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About Hengebobs

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    United States
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    Skyrim, obviously...
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    so many to choose form...

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  1. Well, I went ahead and installed blender again, now I'm going through the mind numbing, hair ripping out, throw the computer through the window process of trying to get the nif scripts installed correctly so I can import/export for skyrim. The hassle of the nif script installation is the entire reason I didn't have Blender on this computer. But trying to find meshes that work for the assets you want and the sort I think would be fun to make for Thirsk/SSS seems to make Blender and the commensurate hassle the lesser frustration. We shall see... EDIT: Eventually I'll get this thing working...
  2. Was looking for some "thematically appropriate" stuff I could use, and found the swords made by naghaplaj85 have you seen them? Obviously, I would rebuild the textures if you get permission/want to use them, but there are few "viking" style swords on nexus. EDIT: Fffffttttt... at this point I'm seriously considering going through the hassle of installing blender and all the python/pffy crap to be able to export for skyrim, the available resources just don't give me what I want for this...
  3. Cool. Re-listening to your old youtube stuff while I work on these textures, and thought I'd ask.
  4. What ever happened to "Sverd Saga"?
  5. Pray tell, doth thine mean knife ear jarheads perchance? That... I'm not sure if I'm offended by the idea or not, though it is certainly an intriguing one...
  6. One mod at a time! I'm saving it for SSS! OK, just let me know if theres anything else you need for Thirsk, other than the crate and labels and stuff I'm still working through...
  7. So, a game warden quest? Does that mean you want me to make "no poaching" signs and what not? An "Imperial Tamriel" game warden uniform texture? Possibilities...
  8. Yea yea we get it, no fun allowed. Quite right, my bad. I'll keep such horrid degeneracy in the stream & youtube comments...
  9. You're gonna ask me for a bunch of different colored argonian textures with needle tracks, cigarette burns and cheap tattoos aren't you?
  10. So, "...something-something... Imports" and you want riekling pinups on their ad posters, and "special" dwemer toys? I'll see what I can do...
  11. I... I think I have a problem... I. Can't. Stop. One might even say that I have... Issues? Eh? Eh? Ok, I'll stop now... Seriously though, I need to stop, every crazy idea that pops in my head I start messing with it... Of course in this instance, its your fault someguy for having posted oblivion before I woke up so I was watching it while I smoked my wake up cig at 5 this morning, and thats never good to expose yourself to that kind of crazy when you're half asleep... And then wondering down to the comments just sealed my fate...
  12. K, PMed you the dropbox link. Its the balls, sign and book. I'm still messing with the other stuff. Anything else you need for thirsk? If not I'll focus on getting the FG stuff finished...
  13. I had to ask also, Someguys response was: "SSS stands for Someguy's Scintillating Scenarios, which will be my next mod. It's a collection of side-quests and scripted encounters that tie into vanilla and modded content on Skyrim and Solstheim. It's a platform for random-ass ideas that don't fit in other mods."
  14. Ok, heres to base sign texture: heres the texture applied to the mesh: So, the question is, how do you want the file structure set up? (ie. textures/clutter/signage or textures/someguy/fightersguild or how?) Also, did you want some FG tapestries or anything? I was looking at the oblivion and ESO ones, the oblivion ones seem.... overly detailed without looking like "tapestries" at all. But anywho... Which mesh do you think would work better for the "gilded testies"? I saddly, looked up a s*** load of goat testies pictures online to try and decide, and they vary quite a bit. Personally, I'm leaning towards the nordic barnacle or the potato as being more similar to the ones I saw, but which ever will look better for what you want is up to you... I PMed this and some other stuff, let me know.
  15. Well, I PM-ed you, but just incase, which sign? They use different though similar textures. Which would you prefer it be on?
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