a comprehensive control scheme that really allows a lefty player to control the game without having to play finger gymnastics with the controller. I plan to post on on Nexus mods as soon as I can get this graphic created. I'll add you in the credits no worries at all.
  2. Anyone know which mod is causing self casting shadows to flicker?
  3. I have a fix for the quickhack tooltip bug. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1091500/discussions/0/4036977784144003798/
  4. Can anyone confirm if the following netrunner suit mods are still working? Netrunning Suit Recolours (Male V and Fem V) https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7666?tab=description&BH=0 Unzipped Netrunner Suit {FemV} https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4343?tab=description
  5. So, I have been able to make my own config editing this file, however when changing the 2 lines for 'PhoneInteract' and 'PhoneReject' the prompts when someone calls me are not showing - but the edits are working. Any ideas? I'm editing this file" "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\InputUserMappings.xml"
  6. Does the mod get vetted before its published? And / or how long do we need to wait usually until its available to the public?
  7. I'm not going to get into the whole 'why use a controller on PC debate'. Simply I wanna use a controller for this game. Now, I am competent in remapping the inputs to suit a lefty using a controller (via input.settings file located "Documents/The Wicher 3"), however when swapping the functions of the joysticks I've noticed Geralt No longer runs by default when I push the right joystick. He will only walk and the sprint button no longer functions aswell. Was just wondering if anyone else has tinkered with input.settings themselves and manually edited the controls and could possibly offer some insight? Tags: None
  8. Hi all, Whenever I try to use any mod that has a d3d9.dll file included in it eg: any of the ENB mods, Skyrim fails to load. After I click play in steam or the game launcher it will begin to load and a half second after I'll just be back at the desktop. Any ideas guys?? Cheers.
  9. As the title suggests, I would love to see a mod that introduces water reflections that truly reflects everything, and having all lights cast true shadows, atleast static lights. As bugged as Skyrim is, im sure the engine is capable of having real shadow casting lights as some dungeons in the game are filled with such light. Cheers!.
  10. hi everyone just want to say i still havent fixed my problem i havent been able to comment for the last several days cause been really busy with work. Im gonna try fcom some more and explain in detail what im doing and what i dont understrand. back soon guys.
  11. Hi UNKNOWNYMOUS, I now have wrye bash up and running. I have now re-installed all the ESSENTIAL mods that FCOM requires. Following the first time installers guide (http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html) I have checked the mods in wrye bash and I believe I have merged them all together. This process of merging took about 10 mins or so). Then I assume in the data files tab in the oblivion launcher I just choose the bashed patch right? I do this but I get a CTD immediately after I launch the game. In my eyes atleast the guide from the FCOM site doesn't explain things well and I dont feel that confident that I did everything right in wrye bash. More help? are you actually playing with the FCOM mod? Do you have or know of somewhere or someone that has a better guide to get this running?? Cheers.
  12. i tried the 03a pack lastnite, I uninstalled the other wrye bash and python tools then tried this one and still it doesnt make any difference, i really dont understand this wrye bash thing.
  13. Hi all, Im attempting for the first time to try and get FCOM Convergence running, but am having a lot of difficulty. I have all the main mods downloaded and installed, but am having trouble getting wrye bash to work. I installed wrye bash 291 installer along with python 2.5.2 and wxPython but after i install it all, wrye bash will not run. I double click it and nothing happens. Anyone playing FCOM or have any pointers/ideas to help me out??? Cheers.
  14. GAAAAWD I'm stupid...... I believe I need the file that's an extra part to the mod that adds the actual new items and creatures thats almost 500mb which I have not got.... D/L it now....
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