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Everything posted by kn13f

  1. The city flags as swords, Now i cant draw at all, but i hope this atleast gives you an idéa of what im thinking. atleast the Markarth one would look good. :b
  2. Yhea, The "Anti Material Rifle" with explosive rounds would probably work.
  3. Yhea, i see what you mean. That would be a problem wouldn't it?
  4. Anti tank rifles... More specific im thinking about the "PTRD-41" and the "Boys" anti tank rifles. PTRD-41 http://ois.org.ua/club/guns/aaa-2003/ptrd41_01-506-150.jpg Boys http://www.weekendhobby.com/gun/webboard/picture%5C193255010170.jpg
  5. Is there any mod that allows you to have horse legs? Kinda like a Draenei?
  6. So i tried it, Elucidator was kinda blocky but i believe the mod is not done so thats to be expected. Im looking forward to see how MrHarbinger's are going to turn out.
  7. I just saw this and im gonna try it out. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26382
  8. Yhea lets hope so. ;D Would be so awesome.
  9. Is there anyway some awesome modder could make Kirito's two swords? Kirito is the main character in an anime called "Sword Art Online" or "SAO" witch is very popular right now, And it would be so so cool to be able to use the two swords in skyrim! I have some pictures of the two swords, The black one is called "Elucidator" and the white/blue one is called "Dark Repulser". Elucidator Info Dark Repulser Info Both Swords 1 Both Swords 2 Both Swords 3 Elucidator 1 Elucidator 2 Elucidator 3 Dark Repulser
  10. Oh, now it works for some reasone... xD dont know what happend but thanks dude ^^
  11. as you see in the pic i sould have over 100 but they are deleted...
  12. I don't save over my saves, well yhea if im playing on save "kitten" then when i have played for a while i will save it on save "kitten" but i dont save over my other saves. most of the times i click esc and just save like that. and i don't think i have an program that removes them... and they are not in the recycle bin.
  13. I just now relized that the saves are saved on "C:\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\" for some reasone, but i still have like 150+ GB on C so still dont know what the problem is.
  14. Btw, What do you mean by "if you have the disk space for them" sry for my stupidity ;)
  15. Yhea im playing on an PC, Skyrim is located at "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim" D has 221 GB free, so i dont know what the problem is.
  16. So i got kinda pissed when i relized that my old save was gone, I can only have 10 saves but my mate has over 100 saves... Why? Is there a setting? And i there a way to get my old saves back? Thanks ^^
  17. "Patch Warning" "Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match." Mkay.....?
  18. Hehe xD Thanks man... Or girl....?.... Thanks Admin xD ^^
  19. 1.0.228 thats pretty old isn't it? xD ^^
  20. Hi whoever is reading this. ;) I have some problems whit my OMOD, You see i have about 62 mods in OMOD about 8 is deactivated because of conflicts, But is stands what the rest of the 54 mods are working but they are not, About 5 mods are working and that leaves 49 mods that don't work for a reason i don't know. So if theres any1 who know what to do plz tell me. Because mods don't exist just to piss people of do they? Or meaby im just stupid and i have like missed a button saying "FIX ALL ERROR" or something like that ^^ HeHe. Well anyway plz tell me if you got an answer for my problems. ;) And sry for bad eng if you think that it is. ^^
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