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About ciedeeh

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    Fallout: NV

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  1. Hey all. I put together a model from scratch of the mouse droid from New Hope. I thought they were a good fit for the Fallout universe, and am putting together a simple mod to allow one to be your companion. I've already finished the modeling, texturing, and importing into geck - all I have to do now is the follower script and give him some sounds. :D Here's a pic! I'll probably go ahead and upload him tomorrow before I head into work. Hope you like him. :D
  2. Hey all, I've been out of the modding scene for a little while now and am looking to get back into it. I've been working with 3ds Max for a whole day now, and was hoping I could get some opinion about one of my first projects. The little mouse droid, from star wars. I haven't put any textures on, just material forms from the program. Managed to import it kinda into nifskope, but I'm a little more worried about the model itself. Is it decent? What do you think could be improved on? Just looking for some feedback. :smile:
  3. I like this. I was reading about a planned forgotten realms mod some time ago, way back in 2011, which seems to have died. I'm personally working on spell overhauls based on forgotten realms systems; I've completed something around 20 or so. The focus is on druid and mage spells, so i've got things working like hold person, web, flare, summon natures allies I,II, and III, summon monsters I, II, and III respectively. Then there are some others like scorching ray, insect swarm, gust of wind..yah. So maybe, if I end up working up a great great deal of ambition, I can get about to tackling some Forgotten realms stuff, but that isn't going to be for a bit. Edit: Changed my mind. Think I'll start fiddling around to see what I can put together. Menzoberranzan looks like a pretty excellent spot.
  4. The mod request is simple enough. I have some experience with scripting but I really wouldn't know how to go about this. The system would be that when any enemy you encounter yields to you, i.e. "mercy mercy!" or is unconscious, there is a menu option to "capture" them. This would make them follow you as many of the prisoners you see being escorted around by Thalmor/Legion/Stormcloaks. Then, once you're where you want to be - i.e. your house or some cave, you can reopen that menu and have them stop following you, and assume some kind of position - hands behind their heads, kneeling, whatever. Any takers?
  5. Crossbows Revamped Hey there. Doesn't include all of the crossbows you requested (yet) but there are a lot of the bolts, and I'll be working to be adding more in the future.
  6. Slowly incorporating new crossbows on my mod, Crossbows Revamped. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21666/
  7. Crossbows Revamped Is this what you had in mind? Not all the features you mentioned, but it's a good start, and i'm still expanding on it. :)
  8. Ashigi, might want to check out... Crossbows Revamped
  9. Released the tentative final version of deployable traps. 1.5. Currently up on steam and nexus. http://skyrim.nexusm...ile.php?id=9463 orrr http://steamcommunit...tails/?id=11123 Enjoy!
  10. v1.4 - Okay, I have a huge headache. I spent the past two days trying to get these fricken ankle trap variations to work right - I'm CLOSE, but it's not working well as of this release. Regardless, I wanted to release this as I think I've finalized the standard ankle trap - It should be fully functioning and you shouldn't be getting any bugs with it any longer. As for new traps, there are none! But!!!!!! I added sticky variations of all the rolly explosion traps, so you can now place them wherever you like - on walls, on the top of mounds, and not ever worry about them rolling off!.. assuming you happen to have some spriggan sap.
  11. Deployable Traps, latest version 1.0
  12. Version 1.0 is up! Adds working caltrops that stagger your enemies on hit, tweaks damage values to a bunch of traps, cleans up the interface and lumps all of the traps together behind the prefix [Trap] :)
  13. Deployable Traps v1.5 Download Steam Workshop Nexus Now with a handy dandy book to help you craft. :) Read the changelog!!!!!! :) [Current Traps] Ankle Trap: Craftable via one strip of leather and one iron ingot. Oil Trap: Craftable via two pieces of leather and one Ale. Barricade: Craftable via six pieces of firewood and one iron ingot. Dwemer Oil Trap: Craftable via two pieces of leather and one dwarven oil. Gas Trap: Craftable via one piece of leather and two frostbite venoms. Heavy Boulder: Craftable via three pieces of iron ore. Small Boulder: Craftable via one piece of iron ore. Caltrops!: Craftable via one iron ingot. :) Frenzy Trap: Craftable via one deathbell annnd two leather. Liquid Ice Trap: Craftable via one frost salt annnd two leather. Dwemer Battery Trap: Craftable via 5x dwarven gear, and 5x dwarven scrap metal. Compressed Air Trap: Craftable via 1x dwarven oil and 3x hawk feathers. :) Variations on all explosive traps/oil trap variations - Sticky versions craftable with 1x spriggan sap. [basics] One of the letdowns I saw when I was playing skyrim is that traps, be they bear, spear, or rock - were generally in place. You couldn't pick them up, adjust them, plan ambushes, or anything of the sort. So, I endeavored to create a basic mod to let users create traps which they can then deploy wherever they like. [use] There is a book ontop of a chest in riverwood (near the logging site). :) [Known Issues] - Trap sometimes is set off as the user drops it onto the ground. - Sometimes actors trigger the trap (usually on the edges) and the trap goes off, yet no damage is inflicted. - Reported bug with crashing - this shouldn't happen unless you have other mods that edit the scripts used by traps in game, so deadlier traps, etc. Simply load this .esp before your other trap mods, and it should take precedent. - Rarely, when using bows to set off oil traps, the oil trap doesn't trigger. If this happens, try casting a fire spell on the pot to get rid of it/just disable it through the console. - Barricades deploy funky. This is due to them lacking a 'rigidbody' from nifskope. I'm working on it. Changelog: v.1 - Original Release v.2 - By some freak accident, I managed to get the traps to reset once triggered; players simply have to walk ontop of them to reset, then they are ready to go! (I was super pumped about figuring this out.) Original files unchanged, readme adjusted. Chest placed near a tree in riverwood by the logging area for testing (only twenty traps.) v.3 - Returned traps to standard no-toggle. I felt the realism was lost after testing with a few enemies; they would trigger the trap, run around me a bit, and retrigger the trap. That isn't what I was driving for with this mod, so I removed the toggle. If there's enough clamour, I can re-enable it and offer it up as an optional file. v.4 - Oil Traps now ready to go. Be sure to crouch when placing, as they don't roll or...really move at all for that matter. Still pick-upable. Just shoot an arrow and see what happens. v.5 - Destructable Barricades added. Craftable. Be sure to crouch when placing - same problem as Oil traps. They look a little funky when you drop them. Functional, though. v.6 - Tweaked some information on ankle traps, adjusted destruction info for barricades. Put caltrops as a craftable, but as of v.6 they don't actually do anything except fall really cool. v.7 - Added Dwarven Oil Traps and Gas Traps. Currently using the same model as oil traps, but distinguishable by name; Sorry. I'll get them uniqueified eventually. Dwemer Oil Trap is much more explosive, and requires dwarven oil to make. Gas traps explode and paralyze foes for 7 seconds. A bit much, but I'm hoping you use it responsibly. Might put the duration down later. Tweaked oil traps and dwemer oil traps to add a knockdown effect. v.8 - Added craftable "Heavy Boulders." Basically, their use is to be placed at the top of a slant/hill overlooking a road, preferrably behind barricades (which you can then destroy) and send tumbling down. You can also just hold onto them and drop them (if you're standing above.) Damage is kinda low atm, may increase. v.9 - Did a lot of tweaking. Added small boulders in addition to the already in-heavy boulders. Adjusted weights for a lot of items, tweaked a lot of variables, and FINALLY managed to get oil traps to drop properly. They now roll, are moveable, and altogether more fun now. Same applies for gas/dwemer oil traps. Caltrops are ALMOST working. So close. Look for them in v1.0 :) V1.0 - FINALLY got caltrops to work. They stagger opponents when they step on them. I trust you folks, so don't abuse them by deploying a hundred. :P Tweaked damage on a lot of stuff and increased it, so traps should be deadlier. Realisticly, caltrops don't damage too much (single digits). But with a lot of them laid down, it adds up fast, so just be reasonable. Also tweaked names so they should show up near the top of your misc items list. :) Barricades still deploy kinda funky, but they're functional. V1.1 - Lowered the damage on caltrops significantly, should be a lot less overpowered now. :) v1.2 - Added two new traps! frost and frenzy. Frost will slow enemies and is highly damaging - I'll probably cut that down in the future. Frenzy frenzies. :) I think I might have fixed ankle traps too, let me know how it works - tested ten times with the same trap, and seemed to work okay. v1.3 - Tweaked ankle traps a touch, I'm close to getting magic effects on ankle trap hits - look for the first few variations in 1.4 on. If you're having problems getting your traps to work, get rid of the ones you have from old versions and try making new ones - see if that works. If not, it's an error on my end, and i'll attempt to fix. adds two new traps, dwemer battery (shock) and compressed air (air.) If you folks want, I can put in the next version variations on all of the oil traps and make it so they stick in one spot, kinda like early versions of this mod before collision was put in. I realize that them rolling all over the place might be an issue - lemme know in the comments if you want that option. v1.4 - Okay, I have a huge headache. I spent the past two days trying to get these fricken ankle trap variations to work right - I'm CLOSE, but it's not working well as of this release. Regardless, I wanted to release this as I think I've finalized the standard ankle trap - It should be fully functioning and you shouldn't be getting any bugs with it any longer. As for new traps, there are none! But!!!!!! I added sticky variations of all the rolly explosion traps, so you can now place them wherever you like - on walls, on the top of mounds, and not ever worry about them rolling off!.. assuming you happen to have some spriggan sap. :) v1.5 - I've...added a book ontop of the chest in riverwood which gives you a lore-friendly background on what is needed for construction of the traps in game. I also edited most of the recipes to give them more lore friendly requirements ( oil traps now require troll fat instead of ale. ) and I added in a perk requirement system. Dwemer traps now require dwarven smithing, annnd the enchanted traps ( air, frost, frenzy ) now require one rank of the first enchanter perk to make. Added a stagger to ankle traps, Caltrops are working kinda okay now, annd I'm pretty comfortable with this release. That being said, I want to start moving into making other mods. So, as of February 28th, I will not be working on deployable traps as much. I'm really really happy with where this mod is at now. The intention was originally just to get bear traps in game for the hunter sort, and I think I went beyond that. Barring game-breaking bugs, this will simply not be updated as much as it currently is. I really hope you folks enjoy this mod, and feel free to let me know if you want to take up the reins to continue. ;) Enjoy!
  14. This post will be an attempt to discuss and deliberate the topic of warfare in skyrim, and how best to implement design changes considering the vast possibilities of the creation kit engine. As I am not an experienced modder, I would like to find out the opinion of those with more experience in the area, and to understand how possible certain features may be. The features will be explained in a (hopefully) easy to understand manner, step by step. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 1 The civil war in skyrim simply does not represent accurate medieval warfare. Questlines that determine you to take over a fort (which is normally held by some twenty or so men who only enter the battle as later respawns, rather than all fighting at once) with a handful of men is preposterous. The engine allows for well over twenty NPC's in combat at once, as can be seen by some fan films already. (http://www.youtube.c...h?v=M2DshotexMU) Medieval Warfare was a constant exchange of eliminating supply routes, much smaller skirmishes, and eventually overwhelming force applied to a certain area (yet normally only after months of attempted starvation/extended siege of a fort/city/castle). Resolution 1 Implement a system that allows for the increase of manpower to forts and cities, eliminates the respawn of "capturing" a fort/city, and place realistic numbers of soldiers on both sides of the conflict. Resolve warfare to be less focused on quests and allow for more open-ended material. The best system I can see for this would be utilizing the Skyrim map, and making a tree out of the current established cities/forts. Each capital would start with a backlog of "reinforcements" available, replenishable via other methods - quests to secure recruitment efforts in cyrodiil, implementation of drafts, and other means. Once every 10 days or so, the game would run a check as to who is in control of border forts. Border forts would contain a central flag - this would be switched once the current garrison is eliminated and atleast five troops (or the player) arrive in the capture area. Once a fort is captured, barriers will be respawned, and the garrison will be filled, emptying part of the main capitals reinforcement number. Attacks will be automated. Four main assault points will take place on the map, and troops will travel along the main roads/paths. Assault troops will be dispatched from ONE of these assault points every five days. The group will be on foot, and open to ambush from the player (and whatever troops he/she may have with them). Only one side will attempt an assault every five days. Assaults will generally be favorable to the assaulter - numbers wise, at least. Defenders have the advantage of walls, barriers, and more archers. A deadly combat mod will have to be implemented in order to make combat realistic - it should not take ten of any arrow to bring down an imperial, nor should it require six swings of a warhammer to bring down a stormcloak. Players will have the chance to participate on either side - their input will greatly alter the course of events, of course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 2 What is it about strategy games that get us excited? Is it the manufacture of troops, or their deployment to the battlefield? Where does a player find satisfaction? No matter how realistic a game might get, the essence of it is gameplay, and enjoyment. I do not believe that Skyrim has delivered on the civil war in this respect. The player has little interaction besides getting told to do this or that, and it rarely feels as if the quests have had any true impact on the war; and for the few that do, they are bittersweet. The game is over before it should be. Resolution 2 Why not allow the war to go on for as long as the player deems it to? With the above system, the war will hopefully swing in balance, giving neither side a true lasting advantage lest the player involve themselves. Balance will be achieved through these means. As armies expand further and further into enemy territory (through forts), reinforcements will be longer and longer in reinforcing. Four layers of forts should lie between the main warzone, on either side. With the capture of the first, the assaulters will gain a 90% garrison rate upon capture. The second; 75%. The third; 60%. The fourth, and final fort that lays between them and the capital city; 50%. When an attack finally does come on the main city, however, it would likely require the reinforcements of several forts - so the attacking army would have to have captured all of the forts in question, or have a very powerful hero (you) to help them in the siege. So, as the assault teams get smaller and smaller on their approach to the main city, the defenders will still be receiving full complements of troops to attack their overrun forts. This will require the player to improvise and adopt different tactics to give their army the victory it needs. This system should (I believe) maintain a balance in the war, assuming the player takes no role in it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 3 There is little variety. We see a butter-and-guns sort of army, for both sides. There are no separate legions, they are all simply part of "the" legion. We see not diversity in stormcloak companies, nor do we see anything truly memorable about the members of these armies. Resolution 3 I believe the best way we can see this resolved is through the implementation of four separate legions (on the Imperial side) and four unique companies on the Stormcloak. Considering the four different avenues of attack, each legion/company would be responsible for one line. Each legion would be unique in that they would have separate styles of clothing/armor, separate styles of attack (some may emphasize brute assault with two handed weapons, others with a mix of archers/swordsmen), and unique commanders who could possibly give the player updates as to whats going on with their army. Legions could be unique in that some may include Thalmor influence, others may be strictly one race - (Dark Elf conscripts/Argonian contingents) Stormcloaks could be uniquified in that companies could be led by different men. Southern lines may have more influence from Cyrodiil/Morrowind and contain mixed races, while northern contingents would adopt stricter nordic heritage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL;DR version; There are three problems with the current civil war. It's inaccurate and unrepresentative of medieval warfare and doesn't give healthy numbers of soldiers. It's over too quickly, and it's difficult for players to get immersed in something that is so straightforward. It's not memorable. The characters are flat, the armies are not unique and lack backstory. I propose three resolutions. Give the civil war life; Reinforcement pools in capital cities, four lines of forts on either side, and implement methods of assault and defense. Think Aeon of Strife. Balance the war to require player intervention to be resolved, but don't make it too reliant - give it room for leeway. Reinforcements get smaller as they get closer to the main enemy city. All four forts around the city need to be taken in order to capture it. Player intervention likely necessary. Make them unique. Four lines of war, two unique armies for each line. Different legions, different stormcloak companies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final remarks. I do think this can be done. I am more than willing to take the time to learn the creation kit, and try to make sense of what i'm proposing and finding the best avenue of achieving it. I believe this system allows for a lot of variables to be includes post-release. Some examples include "hero" characters that can be requisitioned for specific armies, supply trains, and requisitions for special operations to aid in a fort assault. I want to hear what you have to say, good or bad. I realize that a lot of people propose a lot of ideas on this board, and I realize that some of them are not really followed through on. I want to follow through on this. Are you interested in helping out? Let me know. PM me. Talk to me on here. I'm a twenty three year old graduating from college in a few months. I have six classes, and they're all way easy, so I am happy to make time for this. I'm serious about this. What do you think?
  15. There's a fair amount of flat land in the northern reaches of skyrim. Especially when you push out towards the edges of the continent. Not ideal for a settlement, but they're flat. And I do very much hope for a decent RTS-esque mod. Or even a mod like wasteland.
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