Alright, I've had this problem for a while now with certain mods. The only problem is that I run a lot of mods together for a really varied experience, so isolating which mod is causing the problem is a pain. Main thing I want though, is to stop the mods from causing these problems in the first place. For instance, I had a really nice mod installed about a month ago that I really wanted to keep, but it kept freezing the game at the spot when the horse thief in the beginning of the game starts talking to you. I've also noticed that if I have more than one mod that changes or adds locations to the Skyrim world map, then that in and of itself causes my game to freeze. Here's some information about what I'm currently running as of this post, including what I still have but currently am not running. Specs: Win 7 x64 Ultimate on a 1TB WD Caviar black HDD ASUS Rampage III Extreme Intel Core i7-960 EVGA Geforce GTX 590 Classified Nexus Mods I Use Nexus Mods I currently Have Turned Off Steam Workshop Mods I Use Any help would be appreciated. -EDIT- Ok, I just turned every mod off, except for: I tried to turn off the Steam Workshop mods as well, but those aren't showing up anywhere for me to turn off. Despite doing this, it's still causing my PC to freeze, and I'm really tired of being forced to do a hard reset. I was REALLY hoping that it wasn't RTS For Skyrim, but it looks like it might be. I really wanted to keep that, but it looks like I'm going to have to turn it off and see if that fixes the issue. -EDIT- wtf? I just turned off RTS For Skyrim and it's still causing my PC to freeze? Looks like my next move is to turn off everything one at a time except for SKSE and SkyUI. -EDIT- Well, I've narrowed it down to Better Males and ApachiSkyHair or Expanded Color Selection - Eyes - Full. Or it might be all three. Suffice to say, I'm tired of having to get up to do hardresets, so I'm just going to leave all three off and turn all the rest back on. On a sucky note, my character is now going to look ugly again... T__T On a positive note, I can just put on the Black Sacrament Winter Armor so I don't have to see my character anymore! On another positive note, it looks like I get to keep RTS For Skyrim afterall! And on my last positive note, I figured out that the Steam Mods weren't showing up in the vanilla or Nexus Modlist, because they're listed in the Nexus Plugin list, so I can test those and get them working now! Though, I'll have to delete a few of them now since they're kinda redundant. I don't need More Dragons and Moar Dragons if I have Deadly Dragons. -EDIT- Brilliant! So I re add all my mods, and turn on all the steam mods. Now it's starting to crash the game at startup. So I used the plugin list on NMM to turn off all the files and test each one. Turns out the Dragonbone Weapon mod has a file that is supposed to enable it's use with Deadly Dragons Mod. Deleting that now has my game working again. So I go ahead and add a few mods through steam for eye color and hair. If I can't have Better Males mod, then I should at least get something right? WRONG. Now the stupid game is freezing my PC again. I'm gonna remove those mods and see if just sticking with a vanilla character will fix the issue.