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About tankerlover

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I like the subzero design and its one of the best veil in the game. Unfortunately my character hair clip through the hood. Is there anybody interest to make it hoodless like hoodless prayer shawl mods?
  2. how to make spell/ability cancel itself when the player run out magicka? let say for example night eye ability. I manage to make the magicka drop 10 per second but the spell effect still maintain despite i have 0 magicka.
  3. is there any simple script/mod that makes npc hostile to vampire stage 4? i know that mod like better vampire have a features which includes this but it also include many other features which i don't want which some makes my game buggy
  4. Straight to the point, can i use both or should i just stick with one?
  5. is it possible to give prowler profit effect into skeleton key as long as its inside your inventory? Prowler profit effect was quite op but by the time you got it you would already rich enough to buy proudspire manor making it obsolete (u already strong and rich at that time). The ideas was to give temporary effect inside skeleton key (finding all the barenziah stone was quite tiring and you need to join many faction and buy the most expensive house)
  6. i replace the model from this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41436 with this one. i elevate the nif with nifskope. it just that the front side of the model was its left side and it move forward like a crab
  7. i replace the other eyebot mod model with this one. btw how did you change the direction with ck?
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1935Nnpn_SZMtfOP5o1T-HlmiqxRcEjBT/view?usp=sharing btw i got this model other mod. im using it for personal use
  9. i tried it but it still wont rotate. the only way to rotate the mesh is by changing the rotation r value of BSTriShape individually. Rotating mesh individually bring more problem than solution to me
  10. yeah what i means is just rotate it. Im trying to make eyebot follower but the problem is when it move forward, its eyes face to the right (move like a crab lol). This is my first time using nifskope so im really noob. I already tried the translations but it doesnt work quite right since it have multiple mesh (or ninodes u call?)
  11. How to change left side of an object into its front side in nifskope?
  12. Is it possible to give skeleton key hidden perk? My idea was to make skeleton key with prowler profit effect when it sitting inside the inventory
  13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fh5X0ens1K9c1ami5sUFNQrZ-fbcO4sc/view?usp=sharing this is my mod from dark souls ptde. it changes certain spell including undead rapport with longer duration and affect many type of enemies. dunno whether it work with remaster or not..
  14. hello guys, yesterday i decide to create a follower based on one of my character. i follow this guide and i also follow some step that the vid forgot to show (in the comment section). im using racemenu to export my preset but the problem is my follower are not exactly same as my character. this http://imgur.com/PzOUNTt is my character and this http://imgur.com/MP3rOns is the follower that i created. im completely newbie regarding about modding so if possible can u guys tell me what im missing here. i follow the video step by step. if there was some step that the video forgot to mention pls share with me that step
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