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Everything posted by Omniban

  1. since a staff is replying here, any chance we get the ability to exclude games from mod search? its something people have wanted for years and you can kind of do it now if you spend 15 hours clicking every individual game one by one except the ones you dont want, but an actual exclude area for games, would be killer! Let us see all the mods on the website that arent from bethesda games (which is half of the website), or the top 30 games (which is 66 percent of the site) let us find new games to mod
  2. i love you can search for mods for multiple games, now, please give me exclude powers, i want to search to find to new games to play based on what mods they have, but i want to exclude the top 30 games by number of mods, or at least exclude games by bethesda
  3. I would like to request a polyamory mod so that one would be able to romance all the romancable characters in one playthrough. I figured out how to edit the blueprints to have an arbitrarily high number when looking to see whether it should call the choose me or her convos, but since i cannot make those into a mod I would like to request someone else take a crack at it
  4. I was playing FO3 and my screen went black. My HUD is visible and active i can move, shoot, use menus, use items etc. if i sneak the hidden thing appears the compass moves etc. The rest of the screen is entirely black. might anyone know a console command to fix this?
  5. um how do i get a papyrus log?
  6. i just installed skyrim and the dlcs on my new pc and i have several mods...id found no issues until i bought breezehome and tried to enter. it crashes to desktop after attempting to load for a few seconds these are the mods i have Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm AP Skyrim.esm ApachiiHair.esm NiruinsBusinessPlan.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp ArchmageRing25.esp Asgrim's Hold.esp Aurora.esm Aurora.esp Avatar of Baltazar.esp BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp BBLSspouse.esp BBLSVisitors.esp BBLuxurySuite.esm BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp Blade_of_Olympus.esp Cloaks.esp DK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.esp DragonBreath.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp DudestiaMultiMarriages.esp EliteKnightArmor.esp Eragon - Zar´Roc.esp Evil Lair of Hydra.esm FortBuffscale.esp Gatti2Misogi.esp GattiBondage0.esp GeneralStores.esm Genesis' Rapier.esp GR123 Healing Shout.esp Guardian HeadQuarters.esp HandofDeath.esp HandofDeathSpray.esp Hearthfire Sorting.esp Hentai_mixed_Armor.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp House of the Master.esp Immersive Weapons.esp JSwords.esm JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Kamehameha Attack.esp Killable Children - Quest Important Protected.esp Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp LevelersShowroom.esp LevelersTower.esm Love Season.esp LustyArgonianMaid&SultryArgonianBard.esp MageArmorAndPotions.esp Magicka Sabers expanded.esp MasterAmulet.esp MedievalSword.esp MicroBikini Bottomless.esp MicroBikini Topless.esp MicroBikini.esp MidasSkyrim.esp More elements in skyrim.esp nuking skyrim.esp Perky.esp PrvtIChrysamere.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp QSMChaos.esp qsmspacemarinearmor.esp qsmweaponpack.esp Reaper's The Dark Tower.esp Remodeled Armor.esp Repulsor Beam.esp Ring of Himalayan Hauling v1.0.esp RingsOfPower.esp S.S.Zelbess & Valentine's Clan.esp Sextoys Calyps Chest.esp sextoys-calyps-2.esp Skeleton Key Recipe.esp SoulMasters_Chest.esp SPIKE.esm Star Wars Force Abilities.esp SuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.esp SummonSuccubus.esp Superjump_5x.esp SwordRagnarök.esp tcs Death Ray Spell.esp ThroneofGold.esm thu'um infinium.esp Thunderbolt - The Shout Package.esp TL_Spell.esm TL_Spell_Leveled_Item.esp TL_Spell_Leveled_Item_Master_in_Expert_Rank.esp TL_Spell_NPC.esp TriRings of Powers v1.0.esp TSO.esp UBW.esp UTWCellar.esp Vampire Slavers Den.esp zq_ElsidorJorvaskr.esp i disabled ThroneofGold.esm Hearthfire Sorting.esp GeneralStores.esm and it still doesnt work what im wanting to know is: which other mods could have caused the issue how to fix it (hopefully without having to uninstall all my mods or start over from a new game)
  7. fixed it i was playing a game using joytokey to use my controller with it and i exited out of it but it was still running in background and making certain things happen twice >.<
  8. im using a wireless xbox controller with a wireless receiver for windows and im having very very high menu sensitivity when i use the sticks or dpad it often goes down 2-5 things when you just slightly tap the stick/pad and when i try to equip stuff with the triggers it equips and unequips really fast like i double clicked it. im not having any sensitivity issues in actual game play just the menus what do i do?
  9. im willing to alpha test this i reinstalled skyrim on my new laptop yesterday and updated it and readded my dlc (hearthfire/dawnguard) so i wont have any mod conflicts
  10. yay :D im watching this topic i cant wait for it to come out :D
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