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About InsanitySorrow

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    United Kingdom
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    Final Fantasy IX

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  1. That "guys" stuff does have one actually ;) - Shield of Kvatch It's included in Lore Weapon Expansion.
  2. There is a new Silver Dagger and Silver Shortsword here - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44179/? More to come later.
  3. Import the Oblivion NIFs into Blender and follow this tutorial to make a Skyrim Compatible NIF. Oblivion was made by Bethesda ;) You can convert content made by modders for Oblivion over to Skyrim as long as you have permission, you can't convert vanilla content though.
  4. I made Welkynd Stones a while ago, not part of a mod though, I released them as a resource :)
  5. Happy New Year to you too :D
  6. Well another year has passed. I hope it was a good one, but here's wishing you Happy New Year for an even better one in 2012!
  7. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  8. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  9. Long time no talk to Insanity! Just popping thru to wish you a Merry Christmas! :o)
  10. Hope you're okay. Been playing Dragon Age so not been around much. RL taking over a bit. Good to see you still around. Love your work.
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