Name: Vitani Nottolfr Race: Half Nordic/ Half Wood elf Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Appearance: Vitani's mixed parents shine through in her appearance as she resembles her Nordic ancestors the most but her elfish side reflects through in her slightly more pointed ears, Thinner body structure and a more elfish face. She is missing one eye and has a large scar over it and often covers it with a patch she made of dark leather. She often wears her hair down and has many braids in it that end with feathers or claws. Class: Ranger Background: Vitani was born into a poor, farming family that lived in the woods outside of Riverwood. Her Father, Victor, was once a proud warrior who hung up his sword after he tired of battle and bought a plot of land outside Riverwood seeking a peaceful life. He befriended a tribe of wood elves that lived in the forest, they taught him many things about farming, hunting and living off the land. Victor eventually fell for an elfish girl named Shetani. After sometime they wed and lived in the cabin Victor had built with his own two hands. Shetani gave Victor Four children, Eyvind, Runar, Salvig and Vitani. Eyvind is the oldest of the four and resembles his father the most, with his mixed heritage only discernable by having his mother’s eyes and more pointed ears. He helped with a lot of the heavy work around the farm and the tribe. He was often said to have a heart of gold to match his body made of steel hard muscle and Eyvind would help anyone in need anytime, anywhere. Runar out of the four was the most elfish looking and only resembled his human heritage in a thicker frame, white skin tone and thicker more full face when compared to an elf. Runar was the charismatic hunter of both game and women and spent many days hunting in the woods, befriending the wildlife and many nights befriending every girl in town in the tavern. Runar’s best friends that were not two legged were a pack of wolves that lived in the woods, and eventually the entire family became involved with the pack. Runar had a strange gift in being able to talk to animals as one would a human and both parties being able to understand each other. The wolf pack eventually lived near the house and the two families co-existed quite peacefully. The last of the brothers, Salvig, was the mage of the family and was naturally adept at magic and spent his time studying under an old man in the town or helping out on the farm using his magic abilities to make the farm more efficient and heal sick or dying animals. Salvig was also an idealist and would paint pictures, write poetry and essays discussing important ideas. Salvig was the smartest of the three brothers. Vitani was born when Eyvind was twelve, Runar was ten and Salvig nine. Her name was a combination of her parents name’s and her appearance as well. For every human trait there was an elfish one to match. Her bright blonde hair was off set by her tan wood elf skin tone, her human eyes by pointy ears, etc. Vitani is a shy, quiet girl who preferred to not be seen and as a child began her way to developing her uncanny ability to be stealthy. She was a natural hunter and would travel with her brother Runar on trips when she was old enough. Like Salvig she could wield magic but not quite as well, and was very intelligent. Eyvind taught her how to use swords, which he had learned from Victor, and Vitani took natural to using longswords both duel and single handed. She is also some what skilled with her oldest brother’s choice weapon, the claymore. When Vitani was sixteen the farm was attacked by a Rival of their fathers from that had finally found him. Unable top hold of the attack Victor and Shetani stayed behind and held the enemy troops while the siblings escaped. For the next ten years the four chased him across all of Temrial till they finally found his hiding place in Cyridol. The four snuck into the castle following Vitani’s lead and were about to kill him from behind when Eyvind who was the most attached to Victor challenged the rival to single combat. The fight was brutal but when the rival realized that Eyvind was going to kill him he had an archer shot him with and arrow. Runar quickly fired his own bow killing the guard and the rival. The sibling attacked the guards, killing them quickly before checking on Eyvind. Salvig was not able to heal their brother and Eyvind died in Vitani’s arms. The three ran for the gate killing at will as the guards attempted to apprehend them but as they ran an arrow found Runar’s heart and killed him instantly. They reached the gate but it was locked and closed down tight. Salvig held the guards off while Vitani got the gate open and ran to join her brother. Salvig was stabbed by a guard’s sword but managed to kill the last two guards that where at the gate. Vitani cried over her dead brother’s and when a group of soldiers came up the hill to arrest her she let lose a loud roar in the language of dragons. The Shout destroyed the soldiers and most of the front gate and as a result Vitani passed out. When she woke she gathered her dead brother’s and gave them a proper burial just inside the border of Skyrim. She was soon found, arrested and sentenced to death for murder. The rival was a high ranking government official and she was now going to die hang for bring justice to her dead family and that is where the story begins...