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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. Ban Dredge for being skilled but not strong
  2. Kudos for that last poem :)
  3. For some reason my character will not take any damage. I have just stood still and let creatures hit me and nothing happens. It doesn't even make the sound of a successful attack. I do not have god mode on and collision is on. Load order: (click spoiler) Please help. Kudos to anyone who even attempts to help
  4. Hey. Great job on the sites. :)
  5. They are crazy, yes. In my opinion, you reach the 'threshold' of too much when you SLI/Crossfire any card that was released this year.
  6. Pandora - Author: Anne Rice Just...wow. Captures the Roman civilization sooo well. Plus it has vampires so...yeah (not the crappy sparkly ones, the proper ones like in VTMB
  7. Indoril, do you have that post saved as a notepad document just in case a newbie posts here?
  8. OBMM has a built in Archive Invalidation. Look for it under utilities. When it's found, set it to universal mode and apply changes
  9. Kudos to the 666th viewer of my profile. Who will it be? XD
    1. Deleted54170User


      *I only have 665 personalities to change into and comment, to go, before I win! Yay!* I saw you peeking.
  10. Do you have Archive Invalidation activated? If not, turn it on
  11. ^^^ Likes eggs and spartans. Spartan egg children perhaps?
  12. Only way around that is to disable UAC (not really necessary when you have a good anti-virus)
  13. Do you have an ETA on the site redesign Dark?
  14. While we're on the subject, Minecraft Nexus anyone?
  15. Uninstall FOOK maybe? It was notorious for it's DLC problems in F3.
  16. I don't think there is a mesh for the moons. If there is, it will be the sky mesh. I'm sure there isn't one though.
  17. Are you using the Fallout 3 CASM for NV? I did that once and had problems similar to yours
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