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About Sonia4u

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  1. Thanks for reply k361! yes ist is survival beta! It could mabye be the reason!
  2. Hello all! After the update 1.5.147 my launcher dont supported esp files anymore! I checked my .ini files and everything is ok! like this: •First, Navigate to your "Documents\My Games\Fallout4" folder. •Next open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. •Find the section marked [Launcher] and add the following line: bEnableFileSelection=1 Your Fallout4Prefs.ini file should like it does above when done. Save and close. •Next open the Fallout4.ini file. •Find the section marked [Archive] •Find the line "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" •Change it to "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\" Fallout4Custom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= its not working with NMM too! i can mark the esp files in NMM, but after start the game the esp's dont work! i hope for some help! thanks alot! :smile:
  3. Hey, Du lebst noch, oder? ... man, laaang nix gehört
    1. humannature66


      Halloooooooo ? ....
  4. hi freddo!

    ich bin grad überall unterwegs, skyrim, fallout 3, nv! oblivion wieder ausgepackt, und eine menge andere games! oh natürlich experimentiere ich sehr viel rum!

  5. hiya buddy :)

    schnell mal reingeschaut & moin gesagt ;)

    bist Du in Skyrim oder FO ?

  6. hello all! only a little stupid question ))) which skeleton i must use to create armors and clothes for the CBBE V3 body? i use the vanilla skeleton.nif, or i have to use the skeleton_female.nif? mabye there is some other for the CBBE body? i m not sure, if im right with this choice, or i missed some importain informations! i ask, because if i made new clothes in 3ds max, make new weightpaint, and i do some animation to see if there are clippings, it works perfect with the vanilla skeleton.nif file and the CBBE body, but in game i have some clipping! that is why i think i have some wrong with the skeleton! so hope for answer and tipps! sonia
  7. hey bla!

    nice to hear from you :o)) yes of course i do well, dont worry! right now i dont know but did i gave you the esp for WLCC FO3 version?

  8. huhu,caught you peeking xD

    just wanted say,yes,i still exist,but hanging in fo3 now after over an year break..

    hope u are doing well :)

  9. hello! a little problem what i want ask about! i made a race mod with all bodies and ressurces like hair, textures and so one what you get for fallout 3! of every race i made an npc and some cells that they have place to live! this works perfect! i named the esp MyRaceFO3.esp! i made an new esp (MyRaceWorld.esp) for setting clones of this npcs in the world, like big town! the problem is now that i will load the game and travel or run to bigtown the game crash or freeze! i set only 2 clones to bigtown for testing! all 2 esps are marked! mabye someone have a tipp or help for me! sonia
  10. hi freddo! danke dir, auch dir ein frohes neues jahr noch! schon ewig nix mehr von dir gehört! welche modderin lebt nicht mehr?
  11. Happy New Year, Kumpel !!!!!

    Wenigstens lebst Du noch !!!

    eine modderin, die wir beide kennen (davon geh ich mal aus) , lebt inzwischen leider nicht mehr ...

  12. Nice to hear from you again. A pity that your paradise island did not go any further, but it's good to have you back :-)
  13. hello bla!

    yes i do well, believe me:o) i still work on my stuff, and of course i play skyrim! i hope soon to get some modtools and im/exporters for 3ds max!

  14. ahoi...hope u are doing well?

    captured by skyrim ? :D

  15. hello all! i little ask! i work on my mod, and i include some npcs! the npcs are right now only npcs with own race! that works perfect! the npcs have at time only sandbox AI, vanilla greetings, and no special idles or something! the problem is if i want talk to an npc my avatar disapper, in the 3 rd persion view too! looks like the original skeleton pose in nifscope! if i talk than to an companion like cass, and i closed her menu than my avatar is back normally! i have not much mods running at time, only nevada skies, yurts wasteland trees, cinemator, electro city and some weapon mods! all together mabye 15 mods! hope someone can tell me what i can do to avoid the issue! thanks
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