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Everything posted by CounterAttack11

  1. Hi all, CA here with a custom soldier class I've tried to code myself, but I believe I've reached the full extent of my abilities on this project. Rather than ask someone to write a new soldier class from scratch, I would instead like to ask one of the brilliant modders out there to finish the work I started. The class is called the Agent: it has a mixture of crowd control, evasion, and pistol-based abilities. Agents use pistols and swords in combat: pistols are their primary weapon. I see three possible build options for the class: a support-based soldier that can lock down enemy troops; a fast-moving, evasive close combat trooper; and a close-range shooter that deals high damage when it lands a shot. --- Agent Abilities: Squaddie: Slash, Fire Pistol || The basic requirements for the class, nothing fancy here. Talent Trees: Duelist - Left branch, focusing on swords and evasion. Corporal: Swordsmanship || Blademaster, renamed.Sergeant: Dashing Blade: Gain +2 mobility for a single turn. 4 turn cooldown. || Free action.Lieutenant: Disable: Jam a target's weapon. The target may use Reload to fix their weapon. 2 turn cooldown. || Similar to Disabling Shot from XCOM EU/EW.Captain: Going Dark || Conceal, renamed.Major: Low Profile: Low cover counts as high cover. || I know this has been done already, in other mods. I tried to figure out how, but never got there. This should also be available through the Advanced Warfare Center.Colonel: Rampage || Implacable, renamed. Synergises with Dashing Blade. Marauder - Right branch, focusing on pistols and crowd control. Corporal: Lawbreaker || Identical to Shredder. I'm not sure if there's a difference based on using a different primary weapon.Sergeant: Snap Shot || Lightning Hands, renamed.Lieutenant: Stunning Shot: Fire a shot that inflicts disorientation on the target, but deals 3 less damage. 3 turn cooldown.Captain: Quickdraw || Identical to the Sharpshooter skill.Major: Tools of the Trade: Consumable utility items get one extra use. || I don't know how this would be coded. It may be the most difficult of the lot, and is therefore open to replacement.Colonel: Assassination: Fire a shot that has an extra 10% hit chance, deals 4 bonus damage, and has an extra 40% critical chance. 6 turn cooldown. || The extra hit chance should stack with the bonus all Agents get from their pistols (see below). Guerrilla Tactics School Ability: Dashing Rogue Agents no longer trigger reaction fire or overwatch shots from enemies. || Simply put, all Agents gain Shadowstep. As with the other GTS perks, the player requires an Agent Captain to buy Dashing Rogue. --- Agent Weapons: Agent Pistols - Agent pistols are of a heavier caliber than those the Sharpshooters wield. To compensate for the up-close-and-personal nature of the class, Agent pistols deal an extra 2 damage and have a 5% aim bonus. || They are physically identical to the standard-issue pistol, including the Magnetic and Beam upgrades.Swords - Secondary weapon, identical to those of the Ranger.--- So, if you've taken an interest in finishing this out, you're probably asking: what have I done to try to make this mod myself? Quite a bit, which surprises me (I'm not all that great at this sort of thing, but I've tried to learn where I can): Added pistols as a primary weapon, adjusting their damage and aim values.Written all Agent abilities except Dashing Blade, Tools of the Trade, and Low Profile. || The ones I wrote myself are probably incomplete, messy, and/or outright broken. I'm not entirely familiar with the Unreal[?] scripting language.Written flavour text: descriptions for the class, its abilities, and the Agent Pistol variants.I also have a list of the rest of the features that are yet to be implemented: Complete code for Dashing Blade, Tools of the Trade, and Low Profile.Add Dashing Rogue to the Guerrilla Tactics School.Specify the Agent-exclusive nature of Agent Pistols as a primary weapon.Adjust pistol upgrade projects to include Agent Pistols, otherwise they won't upgrade when the Sharpshooter pistols do.Ideally: Specify the Agent's character animations. Swords and pistols are usually kept sheathed/holstered on Rangers and Sharpshooters. To avoid digging into the animation side of things, Agents could use some sort of civilian stance where they aren't carrying a weapon. As long as it doesn't look too... odd, I think is the best descriptor, in a firefight in-game. (Though to be honest, it's probably not as bad as carrying a pistol like one would an assault rifle.)Ideally: Artwork for the new abilities. The renamed or copied abilities can just use the same icons (example: Swordsmanship/Blademaster).I'm hoping someone's interested in helping me finish this mod. I'd like to see it completed and released. =)
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