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About MrRobaz4

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  1. Nuka-World spoilers. In the Nuka-World DLC you stumble upon the Nuka-Gen replication machine inside the welcome center. You also find the following journal entry "This is Doctor Darren McDermot, last known survivor at the Safari Adventure Replication Facility continuing my personal recordings. I've been continuing to modify the Nuka-Gen Replicator to provide a source of food. It's ironic that the very same device Nuka-World was using to create its animal specimens for leisure has become integral to my survival. Using a tissue sample from a cow, I was able to replicate a viable clone, consume it as food, then use the remaining tissue to create another..." The idea for this mod would simply be a workshop item, that would allow you to build a replicator in a settlement, with the view that it reproduces any biological material placed inside of it, so if you placed brahmin meat it would start producing brahmin meat and if you placed tarberrys it would reproduce them (not sure if the machine could replicate fruit in lore).
  2. During your adventures it is possible to come across many robots and shut them down using robotics experts, it would be good if we could reprogram and put these undamaged robots to use as automatrons. The mod would simply function by adding a "Send to Settlement" option when a robot has been hacked so that when you return to that settlement you have access to a robot that you can then modify further at a robot workbench, ideally the robot would turn up with the same attachments as they already had in the wasteland, for example you find an assaultron with all factory parts it then turns up at your settlement still with the factory parts or you find a cobbled together mechanist automatron and it still has the automatron parts as when you found it when it arrives at your settlement.
  3. (Spoilers) The current ending of fallout 4 is a choice between 4 factions. IMO the best ending is the Minutemen ending as they are the only "Good" faction, this ending results in blowing up the institute and destroying the Prydwen and Liberty Prime. This seems like a stupid decision on the part of the main character, why completely burn down two technologically advanced factions when that technology could help? In my proposed ending instead of teleporting into the institute the character will have a new mission to salvage a pre-war mining drill, since we know that the institute is below the C.I.T the Minutemen then drill down creating an entrance to the institute, after clearing out the institute instead of blowing it up the Minutemen salvage useful tech and destroy the detrimental tech, they also establish the institute as a settlement that the player can build inside. The player will get a choice as what to do with synths including gen 1 and 2 and other institute tech such as the FEV. Preston will then inform you that you still have to deal with the BOS, after planning an attack the Minutemen invade the airport taking out any BOS members and claiming the Prydwen and Liberty prime for the Minutemen, the airport then becomes a settlement (this could just be an expanded Boston Airport settlement). After some time has passed the the player will notice the Minutemen making use of Vertibirds and power armor, depending on the player decision with synths you can also see them around the commonwealth. This would be the ending itself however I think it could expand even further. In my opinion the BOS are not going to let that slide and after some time has passed the BOS will declare war against the minutemen via radio on the prydwen, this would then lead into another questline of the minutemen vs bos. Side note: Im aware this is ambitious however I feel a modder could pull this off.
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