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About teoderico

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    Mass Effect 3
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  1. Bad issues… Firstly “Texplored” ME3 with Origin DLC single player only. Then followed EGM suggested install orders (EGM, DLC Story mods, patches), installed textures (EDI New Head), left EGM settings as it is, rebuilt the tree with Texplorer. Started new play, I have mouse problem on selecting replies. The mouse works on all menus selection, it highlights the replies on the wheel, but when I click on reply chosen… nothing happens, and I cannot go on with play. I tried full screen, window without borders, window, each with different resolutions. With light coalesced modded and original coalesced. With and without TexMod to load tpf files. Nothing… So there is something (maybe a DLC mods, maybe installed too much…) that brakes this mouse function… Now reinstalled ME3 with Origin DLC. I will check if mouse problem solved firstly, then Texplore and check again that. I will do for each mod, selecting which really wanted/needed (Ken & Gabby recruitment as example)... looooong work, but it is worth and maybe useful fo rsomeone else. Understood that I will carefully read the article posted by moho25 Why DLC Mods aren't always the Solution.
  2. Thanks a lot for reply me3deager. Edi is .mod files. I will follow your suggestions, firstly try installing with ME3Explorer 3.0, then with 109K (Rev.653) if not working, then with 3.0 tools. Anyway I will make a backup of actual Biogame and DLC folders, as I did for mods installed (long work but I think it’s due and worth). Indeed in DLC folder I have all Origin DLCs (not multiplier), EGM (with Squadpack), Miranda MOD, MEHEM, ME3RE, Backoff, Anderson Conversation, KEN&Gabby, Grunt Aralak, Maya Brooks, all with the needed compatibility patches, all with AUTOTOC after. No Thane Mod, because I would wait for the 3.0 release. I didn’t rebuild the tree (TEXplorer) with the DLC MOD installed. Indeed I TEXplored only with Origin DLCs. But till now it works, though I made a short playthrough till Normandy arrival on attack at Earth. So I don’t know if to rebuilt it… Now I am studying the EGM settings file… but because English is not my language, so I want to understand the meanings at the best Thanks a lot again.
  3. EGM is awesome! I am following the suggested installation order (.exe installer) and I am at point 5, the textures. I would like to install EDI New Head, but it was made with me3explorer 109k (rev. 653), as anyway I would like to install other mods made with this and/or previous ME3 Explorer releases. In the Mod Description thre is written: IMPORTANT: EGM v1 IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH ME3EXPLORER 3.0 IF YOU USE EARLIER VERSION OF TEXPLORER YOU WILL CORRUPT THE MOD. Till now I have used ME3 Explore 3.0 for everything, as Auto TOC for example, installing other mods, like ME3REcalibrated, MEHEM, Miranda Mod, etc… But installing EDI New Head it means to fix the TOC then… Does it means that they are not compatible? Does it means that there is no way to make those two mods works together? Thanks a lot for help
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