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About Flipout6

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    Fallout series, Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Far Cry 2, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Star Wars: Empire at War
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    Fallout: New Vegas

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  1. Hm, did I accidentally give myself a 5 for a user rating or is that kind of thing voted, similar to kudos? (I am a pure GENIUS to not know this.)
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    2. BaldurAnthology


      Apparently people don't like me much :C I got a 2 star rating.. and it keeps fluctuating back to 1
    3. Flipout6


      Well, I'm flattered, then. And no worries Bryce, you're fine in my books.
    4. BaldurAnthology


      *Smiles* Thank you. Feel free to leave a rating, or a kudos point :P Personally, I don't care about receiving it too much.
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