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About Reaper1020

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  1. Is there a mod out for Fallout 3 (or NV, but i pref 3 as why i'm in the 3 forum). that changes the way the guns shoot to something more along the lines of Counter-strike. something where the accuracy of the guns are based on the players skill, not rng inside of a cone that gets smaller with each skill point put into the gun skill. i don't like using V.A.T.S and i can't be the only one
  2. I use Realvision ENB and i have two HD Radeon 7970's Crossfired. And while i have it enabled The Dept of Field Blurr Flickers alot. Turning it off and it works fine. is there a fix for this?
  3. I had overhauled my skyrim a few months ago and it looked absolutely amazing. everything was working just fine and it was gorgeous. But i had stopped playing this was back in January/February Now i wanted to play again. so i started up NMM after updating it. and it said none of my mods were due for an update (i'm sure some are) but when i got into game. and i looked up. The depth of field went Wacky. like it didn't know what to do and kept blurring and unblurring and flickering. I used Real vision ENB which i think controlls the DoF This is my mod list. I'm almost certain it might be the ENB. but i'd just like some thoughts
  4. This is my grass after installing both Dat Grass and Grass on steroids. But i lowered my minGrassSize to 30 from 40. and you can see the Strips i think i mentioned. anyways. the grass that's in the strips. is the density that i wish or even denser. but if i increase it to 35 (seems to be where the strips connect) it doesn't ADD grass. it simply spreads the grass out meaning it's less dense http://i44.tinypic.com/14n0l84.jpg
  5. I'll try it. and i had SFO but all that did was give me theese like... dandelion grass sprouts that looked dead/dry. so i took it off. maybe if i change the grasstypepertexture thing i'll get the green grass alongside the flowers
  6. Hi. Currently i am running Real vision ENB. Skyrim 2k HD and DAT GRASS mods with a few others but they shouldn't effect this... i am trying to get my skyrim to look like those amazing photos from deadendthrills and the like. (i know they use a different ENB) but one thing i am curious at. is i saw a picture of a skyrim with AMAZING grass. it was tall, green, and extremely dense. it looked amazing http://i39.tinypic.com/27yswia.jpg http://tinypic.com/r/27yswia/5 (not sure which picture would work) Anyways. that was taken outside of white run on my game. the grass is green. and kinda dense. is there an Skyrimpref/ini file i can change to effect the density? Also i have changed iMinGrassSize. and when i lower that number. While the grass got more "dense" in a sense. it seemed the same # of foliage stayed the same. so i ended up with theese strips of dense grass. and then sparatic grass in between theese stips. as i increased the number. they spread. so now at 35. the strips are unnoticed. but it's not quite as dense as i'd like it. if there's an ini to change the size of the foliage themselves. that would also work. it would hide some of the density and it'd make the grass taller
  7. Delete this topic. accident
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