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Posts posted by rock0zeppelin

  1. I'd really like a way to simply have the screen of the computer I'm trying to access pop up rather than having to be locked into an animation that can glitch out if there's not enough room for my body to get in position. I'm using the playable children mod and would you know it, a kid can't use a terminal because kids are too short. Even though that makes no sense in real life, but whatever. If the hacking was the same like in FO3 and New Vegas it wouldn't be a problem. Plus it would make the whole annoying hacking affair just that little bit less annoying.

  2. Am I the only one who hates the choices you're given for the endgame? In 3 out of 4 choices you destroy the Institute and in the last one you take over and continue being the villain. Why not take over the Institute and use it to help the Commonwealth? Hell, you could even choose to convince the Brotherhood that the Institute is worth preserving if they're really so in favour of saving technological progress. Plus the Institute's technology can help the Minutemen rebuild and protect the Commonwealth and you can free all the synths so the Railroad can stop having a narc on.


    How about during End of the Line while talking to Father you can trigger the beginning of a new quest where you can tell him what the Institute could do to save humanity, starting with the Commonwealth? So you can either convince him or kill him (either smother him with his pillow or turn off his life support) and then assume control, maybe alter his will if he doesn't do it himself, which he would if you manage to convince him. Afterwards you have to hold a meeting to explain to the council what kind of changes there would be, and you can either convince them, manipulate them if you go through an optional process of gathering blackmail on them, or threaten them. Alternatively you can do a hostile takeover if you leave after Father is dead and tell whichever, or all the factions what's happened and what your plan is, then convince them to help you with each faction having a different method of helping you. For example:


    1. The Brotherhood just storm the place and take everyone hostage or shoot their way to the board room

    2. The Railroad infiltrate with Deacon and one or two others and begin a synth insurgency or better yet hack the computers controlling the Gen 1s and 2s, disabling their defenses and they just walk up to the council meeting room

    3 The Minutemen... I don't know, maybe they use their pooled together resources to uncover and open the collapsed tunnels leading from MIT to the Institute below. Then take them over and threaten the Institute they'll inform the whole Commonwealth about the Institute, then let everyone storm the place and tear them apart.


    Afterwards, if you include the restored Danse's Dilemma quest if Danse is in charge you partner up with the Brotherhood, giving them access to the Institute so long as they don't overstep their boundaries and if Maxon is in charge he betrays you and you have to kill him and possibly the rest of the Brotherhood.

    The Railroad either disbands or they become part of the Institute, helping synths and people diffuse tensions, helping victims of the Institute, etc, etc.

    The Minutemen prosper even more and so on. Maybe they reestablish the Commonwealth Provisional Government, idk.


    I know this sounds like fan fiction but the vanilla story is so s#*! that almost any fan fiction would be better. And I know as a request this is a very tall order, but I've seen what modders can do. If FO4 didn't have the modding community it would've died a long time ago. This would probably be a joint effort, but if anyone wants to try to do this I'd be more than willing to help with whatever I can, though I can't code in Bethesda's engine.

  3. Whenever I play FO4 I always focus on building settlements and I always use Build High because it makes a lot of the settlements not s*** anymore. Problem is the raider spawns are now in the middle of my settlement and that's just frustrating. I want when I build a wall with barricades and defenses in places, where it would be logical if you're trying to protect a big settlement, for those defenses to actually be put to use.


    I know there's a mod that moves the spawns but it only accounts for the unmodded settlement borders. It'd be easier if there was a mod similar or as an addon to Settlement Management, that allows you to move the spawns. And if you're using Place Anywhere you could put them where you want them. Even if you're a cheap bastard and just shove them in the ground or a mile into the air.


    Seriously, please someone do this.

  4. I wanted to install the mod that lets me open all the halla doors in the Winter Palace but when I downloaded NMM, installed it and booted it up, Dragon Age Inquisition wasn't in the list of games it was searching for. Which I can only guess means there's no way for me to install the mod. I looked up something called DAI mod manager only to see the page was locked by the "author".


    So what the f*#@ do I do now?!

  5. I'm certain someone has posted something like this long before me but, seriously, with a forum full of modders, most of whom most likely know code and s#*! like this much better than me, I want to make a request to fix Bethesda's piece of rotting s#*! Frankenstein-reanimation-suffering NPC AI.


    Ignoring the copout endings, the lackluster story, the only slightly better graphics in comparison to FO3, which came out 5 f*#@ING YEARS AGO, and it just goes on, the NPC AI is probably the worst part of the game. It is horrible, it's laughable and I beg the modding community to put their heads together and collectively fix this. Because we can be damn sure Bethesda isn't going to do jack s#*! about it because Bethesda is f*#@ing Bethesda. And the fact that I'm even complaining and getting angry shows I want to enjoy the game. But I can't. Because any attempt at immersion is broken to bits by my companion being unable to go over a piece of ankle-high debris or something like that. Or, my settlers are so dumbfounded they can't figure out how to cross a f*#@ing bridge I made. FOR THEM. (yes I know it's not for them, but there are my attempts at immersion again)

    I'm probably not the first and won't be the last who points this out or makes a request like this but seriously. If someone knows how to fix this and/or someone is currently working on how to fix this, do whatever you can, ask the community for help, I'm sure anybody who could help would be willing and let's do something about it. And maybe by the time FO5 comes out FO4 will actually be enjoyable.

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