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Everything posted by bida2

  1. The funny thing about giants in this industry is that they're almost never killed. They die out of ignorance and complacency.
  2. We hate it because it's an unfinished,broken,dumbed-down game,lacking quests and generally anything interesting to do.The quests are mainly "go to point A - kill enemies at point A - return to quest giver at point B". Rarely can you talk your way out of dangerous situations and even when you do,the storyline of the quest remains the same. There is no level cap which kills any difficulty and replayability the game has. Hey Bethesda,here's an idea : If you don't have any good ideas for a Fallout game,DON'T MAKE A FALLOUT GAME!!! Or,better yet,give someone else a chance at making a Fallout game. I'm sure Obsidian will gladly do another Fallout,if given the chance.
  3. I am looking for a mod that automatically respawns items,placed on the shelves in shops and display cases.
  4. Link us your mod OR search for compatability patches you may have missed. A 5-10 minutes CTD usually happens when there are some mod conflicts.
  5. Running out of memory was and is my primary guess, but why? people manage to run it normally, am I special or what? about OR and streamline - I tried using them both separately and together and there was no difference. Same for all of the patches and mods. I didn't notice any difference between using them and non-using. As to Optimizer textures - is it only useful if I use texture packs or even with non-modified textures? You're not special - literally everyone else has the same problem with the game - it crashes after a set amount of time. The problem stems from Oblivion's shitty game engine that clings to VRAM like Gollum to the Ring. Optimizer Textures fixed that problem for me and sped up my game too! If you're going with maximum compression,make sure to start a new game.
  6. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul looks pretty damn cool but I wish it had compatability with FCOM.For whatever reason,FCOM and MOO just don't mix in my Oblivion installation :sad:
  7. It's a problem I recently noticed. Enemies sometimes go in circles before finding their way to me. Sometimes they stop for a second or two while chasing me. Is this just Oblivion being Oblivion or is it caused by a mod?
  8. So,what kind of voice actors do you need? Will even amateurs with basic knowledge of audio editing do? Or are you searching for people with experience in voice acting?
  9. I'm having a major problem with this mod.I've reached the 3rd level of the Hole and the layouts started changing.That's cool,but there is a major glitch/bug where you spawn INSIDE the layout or beneath it in a giant pool of water.I've tried using noclip but the damn thing keeps teleporting me to random locations constantly.Is there a way to fix this or am I screwed forever? :/
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