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Everything posted by Tomwa

  1. In response to post #37149100. #37150185, #37155040, #37206635 are all replies on the same post. Thanks for the TLC.
  2. A childish argument from a childish person. We were PROMISED REDKIT, we got a command line utility that barely functions (if at all). Skyrim is almost 5 YEARS old. I can mod Skyrim to relative visual fidelity with Witcher 3 with EASE. I can also: - Add quests, NPC's, entire retextures. - New gameplay mechanics? Want a survival game? Easy. Witcher 3? Once you've played it's pretty much over, you can wait for DLC (Which you have to buy) but the game is pretty much done and gone.
  3. Just wanted to drop in and congratulate you on figuring it out! Hope it feels good to find a problem and work through a solution. Glad you shared your mod as well!
  4. I was altering some files in startup.bundle for a mod I'm making and I have unfortunately broken the file. If someone could kindly share with me content/content0/startup.bundle I would greatly appreciate it as I cannot work on my mod without it. I was going to just repair the file through GOG's launcher but that would remove all of my other mods as well which would more than sting. Game version is GOG 1.08 Thanks to anyone willing to do so.
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