Ok, heres to base sign texture: heres the texture applied to the mesh: So, the question is, how do you want the file structure set up? (ie. textures/clutter/signage or textures/someguy/fightersguild or how?) Also, did you want some FG tapestries or anything? I was looking at the oblivion and ESO ones, the oblivion ones seem.... overly detailed without looking like "tapestries" at all. But anywho... Which mesh do you think would work better for the "gilded testies"? I saddly, looked up a s*** load of goat testies pictures online to try and decide, and they vary quite a bit. Personally, I'm leaning towards the nordic barnacle or the potato as being more similar to the ones I saw, but which ever will look better for what you want is up to you... I PMed this and some other stuff, let me know.