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About Lilchewchew

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New Vegas / Fallout 4 / Dying Light Enhanced Edition / State of Decay
  • Favourite Game
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

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  1. Hi, I've been trying to open Fallout 4 textures that I've extracted from architecture/billboards folder and work on a gimp plugin that I've been using since Fallout 3 to read DDS format. But everytime I open any file with _n or _s ending my gimp can't read them. Is there something I am missing around? Do I need to install another plugin or update my gimp-2.8.14-setup-1?
  2. Question how do I can open a request related to this topic conversation instead of making a new thread since the subject in conversation is the same. I am as well looking for a modification in Nexus that won't require other modification along with the one I was hoping it wouldn't need another modification. I'm so into this game recently and I can't stand how much this bother me to not have weapons visible like used to be in Fallout New Vegas when you're on 3rd person perspective. It is annoying me so much how FO4 downgraded the aspects from FNV. So is there somewhere that I can ask or track if someone might come with a modification to use the mechanic in Fallout New Vegas to be able to have holster weapons in third person be visible again? And specially to all npcs except animals. A modification that won't need another modification to work? All holster mods need another modification to work properly and is quite bothering me since I'm trying to like the game without the need of modding too much. And I'm not using any modification yet. But the subject of this conversation is needed in the game. The request I'm looking for is to somehow a unique modification without the need of other modfication to work. With no requirements. Is confusing all holster weapon modifications are always listing someone else's mod but doesn't specify which is mainly needed. This is why I'm writing this. By the way I'm not looking to use FOMM or F4SE or any other mod launcher since I don't want to disable Steam achievements. I'm trying to play the game without affecting the experience so much.
  3. Is not hard I´d say. But for a good integrity nexus already have great model designers and there are few mods created for fo3 on fo3nexus section.Now particularly I´m most waiting to someone make a replacement of fo3 creatures to starcraft creaturees. JaySuS Marine Battle Armor - Starcraft 2 Style by JaySuS GhostArmor HGEC - Conversion - Modder Resource by ken1945-bunsaki-mutle
  4. That is why I never putt my login on automatic or to remember automatically the password.I´ve being through this with many sites,forum,communities I attend. Only can I say is too bad...the virtual world is full of hackers,thieves and cheaters also in real life too only we can do is live with that and be preventive with caution.
  5. those ppl never will like because of the graphics....since 2004 game corporations will now only think with head straight in increasing the graphic level detail. Most teenager never will appreciate the beginning of how it started. I do will appreciate the old games because they were initial start of all.The firsts interactions and mechanics,the simply graphics and good story. The old games will be remarkable forever.
  6. Definitely half life,diablo,fallout,command & conquer tiberium sun ( win 95 ) from the list were the best. But mine is: Lemmings for windows 97....if I remember well... :wallbash:
  7. My favorite is Khan from metro 2033. why? Because of his natural sense of faith and is a very religious old man,trying to make difference,to break the constant vicious of war.
  8. Wow classic rpgs.....hmmm....going be tough.....here´s my suggests...baldur´s gate,diablo 2,lemmings,magic carper,fallout 1,Litil Divil ; the rest Puff!! Erased*. But those I´ve listed many is not possible to run because of OS and most are might be impossible to look for. LOL you´re might be thinking...´´then why I commented listing those games ? `` Because the are good.Besides diablo,lemming ( almost possible to run this game ),baldur´s gate those can still be played.
  9. my first console was sega saturn....and I do remember about castelvania and alien 3 and sonic.....the rest no clue.....
  10. Seriously....Is hard to be me say that...but I can´t definitely remember good or bad moments from fallout 1.....I was just a child.....past 12 years when I´d try to run the game the CD was totally scratched. :facepalm: : Only can do now is watch videos on youtube to pass time for those games I can´t play anymore .(broken / lost)
  11. I have to agree with tank441 fo3 still has a better engage story and a good interactivity.I was while ago playing new vegas haven't wait for new dlc ( old world blues )so uninstalled to putt fo3 .And I still prefer the D.C. Capital than the smallest urban part of New Vegas and environment by itself.Of course New Vegas show a better and organize piece of world but very precarious. But it looks like the most fun and superb DLC made to fo3 and new vegas was definitely broken steel,point lookout,the pitt / dead money.Those are my favorites.
  12. We´re have to learn from our mistakes....that´s the cycle of life....´´if this really does it matters``
  13. 195. No matter what your companion dog after dies leave many puppies you´re can´t immagine outside vault 101. 196. The size never matters if makes the first crit doesn´t matter the size. 197. The enemy of my enemy sometimes is my friend...sometimes not. 198. A random unknow place to sleep.After few hours later a surprise appears without notice you.( talon company,regulators)
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