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Posts posted by trepmaws

  1. Okay, so I'm kinda at my wits end here. I'm having an issue where NONE of the traps in the game are triggering for me, whether I try to or another NPC does. This might seem awesome at first, except it's causing certain dungeons to not work properly. (And before anyone asks, no, I don't have the Light Foot perk or any modded version of it.)


    I started noticing this when I was running through Hag's End, and NONE of the traps triggered except for runes and chain doors.


    The foremost example of this being game breaking is Dead Men's Respite. When I enter the dungeon, the ghost beckons me to pick up the claw as usual, then disappears like he's supposed to. I go to pick up the Ruby Red Claw, and the iron gates won't open, nor will the draugr wake up, and I can't progress through the dungeon any farther.


    Now, to give a bit more context, I'm running Notice Boards for SSE, and that was the reason I was going to these dungeons, to find the 5 books that the quest gives and bring them to Farengar. One of the books was in Dead Men's Respite, but now I can't even get in there without the 'tcl' command.


    I suspect it's Notice Boards causing the issue (traps worked early on in my playthrough, and I installed NB's later on, and I didn't notice traps not working till some time after), as I was also sent to Moss Mother Cavern to find a book, but Valdr didn't respond to me at all to trigger his quest to kill the Spriggans when I got there. Even though I suspect Notice Boards, uninstalling it and loading an earlier save where it was never active and visiting these said locations show the same results, so I'm stuck.


    Here's my load order, if anyone can help me with this problem, and I can add more details (so the post doesn't go on for ever) if you need more things clarified. Thanks!


    0 0 Skyrim.esm
    1 1 Update.esm
    2 2 Dawnguard.esm
    3 3 HearthFires.esm
    4 4 Dragonborn.esm
    254 FE 0 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl
    254 FE 1 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl
    5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
    6 6 ApachiiHair.esm
    7 7 ApachiiHairFemales.esm
    8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm
    9 9 HmmWhatToWear.esm
    10 a HmmWhatToWearDawnGuard.esm
    11 b AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp
    12 c BlendedRoads.esp
    13 d LookCloser.esp
    14 e HelmetToggle.esp
    15 f SunDaytimeNorth_MM_default.esp
    16 10 RSChildren - Complete.esp
    17 11 RSChildren_PatchUSSEP.esp
    18 12 When Vampires Attack.esp
    19 13 CharacterMakingExtender.esp
    20 14 KS Hairdo's.esp
    21 15 MagicalCollegeofWinterhold.esp
    22 16 Dynamic TimeScale.esp
    23 17 Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
    24 18 AchieveThat_SE.esp
    25 19 AMatterOfTime.esp
    26 1a 3DNPC.esp
    27 1b Book Covers Skyrim.esp
    28 1c BetterQuestObjectives.esp
    29 1d AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
    30 1e SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp
    31 1f MajesticMountains.esp
    32 20 UNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
    33 21 OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp
    34 22 Unofficial Skyrim Survival Patch.esp
    35 23 JobsofSkyrim.esp
    36 24 TheChoiceIsYours.esp
    37 25 Run For Your Lives.esp
    38 26 The Elder Scrolls Tomes - Skyrim Magic Addon.esp
    39 27 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimalsBehaviors_LightVersion.esp
    40 28 SPERG-SSE.esp
    41 29 Skyshards.esp
    42 2a MajesticMountains_Moss.esp
    43 2b EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp
    44 2c ApotheusLightArmor_by_GuitunScarfin.esp
    45 2d BijinAIO_SSE-3.1.1-SV.esp
    46 2e Bijin Warmaidens.esp
    47 2f Bijin NPCs.esp
    48 30 Bijin Wives.esp
    49 31 BetterQuestObjectives - BCS Patch.esp
    50 32 SurvivalConfig.esp
    51 33 TCIY_BCS Patch.esp
    52 34 UnreadBooksGlow.esp
    53 35 SometimesPickUpBooks.esp
    54 36 Distinct People.esp
    55 37 IB - All-in-One.esp
    56 38 Toccata.esp
    57 39 Vivace.esp
    58 3a adventurerMashupComp.esp
    59 3b nwsMirabelleFollower.esp
    60 3c XPMSSE.esp
    61 3d SkyUI_SE.esp
    62 3e iHUD.esp
    63 3f zzArmormashups.esp
    64 40 Hmm What To Wear.esp
    65 41 Vidani's Bag of Holding.esp
    66 42 notice board.esp
    67 43 MLU.esp
    68 44 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
    69 45 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
    70 46 Realistic-Voice.esp
    71 47 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
    72 48 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp
    73 49 BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
    74 4a RDO - USSEP Patch.esp
    75 4b IcePenguinWorldMap.esp

  2. In response to post #35832025. #35918580 is also a reply to the same post.

    chazo136 wrote: Do I have to own the PC version of Morrowind or would the Xbox version suffice?
    logan1710 wrote: It's ok, you will be agreeing however that you own a copy of morrowind in one way or another (old xbox/pc version or on steam/GOG).

    Yes, you need to own a copy of Morrowind on PC for this to work, as well as Skyrim. It's in the mod's coding to require a legal PC copy of Morrowind, so it's not sufficient to own the XBox version.
  3. In response to post #33846495.

    ilobiti wrote: I have a really weird result with the beta 1.3.
    Disabled structures suddenly appeared again.
    I deleted the ruins of a house, build my own structure on top and after using the patch 1.3 suddenly both (the old and the new) house are standing in each other.

    Can anyone confirm the bug ?

    Were the ruins one of the crumbled Sanctuary houses that give you resources, or did you use the disable/MarkforDelete command?

    If you did the later, perhaps the new patch restored all objects that have a reference ID that were disabled or marked-for-deletion and overwrote any changes to the actual save file.



    Thanks for the tips everyone. Sadly, none of these really solved my problem, but now my population is back up to 16 for no apparent reason. I have no idea why it took so long to fix itself, but it did drop down to 10 people at one point before going back up.


    But, a new problem has arisen: I can't assign any of my settlers at Finch Farms to anything but defensive posts and supply lines (and even those bug out). What's worse, is they are constantly thanking me for helping to defend the farm from Muties and are all trying to start a conversation with me, and it's incessant, like they're stuck in a loop. I can't even trade items with them. It's liked they're just bugged to hell, and it's every single settler, not just the Finch family. I'm wondering if it's a navmesh issue, since the settlers that are on patrol have troubles moving around the farm. It's really weird, and it's starting to get on my nerves.


    Has anyone else noticed this problem at Finch Farms or any other settlement?

    Make sure that you are not trying to assign them to something which is broken, it can be really hard to tell. I had a broken scavenging station for several game days and never noticed. Very hard to tell when crops are damaged, but they are the first to fall usually.


    No, this is not the problem. They DON'T move. They walk into walls constantly when left to themselves, and when I assign them to newly crafted items, they get up, start to move, then just ignore the order and go back to leaning on a wall or just standing there, leaving the item still unassigned. The guards will take 2 steps forward, then stop for a minute, then take another 2 steps forward, over and over, never getting to their posts.


    Sometimes the supply line assignment works, sometimes it doesn't, often ending with the "provisioner" just standing there, and no link to the assigned settlement established. I'm telling you, something is very wrong with this area. It also makes no difference if I send settlers to a different settlement and then send them back. They function normally at the new settlement, but when I send them back to Finch Farms, it's buggy business as usual. And this is not present at ANY other settlement, just Finch Farms.


    Is there anyway to reset the area with console commands?


    I can't test this theory, but looking at http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_bugs


    One fix for the problem could be:

    All NPC's in a settlement (including inactive companions, Brahmin, traders) will occasionally become stuck in an idle standing position, not moving through the map or attending to their tasks. Ringing the bell seems to fix this.


    Tried that as well, and it didn't work. But, I did find a fix: I scoured the entire farm and removed any and all assignable resources that were present before I got access to the workbench, then I replaced them, and that seemed to alleviate the problem. There are still some navmesh issues with NPC's walking into walls, but I can live with that for now. Thanks for your help!


    Thanks for the tips everyone. Sadly, none of these really solved my problem, but now my population is back up to 16 for no apparent reason. I have no idea why it took so long to fix itself, but it did drop down to 10 people at one point before going back up.


    But, a new problem has arisen: I can't assign any of my settlers at Finch Farms to anything but defensive posts and supply lines (and even those bug out). What's worse, is they are constantly thanking me for helping to defend the farm from Muties and are all trying to start a conversation with me, and it's incessant, like they're stuck in a loop. I can't even trade items with them. It's liked they're just bugged to hell, and it's every single settler, not just the Finch family. I'm wondering if it's a navmesh issue, since the settlers that are on patrol have troubles moving around the farm. It's really weird, and it's starting to get on my nerves.


    Has anyone else noticed this problem at Finch Farms or any other settlement?

    Make sure that you are not trying to assign them to something which is broken, it can be really hard to tell. I had a broken scavenging station for several game days and never noticed. Very hard to tell when crops are damaged, but they are the first to fall usually.


    No, this is not the problem. They DON'T move. They walk into walls constantly when left to themselves, and when I assign them to newly crafted items, they get up, start to move, then just ignore the order and go back to leaning on a wall or just standing there, leaving the item still unassigned. The guards will take 2 steps forward, then stop for a minute, then take another 2 steps forward, over and over, never getting to their posts.


    Sometimes the supply line assignment works, sometimes it doesn't, often ending with the "provisioner" just standing there, and no link to the assigned settlement established. I'm telling you, something is very wrong with this area. It also makes no difference if I send settlers to a different settlement and then send them back. They function normally at the new settlement, but when I send them back to Finch Farms, it's buggy business as usual. And this is not present at ANY other settlement, just Finch Farms.


    Is there anyway to reset the area with console commands?

  6. Thanks for the tips everyone. Sadly, none of these really solved my problem, but now my population is back up to 16 for no apparent reason. I have no idea why it took so long to fix itself, but it did drop down to 10 people at one point before going back up.


    But, a new problem has arisen: I can't assign any of my settlers at Finch Farms to anything but defensive posts and supply lines (and even those bug out). What's worse, is they are constantly thanking me for helping to defend the farm from Muties and are all trying to start a conversation with me, and it's incessant, like they're stuck in a loop. I can't even trade items with them. It's liked they're just bugged to hell, and it's every single settler, not just the Finch family. I'm wondering if it's a navmesh issue, since the settlers that are on patrol have troubles moving around the farm. It's really weird, and it's starting to get on my nerves.


    Has anyone else noticed this problem at Finch Farms or any other settlement?

  7. I can confirm that this bug has nothing to do with any of your mods. I had the same thing happen to me, except to my Red Rocket Station base, and I am running a purely vanilla setup, and have never installed any mods whatsoever. Hopefully that can narrow things down for you.

  8. Hey, I'm having a bit of an issue with one of my settlements. If anyone has any tips, I would appreciate it.


    So, i have several settlements scattered across the Commonwealth, and all of them are growing quite nicely... expect for one: Sunshine Trading Co-op.


    You see, I have a population of 17 in all my other settlements (7 Charisma), yet this one went from 16, down to 13, and won't rise back up. I've been attacked a couple of times by Supermutants there, but have always completed the "defend" objective, although I've lost 1 settler every time to each attack, and 1 settler ended up being a synth. What's weird is that the population is no longer rising back up to 17, it's just stuck at 13. I have over 100 defense, 20 beds, 20 food and water, and a bit of electricity (which shouldn't matter).


    But, I should mention this settlement is unique to my other ones, as it has 6 provisioners being sent from it to my other settlements (an efficiency mistake I made early on in my playthrough, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it).


    Am I missing something? If someone could help me out with this problem, that would be great!



    The limit per settlement is 10 + your charisma stat. You can't have anything more than that regardless how many beds or how much happiness you have.

    Interesting, so I assume this applies to companions as well. Although it's strange, I have 12 inhabitants but only 1 point in Charisma, which should add up to 11 max. Is there any way of getting rid of settlers without resorting to killing them?


    You could put them in the truck stop nearby, not ideal but its a small walk, I am guessing when modders get hold of this game they'll extend the truckstops build range closer to sanctuary, seems logical to create one big build zone.


    I guess that'll have to do for now. I just wish that companions wouldn't go towards the settlement limit so that you could put them all in one spot. They don't even contribute to the settlement, other than Codsworth, but he's never counted as a citizen. Yet he's still held to the settlement limit for whatever reason. Seems like an oversight on Bethesda's part.


    On another note, I discovered that you can somewhat circumvent the issue of companion swapping. You can still dismiss a companion to the last settlement they where recruited from, as long as you cancel out of the menu rather than choosing a spot. That way, you can swap companions even if the settlement has reached it's limit. Hopefully modders will begin to fix these issues soon.

  10. The limit per settlement is 10 + your charisma stat. You can't have anything more than that regardless how many beds or how much happiness you have.

    Interesting, so I assume this applies to companions as well. Although it's strange, I have 12 inhabitants but only 1 point in Charisma, which should add up to 11 max. Is there any way of getting rid of settlers without resorting to killing them?

  11. Hey guys, I could use a little help and a knowledge drop.


    So, I discovered I can't send any of my companions to Sanctuary anymore (20hrs in) after dismissing them, the option is blurred out in the menu screen. Is this some kind of "feature", or is my game just bugged out?


    I will say that there are 12 people currently living in my settlement, all with beds and healthy stats across the board (78% happiness). Does this mean that there is some kind of cap? Also, Preston is still at Sanctuary, as I've never recruited him.


    I'd like some help to figure this out, as Google has brought me no answers, and I'd like to be able to send all my companions to one area. Thanks in advance to anyone who might have an answer!

  12. This is kinda old but I will share my "experience" with infinite loading,When the engine has to load many stuff (from a city cell or any cell in Tamriel ,outside I mean an exterior cell) most of the times it get stuck.For me the solution was to delete these lines that I had added sometime ago from my skyrim.ini file at map subsection.





    From that moment no more loading issues and much quicker waiting to finish.


    This fixed my problem perfectly, which is really strange, considering that I've used those settings for so long. Thank you!

  13. Thank you so much for posting this. I've never played the original Fallout, but I used to play these kinds of games all the time as a kid. And man, have I degraded as a gamer. So much information on screen, and it took me forever to kill the first rat. I had completely over looked the manual, and that was my first mistake. Tutorials have really dumbed down the gamers of today, and I am one of them. So, time to pull up my socks and get into a real gaming experience. *pull*
  14. When I first met Paarth), I freaked out and went into dragon killing mode, cause i had turned off that quest marker ages ago, then came back to the main quest. I threw Fire storm at him and stuff, then he started talking and I was like, :wallbash: , cause I realized it was Paarth.


    Since then, he's become my favorite character. At first I loved Esbern, and could listen to him for hours. But after he told me that I needed to kill Paarth, I wanted to strangle those damned Blades! Esbern doesn't even have a good reason to kill him, other than that whole "justice" hogwash! He even invalidates his own reason by saying Paarth may have repented of all his past deeds! Give the old dragon a freaking chance! And Delphine... she's just a *censored* about it.


    Man, this game really made me put my thinking and morality caps on, with all this "Kill Paarthunax" Quest and the "Civil War". Also, I never new that you could do a peace treaty! Totally would have gone that route instead of siding with the Imperials!


    So no, I didn't kill Paarthunax, I don't need that stupid Dragon's slayer blessing anyhow! All's I need is my Dragonbane katana!

  15. It would be nice if dragons showed up more often period. They don't... appear often enough randomly to make it seem like dragons are back in force terrorizing the country side.


    What is this, I don't even...


    Dragons spawn too much as it is. Don't think so? Try getting out more. Go near mountains or something. Damn things are everywhere, like a virulent plague or something! I can barely walk out of a cave or something without hearing a dragon roaring overhead. Seems like a good percentage of the time I fast travel near a quest target, there just happens to be a dragon appear as I'm running to my marker. So aggravating...


    Aggravating because 80% of the time they never land, and 15% of the time that they do it's in some very inconvenient location.


    really? I've only killed 7 dragons so far and I'm level 32. I do go out and about more often. In a effort to get a dragon increase, I no longer use my horse or fast travel anymore. =/ can we switch RNG's then? :P They were nicely generated in the beginning, but now, they are scarce for me.



    edit - been thinking. Does following the main quest has to do with anything with the dragons massive amounts of showing up? I've hadn't investigated the dragon burrows yet. So curious if that maybe why there has been so few?


    In response to your edit, dragons appearing so often has EVERYTHING to do with the main quest. Once you get the "way of the voice" quest, you'll see more of them. Once you finish that quest, say hello to the Oblivion Gates of Skyrim! Heck, while doing the Mage quest line, I was attacked at least 3 times by fricken elder dragons in the College courtyard. Let me tell you, playing with light armor, those guys effed me up with their kill move over and over in close combat. Not fun.... o_O


    On a side note, I wish dragons were more random/strategic (take your pick), like they were in the Demo vids, picking up giants and stuff! I haven't seen a dragon cart anything off and I'm 100 hrs in!

  16. setstage MGR20 20


    This works for two books that are mentioned in the skyrim wiki, and it worked to fix my "Invocation of Azura", which wasn't one of the listed books.




    Hypothetically, it should work for all his side quests if you already found the books!


    Save your game first and try this. Let me now if this works!

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