i'm in need of help from the talent out there, how do you stop say a molle vest from distorting when the player moves, or how would i go about make a molle vest static on the player since the would not move 'r change shape with the players movement but stay static if that makes sens, i hope the screenshot shows what i am talking aboot. thanks to any one with ideas also if i needs 3ds max or the skills to use it, them i'm f*#@erd up dirt shoot dry, i could send you the body slide data to run the fix and maybe some money after Horus' rebirth if you can fix up what i'm trying to do. i only have body slide to work with so i moved the unanted s#*! in to the body to hid it, yeah i know lazy and newbian, but thats what i have to work with unless good ol' milk s#*! is still around, damn that dated my moding skills, but fauuuuck it in the brown eye, half life rules them all. thank for all who cares and if this is hard to read i'm from the whiskey tango buck tooth sister f*#@in oil drillin ditch, drumheller. crayons are my main method of communication. just let me know and ill bust out the word spellin book to make it easier. and no i haven't f*#@ my sister. she wouldn't give a family discount