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About JimmyChooChoo

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  1. It's ok now, I have figured it out, I will share my solution for future. So basically, I made the effect last 5 seconds as I wanted, by doing that via the effects box instead of putting it in the script. Begin ScriptEffectFinish (this will make you teleport at the last second then) If Player Player.Moveto (ID name of marker) Endif End Thank you for all your help too, I wouldn't have tried to figure out if there was a script effect end command XD
  2. Thank you, I will try this out, i may also make this thing a mod of it's own in case people don't want the rest of the mod i'm making it in :D
  3. If you made a quest stage for it then hit the button that says Complete quest, under the log entry, it should just be a completed quest, I hope this helps :D
  4. What is this block icon? Also about the armour thing, are you asking how to make your own armour meshes, or just how to add another peice of armour from scratch?
  5. Hello, I have been working on a mod and currently I'm working on a feature that is going to be in the mod, the type of script is a magic effect that will happen when you drink this potion, my problem is that when I drink the potion the effect happens whilst in the menu still, and I fear that will cause problems for people, like crashing ect. Here is my script; ScriptName (name of script) Begin ScriptEffectStart If Player (so npcs don't end up doing this) Player.Moveto (things ID) Endif End Thank you for taking your time to read :D
  6. The emmisive doesn't seem to change the glow at all but eerything else O.o
  7. hmm i would have to i suppose but i didn't really want to spoil what i was working on, but here you are, the mesh in both construction set and nifskope. its for a new guild mod i'm making.
  8. thanks for the information i'll mess around with the things you have mentioned, i hope this works EDIT: ok when I change the emmisive some other parts change with it even though in the .dds the area that glows (in nifskope) seem to change with the emmisive as well. ANOTHER EDIT: the lighting of the mesh doesn't change with lighting all around it either in the construction set and the glow doesn't show either??? idk what i'm doing wrong.
  9. Basically i had a friend make some lovely meshes for me with designs i made for those meshes. everything is ok except the glow, its not working at all, it shows in nifskope, but it doesn't show in construction set or oblivion, I tried even turning the glow files white and copying that pattern onto the texture file as the colour its supposed to be, the pattern shown in game but not in construction set and there was no glow in either of them, this .nif file is a "door" I haven't applied collision to it yet either, I have looked on google, but no look so far. thank you for taking your time to read this.
  10. where abouts would your fps drop, or is it everywhere? and have you tried disabling any texture/mesh replacer mods that you can also I know that space can mess games up for some reason, to be honest, you should wait for a more experienced person really, I just thought that for now all you can do is read something from a noob until someone who actually knows their stuff comes.
  11. that's not normal and I've no clue why its doing that, make sure when you launch the game that your not clicking on anything though whilst it loads, maybe that will work but as I said I really have no clue
  12. OK so i've tried a new save... it may just be that save, but then again i wasn't on my friends server because they were playing a different game. EDIT: played a bit more, but now my friend has came to this bug with the bannered mare Another EDIT: it may just be the server but idk also I found out that the doors aren't disabled or anything, they just moved, but don't seem to be connected any more until you get the reference id of the door and move it to player inside or outside the correct area and then the doors will be linked, but obviously this isn't really a fix as my friend and I don't wanna mess around with the console for a serious play through. Also if your wondering about where the doors move, I have no clue they just go to oblivion or something for all we know. AND I should add that when my friend left they said that they were underneath whiterun and had to use the console to get out,
  13. well it depends, has a dragon attacked the city or vampires, because they could've killed him too....
  14. n1 why is your dlc at the bottom and not the top and n2 YOU HAVE SO MANY MODS!!!!, srry if the dlc thing may not help, but i just thought i'd give you some hope, i still don't know why its there it should always be above all your mods unless mod organizer does it from bottom to top but I remember having it and the dlc should DEFINITLY be on the top, just in case check in the skyrim launcher first
  15. I was playing with my friend in skyrim, and we went into dragonsreach but when i came out i couldn't enter again and the door to dragonsreach said door to whiterun. and i wasn't so bothered at the time, but this door problem has happened once again at the winking skeever in solitude, i went there to go sell some loot, but when i exited I found myself in a random cell just continuously falling so I used coc SolitudeStables to get out and when I ran back to in the city the proper door to the winking skeever was missing, I have no other mods playing other than skyrim together and it only has ever seemed to happen to this character, but I would have to test it out if it is on all characters, I've already tried disconnecting and reconnecting and saving then quitting then loading but none fix this issue, thank you for taking your time to read this and thanks for any help/suggestions
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