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Status Updates posted by ShadeyJK

  1. I have returned, old friend.
  2. Say wut? lol. I've had one since like January lol.
  3. Say wut? lol. I've had one since like January lol.
  4. About time you made an account here lmao. Welcome, Corey, to the land of Kael!
  5. Nice to see yorudoing great MikeRyan. As for me....nothing much.
  6. Hello MikeRyan, It has been a while since we have last spoken to each other, how are ye?
  7. Hey, I sent you a PM. could you pwease answer my PM?
  8. Hey, I sent you a PM. could you pwease answer my PM?
  9. **gives mike some cake and a pony**
  10. Yay!! And have parties and kill peasants!!!
  11. Iz iz az doingz greatz manz. do you want to be friends?
  12. I iz a doingz greatz.
  13. Hey, i gave you a kudos for helping me with that situation in the chatroom
  14. Yay...I am sweet and covered in the blood of peasants!
  15. nice job with deadly reflex! :)
  16. how would you like to be friends?
  17. does he now...
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