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Everything posted by Klipperken
That's pretty darn annoying... and useless... The point of merging is to unite them into one and get rid of old ones, no? :S
Thank you very much. So, it was doomed from the beginning? I thought, CK did this as well?
Hi all: I have all files put together in a massive tree. Tthen I went into Creation Kit. I tried to combine all the ESM and ESP into one, big file, containing ALL ESP information (dead simple). HOWEVER!!! This file refuses to remove the "Parent files", which makes combining quite a bit illogical. If I cannot delete the so called Parental ESM or ESP, despite all data is in the new, main ESP. It is cleaned MANUALLY to make sure there were no conflicts, and an automated check confirmed this. Then i toggled the Parental Files of... and the whole thing simply crashed. Tried again, this time trying to create Mod Specific files: Body stuff in a Body.ESP, Housing in a House.ESP, you get me. Began with Body, as this is in itself the smallest one, seen that it is hugely build upon Tex and Mesh files. There's not too much data in there. Easy, right? Put all graphical files, Skeleton files and such in the correct Tree. Put all the ESP's in the "root", creaste new ESP, put all the data of the ESP files in there... Manually clean it out, perfect... Untoggle the "Pare..." *crash* I TOTALLY fail to get, why I fail to actually combine all ESP's into a single ESP. In THEORY, it is oh SO simple... In reality then, no matter WHAT I try, the sodding ESP refuses to let go of said "Parental Files". After like 30 tries, I gave up.... Can someone please explain me, why CK refuses to let me untoggle these dependencies? Anyone an idea as to how to solve this? If you have ideas or pointers... I would be SO very happy... Thank you very much. Klip.
Greetings all: INTRO By know everyone knows of Cyberpunk, and some might know of a similar, but far more advanced role play game (Pen'n'Paper, TopDown/Turnbased RTS digital Game) Shadowrun. For those that do not: Shadowrun is a Pen'n'Paper (die cast game) by FASA - Fantasy Productions - Catalyst Game Labs set in 2050 original, but now sits around 2090, and has basically the same feeling as Cyberpunk. There are noticable differences: Shadowrun is not only VASTLY more deadly, it also features Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and even a few Trolls. It also features a ton of magical beings, such as Daemons, Vampires, Ghouls, Banshee, ... On top of that... well... the President is no less a Great Northern Dragon, named Dunkelzahn. Needless to say, it has magic... in all different forms... The corrupt world is lead by Corporations that fight among one another, either covert or overt, by all means necessary. The Police/Enforcement there is abnormal hard, and the top Enforcers, called Psycho Cops, do not mind leveling a few blocks to get to one person. Yes... it is that insane... It has all that CP has (literally) and more, SO much more. We got the normal things: Street Samurai, Deckers, Fixers, ... But we also have various styles in Magic, such as Physical Adepts (magically buffed combatants), Shamans, Mages, Elementalists, Necromancers, Summoners, ... Besides the constant threat of the police and other enforcement systems, the threat of the Corporations that do not care shooting a few unlucky bystanders, we also have the supernatural threats. In short, it is a wonderful, hyper-deadly reality, that, until today, not has been addressed in PROPER way, to PC... The Idea: To bring this into a Realtime FPS, where your personal cunning will be far more important than your ingame skill set. While CP did a reasonable job with the realm of Cyberpunk, I miss the advanced version of Shadowrun, which was darker, grittier, deadlier, more menacing, more... dare I say... Blade Runner, but with Elves, Deamon Critters and Magic. Being a Decker then, is a fairly "useless" character, since normally, if we obey the lore correctly, they basically "live" in the Matrix, being "actually logged in in that cyber reality" (yes, it is _to them (Dekcers) at least_ their reality. If this is to be implemented... we will need to find a way around this. However, before that, I will need to find a team that has an interest in doing this, a team that should understand the massiveness, and the time needed to make this work. The Question: To get to the question: Where could I best look for a team, that is interested in doing free work (thus unpaid, as this will be a mod (I think, this will depend on the team (YES the team will get a full saying in the matter))), and this consistently (which might be the biggest issue). As this is a second attempt to create a massive mod, and the previous one being ages ago (the time of FO - New Vegas), I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Thank you. Deeper information on Shadowrun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadowrun (Having the Source Books and understanding, is _obviously_ a plus.)
- cyberpunk
- shadowrun fps
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I am looking for the command name of both vehicles. This looks like v_sport1_quadra_turbo_r_player or v_standard2_thorton_colby_player. While i AM aware neither is a player vehicle, I still need both these command names. Thank you. Klip
- vehicle command name
- vehicle
(and 2 more)
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Chevillon Emperor 720 Orasaka Parking Unlock
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Cyberpunk 2077's Discussion
Anyone please on whether it can be done or not? Thank you: Klip -
Hi... I am in the beginning of the game, and managed to get me a Chevillon Emperor 720 Orasaka, while not even started Streetdoc/DocRipper mission. This vehicle is the only one I like to ride: it's sturdy, heavy, yet it is very easy to handle, and has decent brakes. Then there's the obvious off road capability... While I can place him at the hotel, he is not saveable by parking. In order to keep the vehicle in "good condition" it has to be saved, correct? Or is there another way to repair him when he's damaged? Also, it would be nice if I could call the Emperor while on mission. Thank you very much. Klip
Greetings, everyone: I am looking for information about modding Generation Zero, what tools are needed, what files to edit. Specifically, I want to revamp Weapon and Ammunition values, to a more realistic (though game balanced) style. If anyone can help me, I would be most appreciative. Thank you very much: Klip
So, The more I run around in The Witcher 3, the more markers I get. Completing them does not remove these, but turn them a lesser shade, less bright. What I would appreciate is a way to get done markers 'deleted' from the map. Is this already existing? If not, could someone be so kind to make this into a mod? Thank you. Klip
Hail all: What I always found weird, is that our hero needs to 'activate' his senses, or has to drink a potion to see better during the night. Seeing how trained and experienced our hero is, his senses should ALWAYS be active. Now, I agree, that could be quite annoying, hence I do not ask for his senses to be always active, but that these are toggleable. Especially handy when doing more than one thing at a time, one less button to hold. As for his 'night vision', it baffles me that our hero has gotten cat eyes, and STILL needs potions to see in the dark. Hence I request a mod that auto-triggers his eyes "from dusk till dawn" (if possible even "switching gears" as needed: from basic to superior as the darkness sets in), and where, depending on the present light in say a dungeon, his sight also adapts. Can this be done, and if so, would someone be so kind to do this? Thank you. Klip
Settlement Construction: Zoom Out for Large Constructions?
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@VanguardAscendant OOOOOH, niiiice, thank you, Sir!!! Klip. EDIT: Oh GREAT, this is what I needed. Thank you, I do not get how i missed that first mod... -
@jkruse05 Yes, true, but a fullblown version would be nice, especially on nowadays systems... Can't wait to see something realistic in that regard... :) @audiodef Well, as said, and it has been a while, I believe to remember a more rocky, metally station in NV? gonna reinstall NV, see if I am right, I will add about this once i know. ;) Thank you both, kind to respond. Klip.
@AGreatWeight Thank you sir for replying. I would not have mind a metal radio station, or punkish stuff, or at least something DIFFERENT than this music, as it tends to bore me after a while. Maybe Cyberpunk a la Sigue Sigue Sputnik, which would have suited the setting a wee (post-apocalyptic, war based songs like Mutual Asssured Destruction (or MAD) or Love Missile F1-11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfHxsjH0bUI things like that. A more heavier sound, especially for the Super Mutants, a Mutant Radio station for example. Now that I think of it, had New Vegas not such a radio station? But yes, the Fallout 1/2 atmosphere is not there. As for miniaturization, the very opposite more: we have them tiny batteries, but I am missing the large nuclear/fusion/fission plants? I simply cannot imagine they invented these batteries without the large plants been born first. Aside, how does one power a whole city, if not having these plants? There's a lack of industrial sized power plants in the Fallout series. You can't tell me, everyone ran their household on batteries, right? The water plant too, it should have given the whole 'state' purified water, but look at the size of it, it would barely have 1 shower and a toilet it could keep watered, hyperbole. Then... the Vaults are pathetically small as well. I remember the "live-size" Vault 24 for NV, now THAT was a Vault I would have loved to see implemented in FO4. Then, the PC's back then when it got released... Need to take that in mind as well, ofc. Although, they could have "Compartmentized" it in small sections, like they did in some vaults afore. Still. The tech side is very underwhelming, ESPECIALLY for the time line! Naturally, I feel this way, does ABSOLUTELY not mean I got it right, or I have a valid point. Still, loved to see more logical tech throughout FO4... Klip.
Nice writing, sir @jkruse05 . I called it steampunkish, because of the way the whole is constructed, it gives a steam, or dieselpunkish feeling. Hence the -ish. But take fission or fusion power: we got these nifty tiny mega-powered batteries, but no fission/fusion reactors, where they should have been born. I mean, we are working towards things like nuclear batteries further down in time, or fusion typed, or whatever we will invent, but it all begins a LOT bigger. Not so in the Beth stories, seems. They apparently invented batteries before the reactors. And no, I am not talking the micro reactors, of course. Which also should have been born out of the big plants. That is of course, following our invention line. Vehicles, I was not speaking of the lack there-off, but more the 1960 style of them. Another quite weird evolution, as if since the 1960 the time just... near grinded to a halt. No, not TIME, but evolution, rather. Save for a few oddities. But like music, has nothing been made anymore since 1960? So weird, compared to our world... Then again, like sir @Audiodef said, it is a world on itself, of course, which had followed a different tech path... Still, some things still do not add up, IMHO... Klip.
A simple discussion, really, but how do you see the settings of FO4? I mean, yes, there has been a nuke war. Sure, a LOT is gone. But let us be a tad realistic... The time setting in FO4 is 2287, and although it's a steampunkish theme, things do not add up. Let only take music... it NEVER changed since 1960? No new music was made since? Vehicles... the same (save for a few oddities like the Vertibird)? Housing (no skyscrapers, things like that)??? Furniture (with exception of the institute)? Technology? Sure, I do get it, the steampunkish take on it, but even then, it was 2077 when the Great War began, and then this "apeman" time feel? It surely does not add up, unless that world ran behind with everything for like 1'000 years or so compared to us...? A wee sad, really, I am not complaining, I just feel this is well... not right.... Thoughts? Do share, but keep it polite please. Thank you. Klip.
Settlement Construction: Zoom Out for Large Constructions?
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I kind of fail to grasp the reason why the creator made the large foundation blocks not snappable... What a bloody oversight!!! -
PA pieces not showing in PA Station
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@Moldy Well... not going for a reinstall... Thank you. -
PA pieces not showing in PA Station
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@Moldy wow, and this already was hell afore, before I got it stable... Hope your fix works. Thank you Sir!!! -
PA pieces not showing in PA Station
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@Moldy https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11017 (Enclave X-02) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26251 (Hellfire X-03) There you go, Sir. Thank you for replying. -
Settlement Construction: Zoom Out for Large Constructions?
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I am, had too, as some places refused building in it. Thank you, Sir. -
PA pieces not showing in PA Station
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@Moldy I'll load my load order up, sec... As for the questions: 1) PA frame. 2) I checked the PA station, any armor there shows up, just not the X-02 and X-03. 3) The X-02 is for sure, and the X-03 should be, from what I understood. Any other questions, Sir? Load Order: # This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content. # Please do not modify this file. *ArmorKeywords.esm *SettlementKeywords.esm *Homemaker.esm *VotWMaster.esm *EthreonMasterPlan.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *AWKCR - Automatron.esp *AWKCR - Contraptions.esp *AWKCR - Far Harbor.esp *AWKCR - Nuka World.esp *AWKCR - Vault-Tec.esp *AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp *AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp *AmazingFollowerTweaks_XDI_FIX.esp *AIO SS.esp *AWARHERO Japanese Decor Pack.esp *homemaker_workshop03_patch.esp *Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp *AnimeEyes.esp *KSHairdos.esp *UniquePlayer.esp *UniqueFollowers.esp *Childs of Settlements.esp *AndroidRace.esp *DLC04RaiderUnlock.esp *CompanionJasmineWITHQUEST.esp *CompanionLauraWITHQUEST.esp *CompanionEppie.esp *NWS_Barbara.esp *TinaDeLucaSettlerVoiced.esp *JezebelComp.esp *CaitStopsThreateningToKickYouInTheBallsAfterYouRomanceHer.esp *Crimsomrider's Companions Like Streaking.esp *YourHouseSurvived.esp *PrefabHouses.esp *Sanctuary shower.esp *NewSanctuary.esp *Crystal Skull Palace.esp *VotWStarlightDriveIn.esp *VotWSpecialVideos.esp *Museum_of_Freedom.esp *Museum_of_Freedom 2.esp *Museum of Freedom - Cut Content.esp *Minutemenoverhaul.esp *NPC Spawner.esp *PreWarAtomatoysFactory.esp *PreWarAtomCatsGarage.esp *Spectacle Island Court.esp *cpd.esp *ALOOT_Better_CPS.esp *MDFRedRocketClean_v3r4.esp *Fizztop_Grille.esp *MackenziesCave.esp *Sanc Cave v3.esp *rangerCabinClean.esp *SurvivalBunker.esp *Bridge Wall Bunker.esp *Institute Safe House.esp *institutebase (2).esp *InstituteBunker.esp *InstituteNoFog.esp *UnlockedTrailersProject[uTP]v2.0.esp *EntrancetoQASmoke.esp *Vault88InfiniteBuildSpace.esp *Vault88Extension.esp *xA_Vault88Extras.esp *xA_Vault88Extras-WindowPatch.esp *MoreVaultRooms.esp *VaultPlus.esp *ModularVault.esp *Vault98.esp *V111Clear.esp *Vault118.esp *MTM-No Build Limit-AllDLC.esp *VltElevatorDLC.esp *Vault88BetterExits.esp *Vault-Tec_PoweredDoor.esp *vault_door_fixed.esp *Vault88UnlimitedBudget.esp *Improved Vault Lighting.esp *AkaWaterWorld.esp *DiamondNewVendors.esp *MasterworkArchitectureProject.esp *ManufacturingExtended.esp *ManufacturingExtendedFH.esp *cartman1975_concrete-glass.esp *Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp *hzy-newfurniture.esp *OCDecorator.esp *OCDispenser.esp *HZS Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds.esp *VTEC Care Package.esp *CWSS Redux.esp *Colored Workshop Lights.esp *Settle-SRR.esp *UnbreakableSettlement.esp *TheMobileMechanic.esp *QASmokeComplete.esp *Scrap Everything - Core.esp *Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp *ScrapDeadThings.esp *Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp *TheGrinder.esp *Scavenging Station Plus - C.esp *Scavver's Toolbox.esp *screwspringtogoodscrap.esp *jDS_MutRoot.esp *HomePlateConnected.esp *WhirligigRadarStation.esp *WorkshopCombatArmorBuilder_Poh.esp *BuildPaStation.esp *FoodGenerators.esp *ContraptionsFoodProcessorProvidesFood20BETA.esp *ISH Contraptions Add On.esp *AS_PowerArmorStation.esp *AS_Institute_Workstations.esp *AS_CraftableInstituteStations.esp *AS_Food_Synth.esp *MakeYourOwnSynths.esp *LaundryDay.esp *replicator.esp *RemoveTurretPowerReq.esp *AkaMoveYourWorkbench.esp *ZebrinasWorkshopDevices.esp *Constructible_Reactor.esp *FusionGeneratorJuiced.esp *Generators 1.3.esp *SmRB.esp *SolarPower.esp *Kuun's Fusebox Generator.esp *Kuun's Cable Hooks.esp *LightboxPower.esp *Kuuns -50 Radius Conduits.esp *pylon 2.0.esp *OverhaulReactor-Generator.esp *Water.esp *WaterTowers.esp *Water Purification Stations.esp *BB_Purifier.esp *Well_Pump.esp *fountain.esp *Water Pump Happiness.esp *HappyMaker.esp *OverhaulPump-Purifier.esp *UtilFix.esp *Unlimited-P-F-W.esp *infinite.esp *More Loot in Containers.esp *More Loot in Boss Chest.esp *PortableContainer.esp *LootablePAFrames_Chance100.esp *LootableSkeletons - All DLC.esp *Hellfirenew.esp *EnclaveX02.esp *N7-Armor-Standalone_by_Ruddy88.esp *Sierra117V3.esp *HN66-SiriusArmor.esp *CUTE.esp *CUTE Animated Jetpack - JFAO Patch.esp *NanoSuit.esp *NanoSuit_AWKCR_AE.esp *Generalofthearmy.esp *John Wicks Revenge Suit.esp *new_Minutemen_General_Armor.esp *Durable Power Armour PC - 95.esp *Durable Power Armour NPC - 95.esp *HitmanSuitF4.esp *JamesBondTux 30x.esp *CleanSuitsFix.esp *CleanLabcoat.esp *Special Ops Goggles.esp *RingOfLowMaintenance.esp *FreeFallRing.esp *Blood Angels Death Company Paint.esp *MilitaryShadowedPaintJob.esp *Lava4k.esp *QASmokeAdditionalArmour.esp *ACR-W17.esp *alexHeroRifle.esp *ASVektor.esp *BetaWaveModified.esp *BullpupBozar.esp *DOOMMAC11.esp *JaguarLMG.esp *McMillanCS5.esp *Quad_Accelerator.esp *No Recoil V 0.3.esp *UniqueWeaponFix.esp *PushAwayCompanions.esp *EasyHacking.esp *RadioHijack.esp *InfiniteWellRestedXP.esp *weighlessscrapitems.esp *radio.esp *InstaBell.esp *useless_mod_dlc.esp *useless_mod.esp *VendorTrunk.esp *Cheat Shop.esp *InfiniteFusionCore.esp *Better Adhesive.esp *GoldBars.esp *FULLFIXX.esp *Northland.esp *Northland Diggers.esp *Spirit Forms - Legendary Creatures.esp *KosTestzilla.esp *GojiraStandard.esp *DeathclawVariety.esp *Glaedr.esp *NightstrikerCreatureMod.esp *NightOfTheCreeps.esp *MODspider.esp *MODaquatic.esp *Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp *deatchclawegg3.esp *noexplode.esp *Kungfumaster.esp *PIP-Pad.esp *LongerPA and Pip Boy Light Distance.esp *SettlementContainers_NoRespawn.esp *AdvBubbleTurretSet.esp *SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp *TucksTerminal.esp *Auto Loot.esp *The Eyes Of Beauty.esp PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp -
PA pieces not showing in PA Station
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Anyone please? -
Hail. I got to Starlight drive In. Cleaned it through ScrapAll (note: I run multiple Scrapping tools simultaneously, even that water pit was scrapped, the field is EMPTY). Now, first things first: foundations. I have a few settlement Construction Mods, that offer me just that: FOUNDATIONS. Huge blocks that i can use for... well, foundations eh. Now, my issue: These blocks sadly are NOT Snappable (Hmmm... maybe a snapping tool or five might help me... if I only could install them... i am at the end of adding mods) which leaves me to do this visually. But there I run a snag.... I cannot zoom them out to lay them right! Is there a cheat to do this, or another type of work-around, so I can zoom them much further out so I can actually create a nice, huge flat bed for my houses to be build on? Or is there some mod out there that might pull this of? Blast, means i need to drop a mod... but yeah. Thank you. Klip.
[Discussion]Mod Amount Limit: Could it be overcome?
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Mine is super steady, save for the Lair... So weird...- 27 replies
- mod amount limit
- mod limit
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Institute Craft without quest finished?
Klipperken replied to Klipperken's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
@pra Thank you, Sir.