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  1. Are you getting fps drop or stuttering. You have put that your monitor is 60Hz, the card will put out more then that, so you may be getting micro stuttering. try an enb but lock the fps to 60. you can also try borderless window. just use the fake borderless window mod to go full screen. these helped me when I got my r9 295x2 gpu.
  2. If you have added more Vram to your gpu then you have broken it, you would have to dismantle and remove the existing vram and resolder the new chips on the board, so I think you are confusing Vram and System Ram up, System ram is installed on you motherboard and Vram is installed on your GPU, If you only have 4gb of system ram you can add more, but skyrim will not use more than 4GB of ram, the extra ram will make your os faster. Skyrim is a 32Bit Program and as a 32Bit program it will have those limits, there is nothing you or anybody will be able to do. Have you checked to see if the ram is the same as your other ram, mixing ram types and voltages can cause problems. what you should have done is use the money you spend and get a better GPU.
  3. Try without purity selected. Purity and CoT do the same thing, so you would get crash when you use both of them.
  4. In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949, #24619709, #24621479, #24621814, #24621984, #24665704 are all replies on the same post. Skyui is the same as 4.1 here on the nexus, only the crafting menu has been changed. no other changes to the mcm menu have been made. got this info from the mod maker on reddit.
  5. Dark0ne and nexus team. I want to know what the future will hold for this site, you have said that you will keep it free for us, but what about the threat of the rights holders. Take for example the pirate sites or filelockers that were hit in the past years for allowing piracy, they allowed people to download for FREE but the money people did not like that and forced the goverments to take action. Now you have valve and the game devs wanting modders and allowing them to make some money, but what happens when they decide that THIS site which allows people to download for FREE is bad for them, will this site become a pirate site and get blocked or the modders here get arrested and charged for allowing piracy or a lost sale like the riaa and mpaa keep saying about FREE sites.
  6. In response to post #24600134. #24600279, #24600504, #24600574, #24601074 are all replies on the same post. If it was a ddos attack then the whole site would be down, and not give an error
  7. I think that's from AmidinBorn book of silence - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24909/?. If you do not have this mod installed then you may have step installed wrongly.
  8. Well I am starting to get this issue. but the thing is I have NOT even been into the soul cairn, I became a vampire and started to to skyrim quests, I am still doing the blood chalice, I am only getting the error when I close skyrim down, during play no ctd's.
  9. have you checked your ram to see if its faulty. also make sure that your not overloading you system or graphics card. Skyrim has a problem with anything over 60fps, over 3.1GB ram use and mods that change the same cell. Try using this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491 to see if there is any issues
  10. Have you installed the gpu drivers correctly. and make sure you are not using a modded save game, both of these will cause issues. Failing that make sure you have installed windows correctly you may not have an update or program installed yet, like direct X, service pack 1, Net frame works, Microsoft visual C++. I do not know if skyrim needs there, but there is an issue with jibs quest and C++ runtime error so there may be a need for these programs.
  11. The mod needs dawnguard and dragonborn to work. you have dawnguard but dragonborn is not listed so tes5edit is saying there needs to be another file to work.
  12. I am having some strange issues with mannequins, after trying some mods like helgan reborn and more blades sky heaven temple mods the mannequins in those places are moving. the ones in the houses are all ok. Not the vanilla bug were they move around, but there arms and heads turn to face me when I go near them, they are acting like they are alive, as soon as I put a ring on them they freeze to the correct position. I do not have any mods that affect them or texture replaces, but I do have the unoffical mods.
  13. Also check your CPU and GPU heat sink to see if they are dust free, you should be able to get a special dust blower from computer shops to remove any dust build up.
  14. There is a quick and easy fix for the esbern bug with out any setstage commands. just add [Archive] sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim-Voices.bsa sResourceArchiveLists2=Skyrim-VoicesExtra.bsa to the bottom of your skyrim.ini file.
  15. It would be a lot of help if you use boss or loot to sort your load order and post for more help. But at a guess from the time stamp your dawnguard dlc is damaged, try and see if you can repair it by stream or redownload it again from stream.
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