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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Well, one does not really exist without the other. The other then, CAN exist without the one... God what a confusing world this is. XD But let's be a second serious: a "real romance" does include sex, obviously, but sex would not per se mean a relationship. Once someone says romance, then i think of a full-fledged relationship, not a FLIRT, which is something ENTIRELY different, I guess. Well to me it is, anyway. All is relative, and in the eye of the beholder, ainnit?
  2. Just making sure, brother. BTW, had your mod installed, but took it off again, I kind of missed the quests. I know, I'm insane...
  3. Wait a second here. 1) I figured IMMERSION would be a logical thing for FO4. 2) Read above. 3) Though they are not real humans (different universe/reality/whateverthylikes) they share our emotion, intelligence and moral. Thus, this should, IMHO, be implemented as such as well. And for those that see it different, add some hookers. :tongue: Aside, and FYI, this thread is named romance, not porn or sex topic, heheheh...
  4. Ugh, when I said pewpewpew, I meant combat in general? I thought for a second that was obvious. Too much combat, far to little on RP, IMHO. Hence my idea of FO5 being overrun by Na'vi... i mean Alines... , and you have to choose your allies carefully. :tongue: Interaction, thus. RP, if you like.
  5. I hope far more on interaction than pewpewpew... The pewpewpew becomes boring after a while, especially since the story is just so-so...
  6. imma wait a few weeks before i do the update. Just should new bugs pop their ugly head up.
  7. Not a clue, honestly... Not a card game fan, really.
  8. Why not do it yourself? You speak of Pen-and-Paper, which would seem you know about Role Play. I've had my share of this, prefered Earthdawn by FASA, but played like Warhammer (NOT-40 K, NOT tabletop), Shadowrun, god so many of them... Basically, this game is D10 based. So that was easy. Making a character sheet is fairly simple as well. It comes down to tuning the creatures that can prove quite a challenge, but hey, if you REALLY want to, we can put our heads together? Love to help you out there.
  9. Man, I really do not want to run into myself in whatever game. My ugly mug doesn't fit for games. XD
  10. well, it's no longer Fallout, is it. It became CoD, or Planetside 2, just single player.
  11. I disagree. Fallout 5 should come to existence, maybe in a different way. No more fighting Raiders, no more fighting gunners, in fact, you NEED to get them on your side. Reason: a shitload of Aliens (which are here so that ain't a problem nea moar) invading Earth and wrecking havoc on it. Well, that would be one idea. No more a mere PEWPEWPEW game, but one that focusses far more on diplomacy, choices made, choosing your friends and enemies VERY carefully, some factions might backstab you. Maybe not even the ones you expect it from... Hmmm, I can see this so work out....
  12. Being 46, married with 5 kids now 23 years, I haven't got much of a choice there, do I. A man does not leave his family behind, he fight for what he has, until he either wins, or drops dead.
  13. You ask about Fallout: my answer: all of them, into one. It IS one universe, right? If you'd ask me to pick one fo either TES or Fallout, I'd be stuck too. But NV is just as Fallout as 4 is. It just takes place in different parts of the Fallout planet. But that's how I see it, of course. Mere a personal PoV...
  14. Not really, and far more immersive, too. Even had a sex option (but that was a soundfile with screen going black). I mean, if you do not maintain your relationship, well... it won't survive, would it?
  15. My friend, I said: "It's NOT a bad mod, BUT..." As in, to ME it's not an interesting mod. One misses out on too much, IMHO, most important: exp. to me. You did not have to defend yourself, my friend... :smile: Never meant any disrespect or disapproval, au contraire. Many seem to use your mod, this to me would mean it is a bloody good one. It's like Jazz, I despise Jazz, I hate Jazz with such passion, even the worst Sith Lord could learn from me when it comes to hatred (jk rofl). But i won't EVER say it's bad. I could not, thousands upon thousands upon thousands that adore Jazz. But it's simply not for me. Proof that your mod is really wanted: just look in here, these quests seem to drive many a player insane, so hell, it's a bloody darned good mod. Juuuuust not to me. XD Merely saying, ol' chum. :wink: BTW: I play in "Hardcore In Extremis", I do not ever save until the end of my gaming session. And I just had another brutal death (got overrun by 12 or more Deathclaw, two of them Legendary (and I use the Harder Legendary Bosses mod combined with MoreSpawns). Which is why I hopped in here to read up. But this means I have to AGAIN roll me a character (I DO have a save in V111, just before the exit), and I am thinking to even try your mod. After a thousand and probably even more of these Minutemen quests, it becomes to be... well... BORING... XD I'd like to advance a tad further for once. ;) So, yes, I'm going to give your mod a run...
  16. I agree there. However, TES 3 had quite a few awesome mods when it comes to bodies and relationships (non-sexual), one was in which you had to maintenance your relationship to keep it high up. Ignoring the partner resulted into loss of relationship ranking. Pretty darned clever mod, if you ask me.
  17. You mean net porn? Anyone can use so it not that hard to make a porn empire. I think cable TV is controlled by the big guys? Yet again cable has game of thrones. Confusing horny westerners are confusing. Shows like Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Ray Donavon, etc that have explicit sexual content are pretty much ONLY on premium cable channels, aka you paid extra for them so its okay to have that content. I cannot think of a channel you will ever see nudity in any extensive form on NON-premium channels. Censoring language is another funny one... watching a guys head get blown off with a shotgun, brain matter everywhere.. thats ok, no need to censor that... but the guy that shot him saying "Take that mother f***er" and THAT needs censored. A word. (I censored in case of children here... I normally wouldn't care to, its just a stupid word.) This is exactly one of these paradoxical things...
  18. Well, it IS the US. Speaking as an outsider (I'm Belgian) the US does not make ANY sense. They say one thing, but do the opposite, it looks as if their entire culture is based on paradoxical thinking. One cannot show a breast on TV, but about 70% of all porn originates there. Myeah, I are teh baffled by this.
  19. That is not a bad mod, but it does take away a ton of stuff such as loot, exp, ... Strange, I thought this loop was actually meant to be... o_O
  20. HAH, for something we never did, y'mean, and never shall, since not there. He has us on a wild goose chase here. XD
  21. But according to a few we are mere sims in a giant digital experiment. So, should this be the case... well... :P
  22. She ain't happy, maybe even think to do really bad things to you. Preferably VERY slowly...
  23. Too bad she ain't Scottish. Not kidding here, it would make her stand out.
  24. I actually succeeded in this, but there is a catch: you need to get close to the NPC WITHOUT being detected to manage it. Also this mod can help: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3881/? I use this to experiment. How to go ahead: (commands) TDetect Head to the wanted NPC and select him/her followed by: setconsolescopequest followers1 forcerefintoalias recruit01 setplayerteammate 1 setrelationshiprank player 4 setav ca_affinity 1000 sifh 1 NOTE: make sure you are ALONE, a companion/follower will fu... dge things up for you. Maybe before anything use the TAI command in conjunction with TCAI. Remember to turn it off again. I made a Gunner join like this, as well as a Sentry bot. I recommend NOT to get a sentry bot, he will drive you nuts!!!
  25. At the border: open console, type TCL, hit enter, and go past it. One thing though, don't expect much there... Once behind the border, consle, TCL and enter to make you clip again. Enjoy, lol
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