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Posts posted by insidific

  1. Agreed with this, the wind turbines always felt pretty lacklustre and pretty useless as a source of electricity.

    More variation and the ability to upgrade it for greater electricity allowance would be good as suggested.

  2. And presidential campaign is going to be a compromise for the voters. There is not a single candidate from any party that I completely agree with..... Basically, it boils down to which platform I hate the least...... Republicans have abortion, dems have gun control. Then we have immigration reform, and foreign policy....... Both land mines for any candidate....... and there are many more. Donald is popular because he is different. He ISN'T a politician, and I don't think he has a clue what 'politically correct' means..... which, so far as I am concerned, is a vote in his favor. :smile: Of course, his lack of diplomatic skills might get us into a war........ Which is something else I am not really interested in.


    America basically needs to stop playing world police, and start concentrating on getting their act back together, right here at home.


    Pretty sure America doesn't want to stop playing world police, it's not in the interest to do that.

    You need someone who is politically correct in the white house, I don't think it'll benefit the US in anyway to have Trump leading the United States.

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