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  1. Hi, would it be possibel to add a the Mirage-effect(in Red) to the Cavalier?
  2. Hi, since the last update the Alva the wayfarer doesnt work right (the Skirtpart stays stationary), since i cant reach out to the Creator MaxtheMiracle with Nexus and im not paying Patreon for asking if hes working on it. can someone make an updatet version of the Alva Set from Dark Souls 3?
  3. Hey, well it is possibel but you would loose the ability to make a base/normal attack and the heavy attack will look like the one from a staff or seal, also if the weapon skill requires the base attack button it, it will result in the spell. well that sayed, not all weapon movesets are mapped out, maybe there is a spellsword one out there or will be put in with a dlc, but for now it will not work as intent!
  4. Hi, i have managed to export, change, an reimport a model of the Sword of Night and Flame the Textur is still "working", but when i get the Camera to close to the Character it turns invisibel After some testing, this habens to all modells i import, regardless if i turn on the lod option when importing does some one know why? and how to import right?
  5. Hello, I have tried to create a weapon for Skyrim, using Sketchup. The model finished I have triangulated it with Blender. The import in Nifskope works, ingame also. But it can not be textured. Mudbox crashes and texture export (via Nifskope) created a Star or whatever. i hope someone can help me. textur nifskope https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejpjp7hmice33eq/new.tga?dl=0 blender triangulate https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4kpad563syg4hp/vita%20Sword_tri.obj?dl=0 export from Sketup https://www.dropbox.com/s/oapnbmprg8i9et1/Vita%20Sword.obj?dl=0 edit: Something I forgot I have no plan of 3d editing.
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