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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Hmm, odd... I figured that would be a solution, have you also given yourself good standing with them (0 = friendly, 1 = allied)? Could be you need to redo this mission... :S Which would mean reverting to a point before the mission. Then add yourself to the faction with 1 as digit. If I got Console commands right, that is. Of course, you cannot kill them or fight them, would make them angry, I reckon. targetID.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> – Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.targetID.RemoveFromFaction <faction id> – Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or targettargetID.removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player from the "player faction" if used on the player.setally <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally
  2. How very odd... I haven't had a single issue so far. And i am running quite a few mods.
  3. More Spawns and Tougher Enemies i consider a must-have... But that's me.
  4. Have you tried aligning with that group? Not changing the NPC's alliances, but adding that one to your own?
  5. Well, I've been quite lucky with the other one thus far, but one needs the NV exes in the root of the game folder of FO4. It works quite well. Not that I have done a lot yet with it: extreme shortage of time, and been camping on the toilet bowl the past 16 hours. :sad: Anyway, thank you, good Sir!!!! Most appreciated, going to check into it. :smile: God, back to the toilet bowl.
  6. My OK button in Merge Plugin stays grayed out? Any solution for this, please? Got a workaround: I placed both NV exes in the FO4 folder, and run it as NV...
  7. No, tripple checked, and then again, it is all there, in the new file, but still, it keeps requiring the parent file for some reason... Question is: how do i remove the references? I too believe this is where things go haywire, but how to remove them? On a different note: I downloaded this Merge Plugins program, pretty neat, if only it was compatible with FO4... I cannot get it to work for FO4... :(
  8. Odd that i missed that. But I try to stay away from non-official sites. As for the rest, care to be a tad more in depth about what you are saying? Is this about the "might be in the future"?
  9. What is the mind? Your brain, or the data it holds? Yes again this question, i know. Already we have long distance/no time copying through identical but reversed atoms, known as Quantum Entanglement. Still sure we won't ever be able to "Cut'n'Paste, say 200 years from now? If you would speak of a train going 200 times the speed of a horse, back in the early 1800's, they would not believe you. But right this very moment, Quantum Entanglement IS a fact. Who knows where it will be in 200 years. What seemed entirely not possible back in the early 1800, is not just as impossible now, is it. :smile:
  10. About this: The past few days I have been hopping settlement after settlement, repairing turrets, water systems, generators, the whole lot, and 100% of it. Upon returning to the first settlement, everything AGAIN is smoking, in need of repair. I understand this can happen due to an infiltrating Synth, but with a 100% certainty on all settlements at one? This is BLOODY strange. I cannot imagine all settlements at once being infiltrated up to 100%? Even Sanct has this issue. Though I hate modding, imma think to make these systems invulnerable. I'm SO bloody tired fixing this in a continuity... :(
  11. I get you, but this clone, would he be aware of what he is? Would he not think, you would be the clone? If one is transfered, "copied" into perfection, then who is to say which of one is you? Would YOU know who it is? Then we get to the argument of: can this copy be seen as just this, a copy? Ethics. Moral. A debate with no end. Some would say, the copy, no matter how perfect, is but mere a copy, and thus not prone for considering it valuable enough to be seen as a being. Others would severely disagree. What would you do? Let's put this into a different light: What makes you you? Your body, or the data you hold in your skull? Once you got that figured out, the answer is quite simple.
  12. Poor chum, that was at Mor, lol. Didn;t you see the name in the quote used by me? :P I stay away from console, unless I am clearing the streets, lol.
  13. And still they act as if they are God, knowing ALL and then some. Frikken irritating. And then there's the contradictions. So, do tell me, whom do i go with. If I take 10 different Astronomers, professor in their field, i will hear 6 different views. Whom do i shoot? Whom do i follow? Where do I go? There is SO MUCH forest, that the trees went missing in the fields of science. And let's be slightly reasonable: some ideas out there are simply beyond LSD overdose in extremis. Uh ooh: I made a mistake: I thought the forum would auto-merge the posts, as it is on modern forums, my bad. I did not mean to post upon my post, Sir Admin/Moderator.
  14. But that's it, they are nothing but interpretations. Imaginary. Voodoo. No hard science. No: Here is a tree, it is here because you can feel, see, smell, even taste it hardcore science. Nothing but... wild imagination, for all I care. Einstein "proved" that the speed of light is the fastest speed that can exist, I do not agree with this, I for one know an even faster one: the moment. There was this... oddity... in CERN where the speed barrier was broken, but then, they took this back, saying it was a fluke recording, an error in there machine. For long i was following up in this, but to none surprise, no further info on this, what caused this fluke recording, nothing. Sure, they could not repeat the process (on what i seem to understand as not being fixed at all). Now, we all know of oddities that happen: People can be born very small to very big. We can have 2 genital parts, I mean, nothing is certain. DID they actually break this speed limit? I'm inclined to believe this, that they had an oddity going on, a bizarrity, an anomality. In the '30s they believed, that the ultimate speed was the speed of sound, passing this barrier, some SCIENTISTS even believed, would open a gate to hell, and bring forth demons. Now, OK, back then they were not as evolved in rational thinking, but still. Right now, we passed this limit by a few times. Heck, Lockheed's SR72 will be quite a ship right there. Think Big Bang: this tiny object, a ball of all, the Singularity, would explode in this absolute nothingness, and create two third (according toooooo.... forgot which professor) of the known galaxy in 0.07 second. Let's calculate a wee: seeing how ginormous the universe is, and the speed of light being 299 792,458 km/s or 186282m/s, about how much would be made? NOT AT ALL 2/3rd i reckon. Heh, not even .00000000000000001. But hey, 2/3rd in 0.07 seconds... ...would mean... ...slightly above... no? We cannot measure above this limit, and certain elements would indeed indicate this would be implausible!, but not impossible. Now, I spoke of MOMENT, not TIME, two entirely different things, time is relative, prone to for one gravity, and temperature, and... The moment is an abstract something, it's within time, but it's therefor not time. Like wood is in a tree, but a tree is therefor not in wood. It's something not even scientists are clear about. I once heard a Jesuit say: "God is the moment. The moment is God." Who knows he was on the right track. Math is indeed powerful, but it's not divine. Math didn't get it always right. Why else would some math equations be reviewed. We learn everyday, and this learning curve results to new approaches. Take this big bang again: of course, it's all theory, nice and very mathematical, but think: IF 2/3rd of the universe was indeed created in 0.07 seconds... Well this alone would be quite some proof Einstein had it wrong. And nowaday scientists as well, I reckon. However, as stated, science does a marvelous job contradicting itself, specifically in the theoretical field. And i am lost, hopelessly, right now...
  15. Seems you missed this part, Mor. :tongue: Marvelous, another thinker, which is what we need: As to the WHY it gets the attention of every nutcase: the Fi part in the whole, of course. One dreams of things that are above him. The very thing in Sci-Fi, right? As to qualified to ... bunk or reality: I'm not dumb, thank you. I am quite aware of what is reality, and what is bunk, BUT! Our friend of the Voyage to the Moon in basically a cannonbal, 20K leagues under the sea and hopping around the ball in 80 days was back then considered pure Fi, no? Nice to read, BUT pure idiocy nonetheless. Well, "few days later"... Well, give or take a century here. XD What is total hogwash right this very moment, might be a truth tomorrow. Sure, we cannot YET make a chip-sized or CPU sized quantum unit, but this does not have to be true 50 years from now. Remember the very fist "PC" (forget the Personal part lol): ENiAC? Not quite what we have on our kitchen table today, right? If you told scientists back then, their machine, (oh, and I am aware of earlier "computers" but this is the first DIGITAL one), only a billion times better, would fit into basically a pack of cigarettes, they probably would've killed you: reason: dangerous insanity. This leaves an open field, in which the proverbial nutcase makes his niche. Then again... Where will quantum computing be, 50 years from now? It still in it's pre-infancy, and already the results are, if not baffling, surprising for sure. Where will this end? Only God, or whatever you believe in, knows... Take anti-matter: "forever" (give or take a few millennia) they thought it would be the end of the world. Now, some believe it's even less dangerous than a new-born kitten... What the hell am I to do with all these contradictions. Take ANY science branch, and there will be "scientists" contradicting the next one. And all earlier ones. Where do i begin, what do i believe? Questions, far FAR more than answers. I am CERTAINLY no scientist, but I an't sdubit either. I try to use common sense. Black Holes: The newest thought is: a Black hole is not what we thought it was, no, it has no attraction at all: we saw an object passing through one". Oh yeah, I so believe this. Immediately. And if you did not get it, this was pure sarcasm. Your Schroedinger: "The cat is both DEAD as well as ALIVE UNTIL!!!!! I go to check on him." Well, simplified. WHAT THE HELL???? Let that poor cat alone, fu**er, and step in the box yourself. Aside this: how bloody moronic was this? Even though an objection, that's pure insanity right there. I prefer the approach of Von Daniken then. Sadists. But yes, it was quite a thing back then. Point is: Where do we go with some of our ideas. Forever (give or take, well you get me) we were SURE there is the universe. Now it's not just a universe, but a multiverse which is existing, but not really being it a sim in reality, but this is prone to Einsteins relativity, thus it being, F**CK that, make up your minds please. i am lost now. TOTALLY. Help? Pwease? :D UH OOOOOOH: Shift Failure detected in ENIAC. My bad.
  16. Why on earth would you be in TCL mode whilst scrapping/building? o_O I asked about a problem placing items through a spawned workbench, where I could not place items on the ground, they simply "fall" through the floor. Someone said, it could be scrapper mods doing this. Haven't come around to test this, but he made sense... Are you running any crapper mod? If so, turn it off and retry. If multiple: try shutting them down one by one, until, hopefully, you found the culprit. IF this/these is/are the cause, of course.
  17. The suits are HEnV suits, seems. Well, they should be at least. So this would be normal, IF not found in the open. The bombs would have fried the techology to drive these, if left in the open, but for some weird reason the creators said: "Meh... screw that." Vehicles left outside would have this very same issue. Vehicles found inside bunkers or similar buildings shielding technology should have functioning vehicles. I believe though, since there aren't even horses left, just cows, which you can't saddle up, they REFUSE any form of transport means BUT fast hop around the land. Reason why: likely because: 1) EVERYTHING is a weapon. A car or other vehicle can be used to run over an enemy, or would a too good system to avoid/escape encounters like the Behemoths. 2) You'd be hopping too fast around, and not see half the world they created. ESPECAILLY random placed annoyances like Mole Rats and the like. We can't have that, now can we? 3) the very danger this vehicle might prove to be, not for you the player, they WANT you to die!, but the opponents: drive into a heap, run and shoot car: fun guaranteed. And we HATE fun. 4) Fill in any other nonsensical but humourous ideology in the same form, one cannot run out of ideas in the matter. :) But no matter how, there aren't any, and unless someone provides a mod for this, i fear we will not ever have a ride, in whatever form. Save for elevators, f**k know why THEY still work...
  18. Properties of the FO4 launcher? Of the FO4 exe? Why would you need this, if I may be so curious?
  19. On a totally different and yet THIS topic: the Quatum State of matter: Matter could be as well there, there in multiple phases, as not there all in the same time until observed. Well, simplistically put, this is. It's a tad more complicated, but it comes down to this. Now, I, being a philosopher, have a serious problem there. How can this makes sense, that matter is in all these states simultaneously UNTIL observed? If this was true, would this matter not be in STILL this multiple phase state when observed? Why does it become single-phased once observed? Why would something have a behavior and then "turn 'normal'" (as in a single phase, note) as soon as you look at it? This state is theoretical, not yet proven, but the logic behind this theory is so insane sounding. I asked a few scientists, and the best answer I got was "Because it is so, check the "theory". As far as I know, "theory" is fantasy until proven otherwise, sorry, but that is how it is. Thoughts?
  20. UUUUHHHH? And what does the moon with water and tectonic plates then???? Or is that magnetism? Black magic??? Also, the sun holds us in place as a planet, and by no means the sun is under our feet, or am i mistaken? UhuruNUru said it good, I did not get this far yet (V81 is the furthest i got due to deaths: I play on Extreme Hardcore (my own settings) in which i ONLY save at the end of my gaming session: dead is DEAD, delete and restart. But I run a variety on Hardcore Mods like More enemies, More spawns, ...). So, Sir, i salute you. DESPERATLY NEEDED READINGS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_computing (laymens form) Funny, for the heck of it i tried a google on human brain vs quantum computing: I think you should do this, and be baffled. Sadly, where i hoped to find SOME reference in the specific matter, none was to be found, I knew why, but even then. Maybe, just maybe, it might change you FoV to 360 as well... :wink:
  21. I prefer the manual form, so i can select what to keep, and what not. Sometimes, such as for NPC's, I like to keep one change, but not another, for faces for one. Now, how to remove the references... I tried the cleaning option, but as soon as i disable them (not yet remove them, to be sure I still have them when error arise) the game CTDs. Even with minor changes done to the new file compared to the original. Seems it keeps to need the original. Any info on how to remove the refs? Thank you, brother.
  22. I agree: it's far too binary. either 0 or 1. No inbetweens. Sadly, this seem to be a thing in FO4. :(
  23. Heh, and being inorganic means it cannot live? For all we know there are living bread machines on Venus. Or highly intelligent energy orbs on Jupiter. That was quite short through the corner, I think. MAYBE there is some spot where "actual robots" even live. We humans are on the verge of adding technology to improve ourselves. What if we go this far, we become Synths? Or even Terminator bodied humans? Imagine we DO become Terminator bodies with actual completely downloaded human existence from a person, in what way would this be a 'machine'? Sure, it has mechanical parts. But ALSO a complete human mindset, ability to create, destroy, to feel, t reason and think... If not alive, what would thing "thing" then be? Seems you missed the Quantum PC part: we are on the- far away still -verge to create AI that will be able to learn. Even rewrite itself someday. This tech will overcome human intelligence. Even if we try to restrict it's thinking, it will become smart enough to overcome that barrier. And this is NOT sci-fi, scientists know this will eventually happen You could say: and why would we make such a moronic device? The obvious reason, because... WE CAN! Or, because we will be able to, to be correct, we're not quite there yet, but this event overthrows everything said, right? Of course, we're humans, humans are by definition parasites, and although we have Pyramids, sky scrapers, airplanes, have walked on the moon and have toys merrily hopping around on Mars, we have, in about 250.000 years that we are on this planet, STILL not learned how to live with one another, not to mention with our environment. I've been on scientific forums, and I was grinning when they spoke of how humans will become extinct. It went from a disease over a mega volcano eruption to comets. I wrote: "None of this will be our end, only one end we shall know: human stupidity." It's been 9 months since... and none replied on this. Guess they knew where truth was. And? Doesn't stop the fact that some day, humans can make a brain that is human like that can replace it. We already made eyes, hearts, legs, spines etc. Human like is not human. One day maybe some alien will stomp on you, like we stomp on bugs. THEY won't be human either. What kind of answer is that. 0_O Here's a question, "Does their programming fit within one programmed subroutine, or, is it like planting a few seeds, and leaving the seeds to be able to have the freedom to outgrow the planter's original design, and become something on their own?" In other words, did the institute merely plant the seeds for a basic personality, and have the program (Synth) DECIDE and make rational choices on how to react to the stimuli presented, or not? That's the biggest question, because if so, then the Synths indeed have free will to make their own minds up and choices, and therefore, are just like humans in nearly every way, and especially the most important way, full sentience complete with free will. And just here is where i trip and either will fall or not: 1) Just HOW were they meant to be: to learn, or not to learn. 2) How capable are they? The earlier Gens are basically quite nice calculators. The Gen 3 are DARNED human, but possibly still flawed. Possibly. Gen 4 and on... well... But even a Gen 3 is bloody much a living being, no?
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