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  1. Would anyone mind making a mod that makes looting owned houses of generic NPCs and makes guards hostile if you steal in presence of those common folks, as they will report the crime? For me it hurts immersion when I just walk into a owned house and pick the place clean and the owner sits there saying nothing while being robbed blind.
  2. I would like to play on normal difficulties without a health regen in meditation. I do not like difficulty increase via giving enemy a flat damage increase or health increase, but I do like difficulty increase through restrictions such as no health regen. I looked it up but couldn't find anything., Would someone kindly make a mod that removes health regen in normal difficulty? I can change difficulty before going to meditate but it's a great immersion breaking for me as I try to play without HUD. Thank you.
  3. AFAIK this mod does not exist as a separate module. When I played Requiem, I thought it was a great idea because 99 potions stacked in your bag makes you literally invincible to any attacks that doesn't 1-shot your character. If there is a mod that makes potions heal HP/stamina/Magicka over time(faster than foods) and if that rate is configurable, it would be so awesome.
  4. I know there's been a thread about this, but the last one is months old. Could anyone compare these three mods for me? I've read lots of reviews of the three mods, but reviews usually focused on each mod respectively, and I couldn't really tell the difference. I am not considering duke pattrick or Skyre as I've played with them both for a long time. Thanks in advance! I would like a combat experience of... 1. de-leveled world 2. brutal and unforgiving. I don't like exchanging dozen hits to kill an enemy. Requiem's speed is what I like. 3. Various styles are viable. 4. magic is balanced to reflect changes made in melee/bow combat by the said mod. Any words of wisdom?
  5. I edited the thread and it created another one =_= please delete this thread.
  6. Is there a combat mod that makes fights look less... um.... stupid? Skyrim's 2 hand takes literally like 2 seconds to swing full and that's painfully slow compared to real sword fighting. Is there a mod that speeds up swords/arrows/magics and overall pace of the battle?
  7. I wasn't able to find a mod that simply removes level-scaling and makes the world static. I've been looking for 2 hours with no success. "Unleveled Worlds" has been deleted with most other de-leveling mods for some reason. If you know a such mod could you share it with me? Thanks in advance.
  8. Long story short: 1. I don't reload. Ever. 2. almost half of merchants in the game were killed by dragon/vampire attacks. Now I need to travel between cities to sell anything. 3. I never understood why an apothecary would rush towards an ancient dragon with a iron dagger in his hand. So I want to prevent that from happening. Is there a mod that makes merchants flee from attacks, makes them essential, or re-spawn them when they die?
  9. I have tried that, and the problem persists. When the level change were minor(from 50 to 49) game didn't crash. Furthermore, when I edited the range of randomly generated NPCS that have a level range(with minimum and max level), it did not cause any problems. All these tests seem to indicate that there is a value I need to adjust to make it work.
  10. Editing NPC levels in "Populated Cities' causes a freeze http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9201//? This mods spawns randomly generated NPCs in cities. I like the mod, but some NPC's levels are too high for my taste. In CS, I edited Veteran's template from level 50 to 25. This one change leads to a freeze when I fast travel to areas where Veteran NPCs are spawned. Why would that simple change renders the whole mod unusable? I tried looking at the leveled list but with my limited knowledge in modding, I can't figure out what I should do along the change in level. Any help is appreciated. I'm this close to getting to ideal mod setting if this mod works with the level change I want to implement. :laugh: you could find mod's changelist by using 'ppop' as keyword in ck edit: I tried 55 too. That caused CTD as well. I tried disconnecting spawned NPC from template, didn't work. It seems there is a reason Veteran NPC's level is supposed to be fixed at 50. Any ideas? edit2: changing the ppop_templateveteran to level 49 worked. I have absolutely no idea why 49 and 50 are ok while 55 and 25 crash the game... :(
  11. Hi, I'm writing this off public library. Strangely, at my home I can't log into nexus or NMM. I have tried using my labtop, use different internet browser, clear cookies, change user account, registry cleanup, changing DNS, and none of these worked. It's almost been a week since then, and when I updated NMM, it corrupted my downloaded mods and I can't even play Skyrim now. :ohdear: I don't remember ever violating any forum rules.... Could anyone help me please? I really want to play!
  12. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1034421-cant-log-into-neither-nexus-or-nmm/ moved the thread. ps. sorry, I should have written this on tech forum. I would like to delete this but can't find the right button. plz delete this thread.
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