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About StormyG7

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    United States

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  1. Thanks, I thought I was going mad. Still, it's very odd.
  2. 'AMBIENCE - cinematic main-menu replacers' works fine for replacing the main menu video but for whatever reason nothing I change the main menu music to works. I have no other mods active and what happens is it seems to randomly be either the standard theme music or the modded one. I overwrote the original main menu theme with the new one and still, it's playing the original theme half the time. I don't have a clue how it does this even after overwriting the file.
  3. I'm not a fan of energy weapons and while some might find the laser musket pleasantly janky, I find it far too hokey like many of the Fallout 4 weapons. If Someone could simply replace this item with an M1 Garand (I don't care if it's not 100% lore friendly), I would appreciate it. If not, at least please explain to me how I can use this M1 Garand mod I've downloaded to replace that item through a modding tool for modifying the leveled lists. Actually, I could use some general help in that area. I found mods that modify the leveled lists to replace the Combat Rifle and Assualt Rifle with real-world weapons (the G67 and R91 respectively). I would like to know if there is a more complete up-to-date mod that simply adds certain weapon mods to the leveled lists or how I can do that myself.
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