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About sakaramaxter

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  1. Oh, dear. Yeah, I guess that's the final option-- take his stuff (do you use the Bag of Holding mod?) before exiting a gate, just in case. I really wish I had a fix for this one.
  2. yeah... he doesn't make it through the portal with me in the first place, and when I summon him he's back to Vanilla Val. Still trying out options, the next one being make him run through the gate naked until it's closed. ^____^
  3. The vanishing-equipment bug seems to be common to companions in general. You can try a couple of different things-- but the best "fix" is, unfortunately, to reload, and before you grab the sigil stone, tell Val to stay put, then summon him with his ring AFTER you exit. And unfortunately, that doesn't always work either.
  4. Hey... so I'm going along in the game, about to close my 3rd oblivion gate. Suddenly Val is no longer wearing the outfit I gave him, but back to his old armor I put in storage. o.O Any ideas on why that's happening?
  5. I hear that. Sometimes I think my laptop feels like I'm wasting too much time playing-- and then, CTD!
  6. Wasn't quite sure what the problem was with him... lol. I think it was just an error in the person. Also, I think my computer just hates me playing games.... ^_^
  7. Glad you tracked down Val. :) What was the problem? I'll add it to my new bugfix list.
  8. Lol... nevermind. I figured out the problem. Thanks for a great mod!
  9. Hey Nell, I'm having trouble finding Valtierro. I've been to the Feed Bag every time of day [i've even broken into the basement and upper living quarters.]I just started my main story line [just delivered the amulet to Jauffre]. I have the mod installed on the mod manager and have it activated.

    So am I missing something here?

  10. Just started oblivion... new to the modding world. Need all the help I can get!
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