I was thinking about aftereffects that could alter the way a character speaks (like the Deeper and Higher voice mods), because I really wanted to come up with a way to add the ghoul gravelly quality to the Sole Survivor so I could play a (mostly proper) ghoul character in a playthrough. Then I thought about ways to modify voices in general, and realized that I would love to see someone autotune characters (if not Nate/Nora, maybe Curie, Codsworth, or Nick). I don't know how difficult that would be, but I'd love to have a T-Pain Wasteland mod. (If done for Codworth, I'd totally name the mod 'Mr Handy Model: T-P41n). Notably, adding to the generic robot NPCs/enemies, or the Graygarden Supervisors or something would still be cool and maybe less intensive. Anyway, so anyway, there's my idea. Please, if anyone thinks this would be a fun project/feasible, let me know. If there's any little bits of really simple programming that a novice can do, I'd be willing to help out if that makes it a bit less tedious.