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About supremo7

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  1. is the staff here even aware that one of the premium features for paying customers was custom date range? which you took away with the new design. if you truly want to see how people feel about the new UI, do a poll on games hompage for registered users.
  2. But how are you a mobile user of this site in practicality? Will someone explain it to me? It seems to me that people may waste time by browsing on mobile sometimes. But... EVERYONE mods their games while on their PC? Don't they? Am I missing something?
  3. why am I paying premium for this site to remove features? Where is custom date range when filtering mods??? Why did you remove it? edit1: Why force only one viewing option? I like to view them in a list, not a grid like you are forcing us now. Maybe I'm too old, but all these new designs are garbage. newer is not always better. UI design peaked by 2003, after that it's all downhill.
  4. https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=901523&page=2 The statues in a secret passage near the cove are borked https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=902176#Post902176 Larian is gonna have to hotfix this or some kind soul is gonna mod this
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