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Posts posted by rogue007

  1. I play the game i run to a NPC what is a vampire the body is pale but face brown . well i have CBBE Skin textures and tryed out every face fix mod on Nexus and did not help the face is still brown on vanilla and Dawnguard vampire Npcs ....

  2. I have this poblom i cant bite the NPCs afther casting Vampire Seduction this meens i cant even make drawguard guests even when i cant bite Dexion Evicus (the priest u need to bite in draw guard)


    the thing is i have 100 mods so idk what mod curseing it to bug out i have removed all the vampire layout/change mods but it did not help :(


    only thing what can fix this is to wright a command in console.


    how can i find out what mod is doing it ?


  3. in the game they talk about of the Empire but u cant travel and meet him ? why not conquer his kingdom and kill him and become empire urself !! :D

  4. whats different betvine Legendery and normal ? is it better to have 20 in legendery skill then 100 normal ?



    i have 100 lockpicking and enchants whats gives 40% easyer lockpicking full gear gives 120% easyer lockpicking lols

  5. I fixed my Dawnguard Runtime Error !!!


    Well today i figered out what was coursing the Microsoft Runtime Error/Crashes. Reslulution is simple somting what moust peoples forget to do well I totaly forgot it self lols. the thing is the Microsof Runetime is Unstable on motherboards whats 2011 and older they moustly just support directx 9 or 10 and they orginaly 32 bit. to fix this Runetime error install Direcx 11 and make sure u have the newst version for ur grafic card and all windows updates then UPDATE YOU MOTHERBOARD BIOS newer drivers then 3.3.2012 what supports direcxt 11 if u have windows 7 64 bit makes sure they are 64 bit wersion. now have played Dawnguard 12 hours not a single runetime error . :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

  6. i trying to figer out what curseisng the runtime errors in drawnguard but i need to pick it down by part by part i havea vampire and it has weakness to fire as negative efect what i need to get ride of so i can test better the sun damage effects.
  7. we all know that u become a vampire you get a efect as Weakness To Fire what makes you take more damage to fire . I need help with it i need someone to make a mod what removes the spell from the game . why ?


    well it gives Mircrosoft runtime errors what makes game crash and it makes Vampires fully unplayable when it pups up every 10th min crasing my game when spell is broken some how ... so i need a addon what moves it from game to it getts fixed.

  8. Just simple question.

    what if skyrim change to a 64 bit game ? what benefits and disadvantages would that have to us players ?

    tell me your opinion here.

    Massive load capasity improvment
    no more 4 giga limit
    more stabile (less crashes)
    will be avable to use dubel more mods
    Faster Loadscreens
    Better support with windows 7 64 bit
    better directx 11 support ability
    HD quality (grafic improvment)
    3D pussibility
    Better multi monitor support

    might make ur FPS to drop (for them what uses old grafic cards)



    Anything els ??

  9. I have tested 4 different mods to make arrows faster so monsters can't dodge them but they have all 1 thing. the gravity is ment to pull them down. instead of going down they going up like a aircraft getting to much air under the wings makes it go up. how do i make it go direct like a bulit ? it is so annoying when a skeleton is 10 feet from u and u fire arrow they jump aside so u miss like some Neo from Matrix dodging bulits .

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