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About doubleclick123

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  1. Really guys? I was thinking Alien Mind control, but eh your go i guess.
  2. How there aren't more styles of curved swords.... Srsly tho.... I love those things... Im all SLICE.
  3. Those are some pretty large opinions guys...I'll mark it down...
  4. Pssh, I was thinking greek, but eh, Rome is alright.
  5. Laughing at lounge lords with a squidward laugh.
  6. Anything that drinks skooma, jk.... Lets see.... Mine would have to be, James Heller, haven't played him yet but i SRSLY wonna kick Alex Mercer's Ass.
  7. No longer recieve the error thanks! But now after i run the launcher it has no error but nothing comes out...
  8. Does it say this? Application load error 5:0000065434, if it doesnt lucky you! If it does.... Well then we are on the same problem.... Anyway, you might want to look inside your skyrim files see exactly what changes it made.... Try to run it as administrator if it doesnt work.... I had that problem with oblivion, just saying... Still stuck on Skyrim here.
  9. SOrry for my harsh topic description there.... Im pretty busy today so ill just make this quick.... Every time i run skyrim it says this Application load error 5:0000065434, thanks in advance!
  10. MArkers cannot be viewed, reason? Idk. I did not change any prefrences, and i did not disable anything or enable anything, just added things thats all.
  11. Thanks for the help fg, i managed to get it to be "pressable"... It's a test so i'm not really worried about other message boxes (yet)... My main concern though is to make sure that i can get the buttons right... I modified it a little... Well actually, i restarted.. With a lot more variables.... (Ignore the bronze part... Unless my current problem has something to do with it...) When the "bronze" button is pressed, the Selection (which is our ButtonPress) is set to zero. But when i pressed the bronze button IN game, it actually just kept it on the original messagebox, the one choosing the metal. THanks for the reply again btw...
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