Thanks a lot for reply me3deager. Edi is .mod files. I will follow your suggestions, firstly try installing with ME3Explorer 3.0, then with 109K (Rev.653) if not working, then with 3.0 tools. Anyway I will make a backup of actual Biogame and DLC folders, as I did for mods installed (long work but I think it’s due and worth). Indeed in DLC folder I have all Origin DLCs (not multiplier), EGM (with Squadpack), Miranda MOD, MEHEM, ME3RE, Backoff, Anderson Conversation, KEN&Gabby, Grunt Aralak, Maya Brooks, all with the needed compatibility patches, all with AUTOTOC after. No Thane Mod, because I would wait for the 3.0 release. I didn’t rebuild the tree (TEXplorer) with the DLC MOD installed. Indeed I TEXplored only with Origin DLCs. But till now it works, though I made a short playthrough till Normandy arrival on attack at Earth. So I don’t know if to rebuilt it… Now I am studying the EGM settings file… but because English is not my language, so I want to understand the meanings at the best Thanks a lot again.