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About Selcouthist

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  1. I hope someone can help me out. So apparently, about 40 feedings are required to get the next perk point (Easier Progression). Now, I wish we could cut it down to, say, 5 feedings to progress on to the next perk point. I am sure there has got to be some global variable which can be changed to implement this change? So, I hope someone can help me out. I can implement the change myself, I just don't know where. For instance, for werewolves, we just need to change the float value of the DLC1WerewolfNextPerkPoint.. what about Vampires? What do I need to change to get the desired effect. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
  2. I think it would be really cool to have a mod which would let the player fight Megladon-like beasts. Imagine swimming below the surface of the ocean and out of nowhere you see this huge mouth with teeth coming towards you. It would be practical to have the beast be able to attack the player on land (with magic?) and vice versa, since fighting underwater/while swimming is damn near impossible, even for the Dragonborn. Here's the wiki on megladon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalodon And a size-comparison image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Megalodon_scale1.png
  3. So this bug has surfaced both in my previous game under Skyrim 1.3 and on a brand new game started under Skyrim 1.4 I have been trying hard to trace out the reason this bug surfaces and have not been able to trace it back to any single mod. I am at a point where I would even offer a reward for finding the reason this bloody glitch happens hah Alright, so what happens is that, in first-person view, my hands disappear (but I can still see the spell/weapon equipped). At that point I know that the bug has surfaced and the game is glitched. If I ride a horse after the invisible-hands bug, my horse tends to slide all over the surface instead of riding. I will try to post a video. EDIT: Scroll down, video at end of post Here is what I have done to fix this issue: -Uninstalled all the mods and reloaded my save. -did the pcb command inside the Breezeside home and rested for 30 days to clear and reset cells. -saved, quit game. -reload the "clean" save The bug still remains. I then did the following: -uninstalled skyrim, deleted all folders related to it, and the the SkyPrefs and Skyrim.ini files -reinstalled Skyrim, loaded the game on a newly generated SkyPrefs and Skyrim.ini and the bug surfaces again. -since this is a fresh install, and at this point I had not re-installed any of my previous mods, I did the pcb thing again and waited another 30 days in the Breezeside home. -saved the game and quit. -restarted skyrim and reloaded the "clean" save after 30 day rest and... ... the nasty invisible hands/ flying horses bug resurfaces again. Why does this happen? I am at my wits' end at this point and just want to give up on Skyrim. Here is my BOSS-sorted load order: Update.esm SkyMoMod.esm JSwords.esm ApachiiHair.esm BlackTowerArmory.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp Lush Grass.esp WATER.esp WATER - Get Wet.esp Realistic Lighting.esp Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp AV1Dragon_Lords.esp DragonSoulsToPerks.esp Dwemer Certified.esp GetNPCInfo.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp Prides of Skyrim.esp SkyMoMod_lists.esp Auto Unequip Arrows.esp BlackSacramentArmor.esp Cloaks.esp Cloaks - PC Only.esp Cloaks - No Imperial.esp daedric_phelm.esp DEATH-DEALER.esp EinherjarArmor.esp FNISspells.esp HellionArrows_v1.2.esp HentaiVoidArmor.esp isilNarsil.esp Legendary Shield of Ysgramor.esp LFArmors.esp Omegared99-Compilation.esp Omegared99-LvLList-CompOnly.esp R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp R18Pn - Leere Armor.esp Ring of Hircine - No Disease Werewolf AND Totem Selection [NoEquipSlot].esp Remodeled Armor.esp Siege Bow & Backpacks.esp TrissArmorRetextured.esp Yngol.esp WarchiefArmor.esp PISE.esp PISE-AI Tweaks Only.esp PISE-More Intense Level Scaling.esp DeadlyDragons.esp Scriptless werewolf bonus.esp hg.esp Quest_AndTheRealmsOfDaedra.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp Improved Cloaks.esp Improved Runes.esp OpenFaceHelmets.esp posesivecorpses.esp RevampedExteriorFog.esp MidasSkyrim.esp spelltomeconjureetherealhorse.esp MorePowerfulShouts.esp MorePowerfulShouts_DragonTimes.esp Enchanting Freedom.esp DeadlyCombat.esp DeadlyCombat_HardcoreDamage.esp DeadlyCombat_PISE_Patch.esp Improved Casting.esp Improved Destruction Perks.esp Improved Expert Spells.esp Improved Master Spells Except Firestorm.esp Improved Master Spells.esp NAEE.esp Better Followers - SBP.esp Better NPC - Faction Pack.esp Better NPC - Marriage Pack.esp FollowerWander2.esp Follower Limit Increased.esp Quest_TheBiggerTheyAre.esp stop-being-a-creepy-stalker-aerin-1-0-pingy.esp FemaleWerewolf.esp Intense Difficulty 2x.esp VIDEO:
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